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When the body is free of disease you can live longer, happier, and healthier. Yet, some of us are at higher risks than others of getting disease, since many diseases stem from genetics. What can we do to live longer, healthier, and happier when genetics play a role in our future?

One of the major concerns for women is avoiding osteoporosis. According to statistic readings, around 10

million people already suffering the disease, osteoporosis.

The majority is women.

Often when a person suffers osteoporosis, when falls occur the person will fracture the bones. Estrogen is essential to fight osteoporosis. At what time women go through menopause the estrogen level drops, which cause 129

bone loss. The advantage is experts are claiming that osteoporosis is not genetically based, thus the disease stems from pediatric.

When a person lacks sufficient calcium intake, it could lead to osteoporosis. Often children at youth lack sufficient calcium intake, which over the years, the deficiency starts to show. What you need to live longer, healthier, and happier while fighting off osteoporosis is to balance calcium.

While many articles are available that discuss osteoporosis, not many articles discuss that osteomyelitis.

Osteomyelitis could lead to osteoporosis, simply because inflammations of bone and marrow cause infections. The key to living longer, healthier, and happier is to learn more about arthritis, osteomyelitis, osteoporosis, Osteogenic Sarcoma and so forth. All of the diagnosis is related in some way.

With this in mind we can consider a few helpful tips to help you fight various diseases, while protecting your bones.

A high-calorie diet with Vitamin C and D, as well as high-protein, and high-calcium diet could benefit those with 130

potentials risks of bone related disease. Bed rest, exercise, heat therapy, plenty of fluids, skin care, and so forth can also prevent you from suffering osteomyelitis.

Those suffering with osteoporosis, or showing potential risks can benefit from a high-calcium, protein, vitamin rich, boron, and mineral diet. Limited alcohol and caffeine can also help you live longer, healthier, and happier. Exercise is essential to help fight any disease, as well to strengthen the body’s entire network. HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) can also benefit women with potential risks.

Calcium supplements, mineral and vitamin supplements, expressing feelings, regular checkups, and so forth can help you fight the diseases that can decrease life expectancy.

If you suffer pain from any of the named diseases, take care to protect the damaged areas. You want to immobilize pain-stricken areas, and exercise when you can. This will help strengthen the muscles, and joints, which will also strengthen the bones.

Through exercise it is proven to help you live longer, healthier, and happier. In fact, one woman was told she had six months to live from internal injuries. The woman refused to listen, and went to the gym, strength trained, 131

performed cardiovascular workouts, and had the will to live, while she continued to drink excessively, smoke, and so forth, yet this woman survived internal injuries.

Exercise is the key to living healthier, longer, and happier.

Even if you have an illness, exercising now can increase your life expectancy. The body’s muscles are production tissues, which promote movement. The tissues of muscle specialize in undergoing repetitious relaxations and contraction. When the contractions and relaxation of the muscles is interrupted, thus the production of movement is limited.

The organs maintain tension, as well as pumps fluid with the body. Our muscles are the body’s major influences; thus, exercise can benefit your all around body, internally and externally. Exercise will fight osteoporosis and all those other nasty diseases while enabling you to live longer, healthier, and happier. Next, boost your estrogen with a little sex.