Ascension: The Rising Son by AP West - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

The Aftermath




Her screams sound gargled, like someone is trying to stifle them. Grace's calls for help resonate in my head, and I feel some kind of intuition to take over. I instinctively become aware of the two men carrying her down the street. Even in Grace, I can feel the terror as she panics. I get a sense of their intentions with her and it enrages me. Then another burning from the bottom of my stomach reaches up through my spine, and blazes behind my eyes. Like before, it feels like something else takes control.

I stand up and walk calmly toward the three people. The guy holding Grace by the arms scowls at me, but then suddenly his expression sharply weakens. I watch as my arm rises up with my fingers stretched out toward him. He screams in horror and I feel the water molecules in his hands cease to move. The other man drops Grace's legs and rushes toward me. My arm falls and I feel my legs begin to move. My hands meet at my left hip and I feel the sting of cold as a thick icy blade, nearly a meter long, erupts from my grasp. I don't have time to marvel at what I just did, as I meet the man stride for stride and send the sword slicing through his mid-section. My eyes won't let me turn toward my victim, but in my peripheral I see him fall to the ground in nearly two pieces.

My pace quickens and I chase the first attacker who is still dragging Grace down the street; his hands frozen in their grasp of her. I feel the molecules in his hands become alive again and he drops her and runs away. I seem in control of my body now. Any trace of my icy weapon long since evaporated. I run toward Grace. "Are you okay?"

"Yes I think so. What just happened?"

"I'm not sure but we don't have much time. We have to get out of here."

I grab her hand and she follows me back through the hole in the wall. We grab the backpacks and head away from where my father was captured. I'm not sure what to do next, so I just listen to Grace as she tells me the aftermath of the attack and how many people died, including my mother, and how my brother and uncle, along with the rest, were captured.

She describes how Corsair patrols are everywhere now; just like the one that attacked her, and the only plan that comes to mind is to try to lay low. We have enough food and water in our packs to last a few days. It will give me time to think, and that's when it hit me; the book. I stashed it in one of the packs before we reached the wall. I pull it out and thumb through the pages and I look up at Grace, "The answer is in this book. That must be why my father gave it to me."

I see her stare at the text in my hands. We don't say much to one another as we walk through the barren land looking for a cave or something to hide in. After awhile the sky begins turning from pitch black to a deep purple as hints of the sun peek from the horizon. I can now make out what I think is a tree line on the horizon to the southeast, so we decide to head there. Even though I don't necessarily know what it is yet, I just hope we find what we are looking for.




"The boy that was with you is a coward, Oriah. My soldiers tell me he ran like a little girl." Howls of laughter erupt all around me. Brutalius' snide remark reflects his belief that this all over, that he's won. I suspect my current state, not to mention the condition of our city, serves well to bolster his assumptions. The ache from my wound and loss of blood has weakened me greatly, leaving me at a distinct disadvantage. My only option is to buy more time.

"I hope the Acropolis isn't damaged too badly, my instructions were to leave it as intact as possible. I heard it was a very beautiful and copious space." Brutalius snickers as he gloats about his victory, so I can't help myself, "It amazes me, you speak of cowardice after you lead an attack on an unarmed city." Pain rips through my head as Brutalius' fist finds the back of my skull. I slump to the ground, and he places the toe of his boot under my chin. "Don't forget the part where an old man was mauled by a bear. Didn't expect that one did you?" He shoves me over with a kick of his boot. I wince inside but I don't show any weakness. I reach my feet and stand defiantly, "Whatever you're going to do to me let's get it over with." I spit blood and saliva at him. I know the consequences will be brutal, but it seems worth it to me. Call my son a coward. I will live to see you eat those words.

I wake up sometime later enveloped in darkness. I feel damp, cold stone against my skin. The pain from my head screams at me like never before. The beating that must have followed my act of boldness was atrocious enough to leave me without memory of it, but I definitely feel its aftermath. The fact that Apollo got away is probably the only thing that keeps my blood pumping. I want to contact him but I'm much too weak, and by now, he probably knows about Sabrina so I know he's crushed. I just hope he keeps his wits about him. My intuition tells me he will. I have the greatest confidence in his abilities as well as my plan.

I hear the sound of a door opening but I still can't see anything. A voice pierces the gloom, "He has taken up residence in your mansion Oriah. I was left in charge of your, well-being." Although I can't see I can't mistaken his voice after all these years. "Vitus, how kind of you, but how easily you forget. I was sure you would have guided him away from this futile quest. It will surely lead to his ruin."

"I know old friend, in fact, I'm counting on it." I feel an arm underneath mine, lifting me to my feet, but I stumble back down to the floor as pain rages from my right leg. "Your leg is broken, let me help you to the cot." I try to argue with him that I'm not helpless, "Well if you would just turn on a light, I could find my own way." Then Vitus' reply mystifies my logic, "The lights are on, Oriah. I'm afraid my nephew's creatures rob you of your sight."

This was definitely not part of the plan, I think to myself. I'm still lost as to what caused this divergence. I feel Vitus lift me again but this time we reach the cot. I roll over onto my back, a sigh of relief escapes my lips. Then Vitus says something that could have surprised me if I wasn't already expecting it.

"So what kind of tricks do you have up your sleeve, Oriah? My memory isn't as defective as you would like to believe. I know you've got some sort of plan."

I remain silent. I don't know if I can trust him or not yet, but I know he shares my disdain for his nephew. Vitus has his own family; namely two sons, and I know he is as power-hungry as any member of his kin. It is my belief that is what motivates him, so I must make my moves carefully.

Then Vitus speaks again, "I will bring back something for your pain. Don't bother using your telepathy Oriah, it won't penetrate these walls. Brutalius specifically designed this cell just for you. I also just got word they just brought in your son, and they plan to execute him tomorrow; along with Nathan. Brutalius doesn't know he is your child yet, so I can try to delay his sentence."

I hear the door slam shut and the bolt lock in place. Any optimism I had before, just died at the sound of what I was just told. Apollo. I try to reach out to him but there's no use. Between the walls of my prison and the fragility of my condition, I can't even hold on to a thought. I lie on the cot drenched in my own sweat, tears and blood. Hopelessness and failure consume me. I hear the door open again and I feel a small jab of pain in my arm as an injection flows into my veins. After just seconds, my pain dulls and I feel my hold on reality slip into lassitude.