77 Secrets Of Love by Alexandra Fox by Shadhin Khan - HTML preview

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Chapter 1:

Awaking To Your Strongest


1 Lovefare Is Warfare

Out of all the things in the world, a woman has the most at stake in the battle of love: her time, her reproductive resources, her life and her happiness. A woman can be the most successful CEO, but if her love life is a mess, she will always be disappointed. During a recent survey, more than 75% of the female executives on Wall Street claimed they would be willing to ditch their high-powered career for the man of their dreams.

These point to the fact that lovefare is the one battle a woman cannot afford to lose. In ancient times, when a woman lost her man to another female, she would face death. She needed a strong hunter to provide food and resources to survive. Things are not as deadly serious in the modern world, but if you want to completely succeed and “make it” in today's world, your love life needs to be handled, and handled well.

Understanding how to get a competitive advantage in the battle of love is not about playing games, tricking men or misleading anyone. It is about winning and winning for your own sake, your own happiness and your own quality of life. It is about refusing to be the sad woman who, at the end of the day, says that she was unlucky in love.

There are no unlucky women in love, only lazy women who refuse to spend the time learning what really works. The whole purpose of Secret 1 is for you to understand the importance of learning how attraction works. I want you to take it seriously and start taking responsibility for your own happiness.

Luck and success follow those who take responsibility and who never blame their circumstances.