Sparks by C.P. Mandara - HTML preview

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A big thank you to all my wonderful beta readers and Facebook friends who always step up to the rather tricky task of judging my covers and reading my books before they’ve had a good edit. Without you my books would probably be unreadable as you manage to figure out that my heroine can’t see things when she’s wearing a blindfold, and that it’s really difficult for her to talk if she’s gagged. You also help me to correct my numerous errors and give me your truthful opinions, which are more valuable than pixie dust. (The stuff that makes you fly without wings). (That is what pixie dust does, right?)


A special thank you to all my beta readers! I don’t know what I would do without you.

For everyone who’s helped me along the way, thank you, thank you, and thank you! Big  virtual hugs to you all!