Alpha Male by Jett Miles - HTML preview

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Chapter ll 


Why You Should Become an Alpha Male?


So now you’ve gotten a fairly good picture of what an alpha male is and you might be asking yourself… “Why should I become an alpha male? Heck, I’m pretty comfortable where I am, with what I am and what I have!” Great! I don’t think anybody can quarrel with that. Lots of people have their own idea of their contentment level. When you’ve reached this level and you feel you’re happy, hey, why rock it? It’s just that on certain days when things simply don’t seem to be going right, and tiny little doubts creep in because you’ve just had a big fight with the wife over money… it won’t kill you to keep your mind open. You’ve got to admit a lot of the things we learn about life aren’t always right, right?  The old folks would say, “Be happy with what you’ve got because a lot more people are in a worse off situation!” True. And you tend to take this at its face value and hang on to what you’ve got!


On the other hand… if you often get this feeling of a rushing bull who’d like to take life by its cojones and own it… if you get this almost piercing thirst for success, this keen, consuming sense of possibly becoming another Arnold Schwarzenegger, or another Silicon Valley technology ace like Steve Jobs, or as popular a host as Ryan Seacrest… don’t ask why you should become an alpha male. Ask instead, why you shouldn’t. Everything about an alpha male’s super traits and admirable characteristics are there for you to acquire and build into your persona. They’re yours to nurture and own, because you deserve them.


The Benefits of Becoming an Alpha Male


And the perks of becoming an alpha male? Awesome! Imagine coming home to an ice-cold Bud Light after being lost in the sweltering heat of the Sahara for three days! And the nice thing about it is… there are several more Bud Lights in the ice-box.


Becoming an alpha male is about having a superior state of being that surrounds your personality and behavior in society. It’s about not only developing a mindset, but possessing an ability to take full control of your life. You can take stock of yourself and steer your career in any direction that’ll get you feeling fulfilled – and make tons of money along the way.


While lots of ordinary guys can barely get a first date, you’ll get all the dates you want, with the kind of women you like, and build the kind of relationship you

prefer. As you develop your confidence and move about with a self-assurance that’ll put James Bond to shame, women will find you attractive and naturally be drawn to you. I can’t guarantee you a night out with Jennifer Lopez but, I assure you, it’s not going to be hard meeting up with a gorgeous woman with a look-alike butt.


And the guys in the office? You’ll be the envy of them. They’ll begin to see you in a different light. They’ll get to realize you are the man… the guy who really matters… the smart corporate exec who sets the tone and takes the lead in making people execute plans faster and better. And what about the other alpha males on the top floor… the head honchos in dark suits, the heavy breathers who sign your checks? Appreciating the sharp, creative solutions you offer to clients’ concerns and issues, they’ll be happy to sign more of your checks. 


Is This For Real?


You’d better believe it! Nothing I’ve written in this e-book is fancy, whim or wishful thinking. I’ve been through all that in junior high, when all I could do was daydream about being in bed with Sarah, this vivacious member of the cheering squad who hardly noticed me. Of course she ended up in the arms of this sweet-shooting, top scorer of the basketball team. But that’s all water under the bridge now, although, at the time, I wished ardently for this guy to crash his Mustang against a tree and lose all his teeth! I’ve become an alpha male since. No more kid stuff.


Transforming into an alpha male is not a one-shot deal. There’s no magic pill for it. It’s something you continuously work on until it becomes second nature to you, such that anything you do, both inwardly and outwardly, exudes an air of self-assurance that’s immediately felt and seen, making you some sort of a social demi-god.


And guess what? YOU can make it happen. I know. I made it happen. I’ve developed an alpha personality that has enabled me to live my life on my own terms, have a lot of fun dating and spending night time with beautiful, sexy women, and have a thick bankbook – none of which I ever thought I’d have. My new-found alpha male character has brought me success. Hey! I’m writing this book, right?


You, too, can make these a part of your reality. Once you’ve acquired an alpha male’s traits, you will succeed with whatever you set your mind to do. And here’s why: visualize. Imagine yourself as having gone through the process of becoming an alpha male. While you may not have a scrolled diploma in your hand, you might notice some men and women looking at you admiringly.


Ten “It-Makes-Sense” Reasons Why Success Will Come With Your New Alpha Personality:


1) You’re now a leader. It’s human nature for people to follow alpha personalities and, because they’re following your lead, they will naturally go the extra mile to contribute to your success – knowing that their own success depends on you and your well-thought out plans and strategies.


2) You’re now confident. New possibilities and opportunities will present themselves constantly. You’ve got enough acquired confidence to make yourself available and involved in all of these.


3) You are now resourceful and enterprising. As a kid, your youthful curiosity found solutions to problems – demonstrating your ability to be enterprising. By now, you have been able to develop and practice this skill frequently enough such that any problems will seem simple to you.


4) You’ve become a dominant personality in social circles. It’s common knowledge that one of the keys to business success is networking. You are naturally inclined and predisposed to be great at this – and those huge, varied social circles will provide you with lots of opportunities to find hobbies and interests that you love.


5) You’ve become ambitious. Being enterprising won’t do you any good without having that ambition to make progress and reach new heights. This new alpha personality will make you want to do more and be successful in every aspect of your life, including the personal and the professional sides.


6) You now have charm and charisma. Part of your success will come from your ability to share its rewards with others. People will naturally want to be part of your successes because you’re warm and nice and simpatico.


7) You are now very competitive. In practically everything that you do, you want to turn into a competition and, no ifs or buts, you’ve got to come out the winner. This burning ambition you’ve got for success in business? Turn it into a competition and you will undoubtedly end up on top of the heap.


8) You now possess that ‘can-do’ mindset. People can now throw anything your way – challenges, pressures, problems and new, difficult tasks – but you can handle anything. You can tackle complications and tough jobs, and because you’re now an alpha male, you complete these things with poise and finesse.


9) You are now popular. Friends, colleagues and family members… they all like you; and because they do, you can expect them to hope and pray for your success as much as you do. Expect your mom, especially, to even hold novenas in church for your success. These are your rah-rah cheering squads and, when you run into snags and things aren’t going your way, they’ll be there to jump in and lend a hand. (I can’t guarantee you a personal loan from your mom, but who knows? Maybe your charm and charisma might do the trick.)


10) You are now in full control. You may have certain traits others may not perceive as positively as your charm. Being aware of these, and taking full control of your tendency to sometimes be domineering and bossy, will go a long way towards success – both in your chosen career and personal life.


Since I’ve become an alpha male, I’ve become direct and honest – something that I’d like to be with you at this stage of the game. I sincerely believe that any combination of these ten reasons will bring success to your life, as it did to mine. I’ve witnessed others, too, practicing these tenets and then observed them enjoying the fruits of such transformation.


Deep down inside, you know that there is more to life than going through one’s daily routine and just quietly acquiescing to be categorized as ‘average’. There is something better: becoming an alpha male and living an amazing life. 


What follows is a quote from Gandhi. It’s an inspiring thought I run to every now and then, when I notice myself sometimes back sliding from my beliefs. I’d like to share this with you.


“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”