Apseudoism: The Path To Solving Today's Spiritual Problems by Joseph D. Smith - HTML preview

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How Do We Perceive Our Reality?




As mentioned, DMT may be the very reason why we even perceive our reality. It may be the reason why we are conscious for that matter! DMT is a natural psychedelic found in the brain. Some people extract DMT from DMT-producing plants, and they start hallucinating from smoking or snorting it! The hit is so powerful, that you often aren't ready for the trip and you may drop your pipe!


I don't recommend using DMT as a way to get high, because the trips are often labeled as, 'unpleasent'! And one of the good effects of the chemical is that the trip is short-lived.


DMT is thought by some people to be in your penal gland, the gland where you would find your third-eye. Heck, that might be why people even thought there was a third-eye in the first-place! But, sadly this isn't yet proven by science.


But, as an Apseudoist, I know for sure that we do have a third-eye, and I know that science and religion can and does co-exist, because that's what Apseudoism does! Apseudoism combines religion with science.