77 Secrets of Seduction by Alexandra Fox by Shadhin Khan - HTML preview

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5 The Most Reliable Indicators of His Desires

So, if a man's words can not be trusted, what could be trusted? What's a reliable source of information? And how can you dig the information out.

Here is how:

A man's past relationships will give you some of the most important information you need about understanding his hot buttons, attraction triggers, what works for him, and what doesn't.

Although it's important that you know what didn't work out in those relationships, the most important information you need to dig out is what DID work in that relationship.

What made her attractive in his eyes? A man is innately selfish and he won't waste his time on someone he is not attracted to. There must be something about her that attracts him; something that, despite everything else, made him want to stay with her.

Once you find out what worked to attract him, you would have discovered the things he unconsciously is attracted to.

From my experience, asking about his longest relationship will always give you a lot of information. Find out what made him want to have a relationship with her. What made him want to spend all that time with her?

You may have to do an analysis here yourself, since most guys don't know what things attract them.

No next up, we'll talk about the difference between a man' logic mind and his emotional mind. Knowing the difference is crucial.

To learn the secrets to connect with a man's

emotional mind and make him feel a burning attraction to you,

click on the link below. You have more influence

on his decisions than you think…


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