77 Secrets of Seduction by Alexandra Fox by Shadhin Khan - HTML preview

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3 Most Men are Confused

Here's the reality: most men are confused. They can be the smartest guys when it comes to work, but when it comes to what make them feel deep attraction for a woman, they're just as confused as we are sometimes. The thing is that most men don't know what they want. Take up the challenge (AND the responsibility) to figure out what he truly wants and then give it to him.

Have you ever met a guy who told you something like this, “I like a nice, honest woman who doesn't play games and who truly cares about me.”

Then, you see this exact same guy fall for a woman who play games and who doesn't care about him at all.

Have you ever dated a guy who told you he liked a woman to act a certain way and when you did exactly as he asked, he got bored and lost interest?

And how about this one?

The guy would say that he loves you and wants to be with you, but he never makes time for you or dates you.

If you have ever seen any of these inconsistencies between what he says and what he does, you've witnessed one of many examples of the fact that men are confused and they don't know what they want.
