Alpha Male by Jett Miles - HTML preview

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Chapter VI


Trying, Doing, Practicing, Improving and Winning


We’ve reached the final chapter of this e-book, but it’s not the end of the line. It’s not the parting of our ways. No. In fact, as the popular Richard and Karen Carpenter song of the 70’s goes, “We’ve Only Just Begun.”


But this is where, like most below-a-year-old babies go through, I’ll have to wean you out of my ‘breastfeeding’. I’ll have to pull you away from the comfort and safety of the crib and let you have a lot of fun – crawling, sitting, wobbling and even peeing in your diapers. YES. This is where you’ll have to go out, make out like Genghis Khan and conquer the world!


Now, don’t go being a worrywart on me. Just imagine all the loot and women Genghis Khan must have enjoyed while on a head-bashing, body-slashing, killing and conquering binge! And you! You practically won’t even lift a finger on this fun-filled venture of becoming an alpha male. Besides, serving like a mother’s ever-reliable, you-can-count-on-my-help-anytime refuge, you’ll have this e-book by your side.


Pushing on with the drive


You’ve read this book thus far. I think it’s safe to assume you’ve absorbed the real important things you’ll need to work on to become an alpha male most women are attracted to and want (I harp on about women because, I’ve learned, they tend to get men’s adrenaline pumping wildly in their pursuit of the alpha personality).


In any case, I’ve timed how long it takes to read this e-book. It takes less than an hour (unless you’re the hunchback Quasimodo, who’s presumed not to know how to read English). So if you need to go through it again just so you get a real good grasp of what needs to be done, along with the specifics, then go for it. After all, what’s an hour compared to a new lifetime of enjoyable possibilities? Or you can download this and have it serve as your bible, something you can refer to when in doubt or when looking for some answers.


A brief summary of what you need to do


I’ve summarized, for your easy guide, the really essential things you’ll need to be immediately doing, and I’ve listed them in the order you should apply them.


1) You want to become an alpha male. You don’t have to convince yourself. The fact that you’ve reach this point makes that pretty clear. Ergo… Don’t Let Go Of Your Passion. Keep It Burning Like Hell! (I mean like the fires of hell). If you feel the ‘rush’ sort of slipping away, pull back and take a couple of days off. Relax. Then dig into the Internet and search the blogs of people who went through the same frustrations you’re having and how these guys were able to hurdle them and become successful. They’ll help to get you back on track and inspire you to move on. Or, putting it bluntly, as an in-your-face kind of motivation: think money. Think sexy, beautiful women. Think fun, respect and self-fulfillment. Chapter IV tackles some of the other support things you could do to keep your passion ablaze.


2) Build Your Confidence. Believe In Yourself. You Are Unique. You Are Somebody Special. Most importantly, you deserve to have all the qualities of an alpha male! Look back at the successes you’ve had in the past. Believe me, you’ve had some. No matter how big or small they were, remembering them will help build your confidence. And then get into a lot of practice approaching women. Three approaches every time you go out will do the trick. If you do this with the right body language, dressed confidently like a cool dude, and not looking like “The Walking Dead”, those three approaches will lead, at least, to conversations, if not dates. The other means of strengthening your confidence may be found in Chapter III.


3) Start becoming and looking like a leader.  This may not be as easy as it sounds, but begin to live an exemplary life. You’ll have to be trustworthy to lead people and move about with honesty and integrity. You don’t have to be a St. Peter or St. Paul, but you definitely can’t go around betraying others for 30 pieces of silver. Do some exercises. Get rid of that beer belly and strive to look lean. You’ll have a better-looking fit when you put on some decent and trendy (but not outlandish) clothes.


4) After such a time, when you feel you might have gotten “into the groove” of becoming an alpha male, see how you’re progressing. Ask yourself these questions: Do I still panic in a crisis, or am I cool and collected? Do I still bully my office mates or am I being bullied and accepting it? Do I finger-point and blame others, or do I own up and take responsibility for my own mistakes? Do I apologize all the time? Do I still lie? Be honest and know the answers. They’ll bring you nearer to what we’re setting to achieve.


It might help to set down your own schedule for this process, a sort of a diarized grid. In my case, here’s what I did and it worked wonders because I had a written document that reflected my progress. I used it until the day I felt and knew for sure that I had become an alpha male.


Alpha Personality “how-am-I-progressing” grid                          As of : (date)









What to do       



When & where to do       






What to do to Improve


It’s self-explanatory. It’s simple. It’s also pretty flexible. You can put in whatever suits you, as long as it’s within the context of achieving a complete alpha male makeover.  Do this on a weekly basis and you’ll see how you’re progressing.


Forget completion timeframes. Depending on your lifestyle, current profession, family and social commitments, these will vary from one person to another. What counts is that you’ve decided to do something about your life. So prime yourself up and create a mindset for growth and success.


The growth and success mindset


This is a state of mind that believes intelligence is not inborn. It can be developed. It then leads to a keen longing to learn and a tendency to face challenges squarely, rather than shy away from them. A growth and success mindset, despite great hurdles, will persist and be relentless in what it wants to achieve. It’s not bothered by criticism – in fact, itlearns from it. Other people’s success serves as an inspiration.


This is the kind of mind frame you should work on. Should you stumble on some of the things you need to do, don’t regard it as a lack of ability. Use it instead as a starting point to try, experiment and test new ideas and new approaches. Always tell yourself, “It’s Okay. So this one didn’t work. I’ll just have to get rid of this option and try the next one.”


Take 2 for Nikki Robinson of Gloss and Glam


I try not to repeat myself in my writings but, at this stage of the game, I feel re-producing this relevant quote from Nikki Robinson of Gloss and Glam “SO WHAT IF YOU FAIL?” is worth it. While it speaks of business, its context works just as well with our efforts towards becoming an alpha male.


“Most entrepreneurs are playing a high-risk game, so fear of failure comes with the territory. In the worst-case scenario, you fail, but so what? It will free up your time to work on your next business and you will have more knowledge about starting and running a business. Just remember: fear makes you human, and when you hit rock bottom, there is nowhere to go but up.”


Get those negative thoughts out of the way


There’s nothing I’d like better than to have you guys succeed in this effort to become an alpha male. So, let me share with you some of the other things I did when I fell prey to negative thinking. When it came, it not only sucked out my energy, it blurred my vision. My alpha male friends, like knights in shining armor, came to my rescue and I did exactly what they suggested:


1) I smiled. Sounds crazy? I didn’t do a lot of smiling then so I forced myself to face a mirror and I smiled. Guess what? I actually thought I looked good! I also felt good. A smile does help to change your mood and shake off stress. That’s what it did for me.

2) I extended a helping hand to complete strangers. This shooed my focus away from me. I had some sandwiches made and gave these to a charity group in the neighborhood. It took my mind off some of the parts of the process I was working on and there was the feel-good factor of having done something for others.

3) I listed down three things I should have been thankful for at the time. It helps to appreciate what you already have. My list? My folks, my black Labrador and my health. I said to myself I was lucky to have these and I felt absolutely positive!

4) I went around with happy, positive people. I phoned a couple of friends, shot some pool while they were giving me some friendly, loving criticism. I was free-falling on negativity and they helped put things in the right perspective.

5) And I sang! Can you believe that? I sang an ancient song that I remember my mom loved singing, “Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing”. Heck, I didn’t know all the lyrics but I sang, or maybe just hummed, loudly all the same. And it felt good! The fact that none of the neighbors called the police to complain about disturbance of the peace was icing on the cake.


There’s nothing I’d like better than to see you guys succeed in becoming an alpha male. This is the reason I’ve tried to prop you up for success with just about everything I know about transforming into a real man.  Among most of us, I can’t help but feel many could be missing out on some of the great things in life. When you make it as an alpha male, pay it forward and share your wisdom with the rest of the guys. 


Me? I’m enjoying most of its perks now. I’ve got good investments that bring in more than enough greenbacks, a classy condo both in New York and San Francisco and a great-looking chick, who I really believe may be nuts about me. Of course, as you may now know, it is ungentlemanly to be kissing-and-talking about women.


I leave you with this quote shared among us attendees of a meditation seminar some time ago.


Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
