Apseudoism: The Path To Solving Today's Spiritual Problems by Joseph D. Smith - HTML preview

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What is Apseudoism Based On?




The biggest influence on Apseudoism is a mix of Existentialism, Absurdism, Nihilism, and even the form of Transcendentalism created by Ralph Waldo Emerson! It is based on more mixes of religions, such as; New Age, New Thought, Taoism, Discordianism(yes, I'm being serious), and even Gnosticism!


Apseudoism is based on several philosophies!


I changed my religion thousands of times in a month, just because I wanted only ONE religion. But the only problem was that I believed in most of the world's religins at the same time! I had to do something about it, and what I done was create my own religions that combined most of them. But even my own religions never covered everything! I couldn't bring myself to create a religion that already exists. If you have a religion that has no rules, then it is very, and I mean VERY similar to Discordianism, because Discordianism is COMPLETELY non-dogmatic(meaning they had no set beliefs). After much research, and especially after dream after dream of me dying, I came to the conclusion that reality and the afterlife is relative to the individual. I also discovered how our conscious minds implode when I had dreams of me being dead! I was swimming in a warped fluid, while it was a void at the same time!


Apseudoism is especially based on the teachings of Eckankar, which is the most advanced understanding of the many realms, sounds, and the light of God! But, I don't believe in prophets, so I don't take the part of the Mahanta anybit serious. I also don't take the Living ECK Master very serious.


But, Herold Klemp had great ideas, such as the fact that different non-tangible sounds, such as ear buzzing and ear ringing are actually different sounds of God, and each sound meant that you were at a certain state of mind and a certain stage of awareness!


Some sounds are more advanced than others, each meaning what level of awareness you are at, and which God realm you were hearing. The teachings of the non-self from Buddhism is certainly intriguging! The fact that if you don't have a butt, then you can't push out your poop! And without your reproductive organs, you certainly couldn't flush out your pee!


I love all responsible religions, whether they are tolerant or not. Just as long as you don't kill me or my family, or other innocent people, or if you don't hurt, abuse, or neglect anyone, I will accept you as being a responsible person.


But no religion is immune from it's criminals... Even Apseudoism may have criminals when it is at it's peak as a religious-philosophy at any given time!


If you think about it, since the majority of people in the United States of America are Christians, then guess what the majority of prisoners' religions are?


If you live in an Arab country, the majority of criminals, or who they say are criminals, would be Muslims, and Singapore would have Buddhists as their majority of prisoners. I do, however have so much ambition to spread the love and wisdom of Apseudoism! If the majority of people in the world were Apseudoists, we would have more progress, with less war and less bickering! But yet, I do realize however that if the majority of people in the world were Apseudoists, then the majority of criminals would be Apseudoists!


But, all of this criminal stuff doesn't matter. It's what you do with Apseudoism that's important! We believe in free will, but at the same time we acknowledge that there is also destiny.


Having a purpose is the biggest priority, and Apseudoists are like Existentialists about how existence precedes essence, because we create and control our own essences! Yes-sir-ree! We do control our own destiny, and we control our own purpose in life.