Ascension: The Rising Son by AP West - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

The Invasion




My heads spins with nausea as we run down hallway after hallway. This whole building seems like one big maze and I struggle to keep up with Oriah. He moves surprisingly well for a man that has to be in his fifties. We finally enter a room full of books that resembles some smaller version of the main library, except there's also a large window framing the view of the grounds where the hold the ceremony of Ascension. I gaze down at the square but I notice Oriah walks over to a massive stone fireplace that dominates the wood paneling in the wall.

As if on cue, the bed of the fireplace slides to the left, revealing a series of steps leading down to a well hidden door. Oriah leads me through the dark passage, and we travel down a series of staircases until we are in what must be somewhere underground. We arrive at a large room that looks like it was cut out of a single huge granite slab. There is a large dark hole in the rock face just about big enough for a person to walk through. Oriah grabs two large backpacks from a self, each look fully equipped for a week's worth of camping, and he walks toward the tunnel. "Where are we going?" I stop to ask, I have to know before I go any further. "We are going to the Wall. Let's go, we don't have much time." I reluctantly follow Oriah as he proceeds into the passageway.

The place is damp, dark and cool; a musty mildew-like smell fills my nostrils, and I gag at the putrid stench. I quietly follow my father through the long winding channel in almost complete darkness, except for the bright blinding flashes at the opposite end. Even more light flickers at us and it occurs to me that it's lightning, crashing all around outside.

I have to shield my eyes from the dazzling display when we finally come out of an alcove in a cluster of rocks just outside the city wall. Heavy rain falls from thick storm clouds that blanket the sky which was crystal clear just ten minutes ago. Another streak of lightning blazes across, illuminating everything around us for an instant as Oriah yells at me through the wind, "About a hundred yards away, the Corsair have breached the wall. Their artillery was set up just a few miles from here so their gangs will be here any minute. It's imperative we meet them at the hole, so we must hurry. If anything happens to me, run to the schoolhouse."

I follow him and we reach the gaping break in the barrier just in time to see what looks like a huge dust storm racing toward the gap. I instantly recognize the familiar rumble. It's the same one that visits our city on a weekly basis. As we arrive at the scene, I now see that the swirl of dirt comes from several hundred motorcycles escorting countless trucks and what looks like assault vehicles. The whole force comes to an abrupt stop just several meters from the opening, meeting us.

A low riding, growling chopper encased in gleaming chrome, circles the now quiet mob, coming to a stop right before Oriah and me. A tall, intimidating figure dismounts the bike. His long greasy, slick blonde hair reaches the middle of his back. His entire face is covered in cryptic tattoos. The darkness of the ink makes his pale eyes appear even colder, matching the frigid expression of his demeanor. I instantly recognize the face from the computer display, it's Brutalius.

"I didn't think it would be this easy." He scoffs with hysterical glee as he looks directly at me, then over at my father. Oriah snaps back sarcastically, "Maybe it's your lucky day." Just then, two men dressed in black military fatigues join each side of the dismounted biker. Their tattooed faces are not as predominate as their perceived leader but I notice the theme. They each hold a large rifle in their hands.

Brutalius snorts again before his face straightens into a grave stare, "Shoot them!" The words almost knock me off my feet as my vision rocks back and forth with terror. I see the two soldiers raise their weapons. "Do something!" I can barely scream the phrase before I see Oriah calmly hold out his right arm, fingers stretched to the invaders. In an instant, the soldier to the left collapses on the ground in a crumpled heap; his eyes glazed over, looking disconnected from the outside world. The other one swiftly turns on his superior and points his rifle at Brutalius' head. The young Corsair Leader just smiles at us with crooked teeth and holds up his hands in surrender, "You know, my father told me about you."

"Then you should know this is a lost cause. Don't let your destiny become death."

The coldness in the tone of my father's voice hangs in the air as the barrel of the guard's gun presses against the young man's temple.

"I think you've got that backwards, old man. Death is your destiny!"

Brutalius ducks underneath the end of the gun and drives his elbow hard into the guard's ribcage. The man wails in pain, drops his weapon and falls to the ground. Brutalius runs away in the direction of two covered trucks that are facing away from us. "Now!" He screams as he throws his arms up into the wind, still running. Out of the back of each truck comes something I would have never expected, two enormous bears. I've never seen animals of such size, one's brown and the other solid white. The pale one has a strange metallic apparatus crowning the top of its head. Their terrible roars surround us, easily rising over the thunder that's picked up in its intensity, and I can only watch as they stampede toward my father.

Oriah makes his same composed gesture like before, but this time both of his hands up, one for each approaching animal. They are barely five meters away when Oriah clutches his open hands into a tight, trembling fist. The brown bear immediately crashes to the ground in a cloud of dust, just like the soldier before, but the white one just rumbles even louder. To my horror, it reaches my father and slams its huge paw into the side of his head. Blood splatters as I see Oriah nearly flip as he flails through the air, crashing motionless into solid rock.

Before I can react, the ferocious beast now turns its attention toward me and my instinct is to run. I dig into the dirt and race toward the hole in the wall. My only thought is to reach the school and find my mother. Tears come and I shudder at the thought of having to leave him, but I have no choice. I can't fight these people on my own. I hear another vicious roar from behind. I turn my head and gasp as I see the enraged bear closing in on me. My legs burn and I scream into the night as I slam my legs into the ground as hard as I can, but it's not enough. The noise from the beast is so close now, it rattles in my ears and I swear I feel its breath on my neck.

As I run from the inevitable impact of its ripping claws tearing through me, I notice a warm sensation cascading down my body. Strange images rush through my psyche. Weird weapons, like swords and spears made of glass. Oriah's voice mumbles in my ears but I can't decipher what he's saying. Then I see the block of ice I conjured in the Porticus falling to the ground and I hear my father speak again, clear this time, Apollo, there's water vapor all around you. Then it occurs to me what I should do but before I can react, my muscles tense and I clench my teeth from the sudden strain. Suddenly, almost like I'm not in control anymore, I jump and catch my right foot on a nearby boulder. I twist my body back toward the animal and launch myself. I feel my arms raise together high above my head as the painful freezing hits my fists.

Before I realize, a long, surprisingly smoldering, lucid lance emerges from my hands and finds its way into the boisterous mouth that's trying to kill me. My momentum carries me through with unexpected strength as I drive the spear through the bear's body, pinning its colossal corpse to the earth. Landing on both feet, my chest takes in air so violently I can barely catch myself. I feel invigorated as I stare down at my kill, but at the same time I can't believe what just happened. A courage that wasn't in me seconds ago now surges through every fiber of my existence. I hastily decide to rescue my father.

I sprint back to the place where I seen him fall. I find him alive, but he's surrounded by Corsair guards. A bloody gash covers three quarters of his face, and his head hangs in defeat. Slits that used to be his eyes are smeared with blood. I look around for Brutalius, as count the men in front of me, fourteen. The adrenaline from moments ago still floods my brain and I prepare my attack, but in that moment I see my father's head jerk alert, his eyes now wide open as if he's in shock. He gazes in my exact direction and I detect an ever-so-slight shake of his head. I hear his voice in my head telling me to go back to the school, find Sabrina, live to fight another day.

I ignore his command and steady my valor. I start to take the first steps toward the band of soldiers when I hear his voice again, this time bellowing throughout me like the thunder from before. Ruuun! This time I don't disregard his authority. I turn and gallop with all my strength, back towards the city, towards the school, and away from the now perusing soldiers.

I run until I see no one behind me. Apparently the Corsair doesn't see much value in chasing a child. They had the man they wanted; our leader, protector, and only hope. My pace slows to a walk, and I put my head in my hands as more tears stream down my cheeks. I never expected to be this emotional over a man who just entered my life not even a week ago, but now; it seems much longer than that. It feels like he's always been there. Maybe he has, mentally at least.

I make my way to the center of town where the school is located. I expect to see the same building I frequented the last eleven years but all I find is a smoldering, dilapidated ruin. I dart in and out of the scorched and blasted walls trying to find an entrance underground. I see bodies all around me, blackened, blistered and dead. They're all dead. The thought makes my soul shudder as I scramble to find the bunker's door.

I see a woman coming toward me. I get my hopes up for a moment until I see her black uniform, telling me to hide. I duck down behind a half collapsed wall and eavesdrop on a conversation she's having on some kind of communication device in her hand. "The ones who survived the attack are all in custody. The invasion has been a success Commander. The bunker is now secure." Even though she just told her boss all was well, she vigorously shines a flashlight through the destroyed building as if she's searching for something. The small box finally emits a male voice, "What about the woman, the one leading the resistance?" I shake my head with disbelief at what I hear next, "She didn't survive, sir, she's dead."

"That's good news, Antonia, keep me updated."

As soon as the woman leaves, I rush to my feet, continuing my search, until I finally find the doorway leading to the bunker. I stop short of the staircase when I see a woman's body slumped across the jagged steps. A dark puddle of blood has pooled underneath her lifeless body. Her long blonde hair immediately tells me who it is and I can't retain my balance anymore and I fall to the ground. I bring my knees to my chest as the tears come relentlessly now, and I can't seem to muster the strength or desire to continue. I sit there with my face buried against my knees, praying a Corsair soldier will come by and put an end to my suffering. That's when I hear a girl's scream, beckoning louder to me with each passing second. I spring to life as I recognize the voice.

It's Grace.