Chaos, Tales of a King 2 (Excerpt) by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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As the battle at Willshire concluded. A whole new

one was about to brew. Thomas while visiting

Schillingburg had heard of the takeover in


“I was informed Willshire has a new monarchy.”

Thomas said.

“Yes, my Liege. An army for Amelia swooped in

and commandeered it.” Charles responded.

Thomas laughed. “That must have been David and

his army. Amelia could not have done it by herself.”

Thomas replied.

“Plus she is on her honeymoon in the forest near

Wynnfrith.” Thomas joked.

“Are you not concerned, my grace?” Charles asked.


“Concerned about what? Amelia and her men

taking over Landford? Never. She is not that

brave.” Thomas affirmed.

“She may not be but whoever is leading them

seems to be.” Charles mumbled.

“When I return to Landford I will take another ride

into the Wynnfrith forest. This time I will find

Amelia, her men are far so her protection is

minimized to just her Knight and he is no

challenge.” Thomas said.

“That is not wise, my King, let it be.” Charles


“She owes me, Charles and I will get what is mine.”

Thomas ended.

Greyson had sent John Lloyd to inform Amelia

about the battle and to prepare her for the short

trip. As John Lloyd rode towards the safe area, he

could see King Thomas’s caravan in the distance. It

only had two guards and the one coachman.


“King Thomas’ caravan is coming very close to

where Queen Amelia is.” John Lloyd thought. He

looked back and he had nine soldiers with him.

He stopped them and whispered “That caravan

belongs to Landford’s King Thomas, he’s a total

jerk so I am making an executive decision for my

Queen, let us capture that caravan.”

The men raised their swords in agreement.

As they approached the caravan, one of the

guards saw them and said “Retreat, this caravan

belongs to Landford and we are in our


John Lloyd approached and said “There are no

boundaries here, stop your convoy!”

“Withdraw I say!” Shouted the guard.

By this point, they were surrounded.

“Give them whatever they want” Shouted Charles

from inside the carriage.


“We want what is inside the carriage.” John Lloyd

yelled back.

“We refuse to give you our king” Shouted the


“Well, unfortunately, we are going to have to take

him. GO!” yelled John Lloyd at his men.

As the men slay the guards, John Lloyd move

towards the carriage and opened the door. There

sat King Thomas and Charles unarmed. The

soldiers bound them.

“My Queen will be very happy to know you have

been captured. She has special plans for you.” John

Lloyd boasted.

“Your Queen? Amelia is NOT my Queen!” Thomas


“Gag him!” John Lloyd yelled.


“And YOU ARE NOT a King, anymore. You are now

a prisoner of Willshire. Oh you should remember

the dungeon there, you lived there for a bit just

this time you will be not be leaving there alive.”

John Lloyd replied.

They set the carriage on fire. John Lloyd sent some

of them men to inform Amelia and the others

accompanied John Lloyd back to Willshire. They

tied Thomas and Charles to the back of their

horses and started on their journey back to

Willshire. Thomas was livid with his capture. He

could not believe he was taken that easy. As they

rode, John Lloyd made small talk with them.

“So King Thomas, do you know why you were

captured?” John Lloyd asked.

Thomas ignored him and looked over at Charles.

“Well, let me enlighten you.” John Lloyd added.

“YOU, my dear sir have been found guilty of

murder, yes murder, among other charges that are

pending.” John Lloyd said.


Charles looked over at Thomas.

“and you know what, this time you will pay!” John

Lloyd ended.

Thomas did not know what to think, he felt he was

being taken back because of King Michael’s death

not David’s. As they got closer to Willshire Castle,

Greyson rode out to them.

“I thought I asked you to get Queen Amelia.”

Greyson yelled.

“I sent the others, look what I have for you.” John

Lloyd said as he pointed at King Thomas and

Charles. Greyson laughed.

“Oh my, how the hell did you do that?” Greyson


“Just pure luck.” John Lloyd asked.

“Your Queen will be very proud and impressed by

your capture.” Greyson added. Greyson got off his

horse and walked over to Thomas.


“Nice seeing you again, my Lord.” Greyson said.

Thomas glared at him.

Greyson removed his gag.

“Greyson, I am your King! Tell this idiot to let me

go.” Thomas yelled.

“This idiot as you call him is the Queens first

Knight and he has not made a mistake, my Lord.

You are wanted.” Greyson claimed.

“FOR WHAT!” Thomas yelled.

“For causing the death of Lord David of Landford”

Greyson said as he put the gag back in Thomas’


Thomas was in shock, he fell to his knees. He

thought he had only injured David.

Charles remained quiet.

Greyson turned to the guards.


“Take these two to the dungeon, watch this one”

Greyson said as he pointed at Thomas.


“He is very sneaky and will try to escape. And if he

tries anything, kill him!”

Greyson then turned to Thomas and said “Your

Queen will be here in the morning, she will declare

your punishment.”

As they walked back upstairs Greyson

complimented John Lloyd. “You have definitely

earned your spot as first Knight for our Queen, I

am very proud of you.” Greyson added.

“Just doing my job, Greyson.” John Lloyd replied.

Amelia did not know what was awaiting her in

Willshire. The men were told not to reveal


Early morning the trumpets sounded as the flag

were raised on Willshire Castle. The townspeople

began arriving to get a view of their new monarch

as she arrived. As they got closer Guillaume got off

his horse and grabbed the halter of Amelia’s horse

to guide him. She looked down and smiled.

“Are you ready, my Queen?” Guillaume asked.

She smiled and nodded her head.

“Let us meet your new kingdom.” Guillaume

replied as they walked through the main street.

The crowd cheered loudly as she passed.

Amelia waved. Willshire seemed to accept Amelia

as their Queen wholeheartedly. As she came up on

the Castle, she could see Greyson, John Lloyd and

Rodger on the stairs. She smiled and bowed her

head at them. Guillaume helped her off her horse

and up the stairs. She turned and waved at the

crowd. As she entered, everyone followed her into

the throne room. The feeling was bittersweet but

she was finally home.

Before sitting on the throne she addressed her


“Thank you so much for your hard work but this is

only the beginning. To have a successful kingdom

we must work together and persevere. I know

together we can rebuild Willshire and make this

the best kingdom ever.”

They all approved.

“By the end of the week, I will appoint my Knights,

Advisors and Staff, again thank you all so much!”

Amelia ended. As she sat John Lloyd approached


“My Queen, may I speak?” He asked.

“Of course you can Sir John Lloyd.” Amelia replied.

“To welcome you to Willshire, I have a special gift

for you, my grace.” John Lloyd announced.

“Oh my dear sir, that was not necessary.” Amelia



As she replied, two guards accompanied a

shackled Thomas into the room.

“I found this man trespassing. He claims to be King

Thomas of Landford.” John Lloyd said.

Amelia immediately began trembling. She looked

over at Guillaume.

“Sir John Lloyd, return him to the dungeon please.”

Guillaume commanded.

“It is fine, Guillaume.” Amelia whispered. Amelia

could not contain herself. Tears started streaming

down her face. The anger at seeing Thomas was

overwhelming. She slowly stood up.

“King Thomas of Landford, what do you have to

say to the charges brought against you?” Amelia


“David was a traitor, he received what he

deserved.” Thomas answered.

“Is that all?” Amelia asked. Thomas looked at her

and replied, “That’s all!”


The guard pushed him to the floor.

“Show respect for your queen.” The Guard said.

“She is NOT my queen!” Thomas shouted.

The guard hit him.

“ENOUGH!” Amelia shouted.

She slowly walked up to Thomas.

He looked up at her. “Thomas, I sentence you to

death for taking the life of our brother. As the sun

rises two days, on the third day, your head will be

mine.” Amelia commanded.

“WHAT! You cannot do that!” Thomas replied.

The guard restrained him.

“Yes I can! Please take him away!” Amelia said as

she walked away.

The room remained in silence.

She walked over and addressed John Lloyd.

“You will be paid handsomely for the capture of

the fugitive. I will bestow upon you one of this

kingdoms highest honors, Sir John Lloyd.” Amelia


John Lloyd bowed before her.

Greyson approached Amelia.

“You have had a long trip, my Queen, go rest while

dinner is made. Lady Melanie will escort you to

your quarters.” Greyson suggested.

Amelia nodded.

Guillaume kissed Amelia on the forehead.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can, I must meet with

Greyson.” Guillaume said.

“I do not trust Thomas being here, Amelia is

terrified of him.” Guillaume said.

“She will be well protected.” Greyson assured.


“No is well protected when it comes to Thomas, he

killed his own flesh and blood, twice.” Guillaume

argued. “I will assign the best Knights to protect

you both.” Greyson replied.


“I am not worried about myself, I can take Thomas

on. I am worried about Amelia’s well-being.”

Guillaume responded.

“She will be fine, Guillaume. She is stronger than

you think.” Greyson said.

Rodger and John Lloyd began assigning guards.

Down in the dungeons, King Paul boasted about

how his Knight were mixed in between Willshire’s

guards and they would avenge him. Thomas

became interested in King Paul’s words.

“How true are your words?” Thomas asked.

King Paul leaned over against the bars and

whispered “One of my elite Knights, Sir Omaur is

among them.”

Thomas nodded and whispered “Oh is he? And

which one is he?”


“I am not telling you.” King Paul mumbled.


“Cause you are a crazy drunk liar.” Thomas replied.

“I speak with truth.” King Paul answered.

“Then tell me. I will not share it.” Thomas said


“Tall, one eyed ogre.” King Paul revealed.

“There are a hundred men that look like that.”

Thomas said. “Not missing their two middle

fingers.” King Paul said.

Thomas looked at him unimpressed.

“I cut them off myself ” King Paul added.

Thomas walked away.

He was not sure if King Paul’s word were factual or

was it a made up story by a drunk. Either way

Thomas stayed on the lookout for that man.

A revolt had begun in Schillingburg. Thomas had

imprisoned King Erich and forgot about him.


Schillingburg was left to disintegrate. With all the

uprising in other kingdoms, the chaos became

widespread. The situation was so critical that the

townspeople invaded Schillingburg castle and to

their surprise found it abandoned. King Erich and

his imprisoned soldiers had escaped.

Greyson was doing his rounds when he came upon

Omaur in a dark hallway. For some reason Greyson

felt he knew this man but he didn’t know from

where. As he passed him he looked directly at his

face. Omaur looked away as to hide his features.

When Greyson reached the end of the hall, he

remembered where he knew him from, he was the

man who killed Guillaume’s mother in St.


He quickly turned around and yelled “Halt!”

Omaur was far down the passage way.

“I command you to stop!” Greyson yelled.

Omaur took off running into the dungeons. As

Greyson ran after him, he ran passed Guillaume.


“It’s a breach! One of King Paul’s Knights has

entered the castle and is in our dungeon.” Greyson

yelled. Guillaume ran after him to help.

Upon entering the dungeons they could see

Thomas was not in his cell, as Guillaume got closer

he saw Omaur lying on the floor.

Guillaume drew his sword.

Omaur laughed.

“You must be Sir Guillaume?” Omaur asked.

“Your mother was very proud of you, she told me

as I slowly sliced her open.” Omaur added.

Guillaume raised his sword and swung it at Omaur.

He rolled on the floor because he could get his

footing. Guillaume swung again and this time

caught Omaur at the neck. Blood gushed out.

Guillaume turned away as Omaur drowned in his

own blood. He raised his sword as to hit him again

but stopped.


“I think letting you suffer satisfies me.” Guillaume


In a split second, everything seemed to be moving

in slow motion. Guillaume could see Greyson

swinging his sword and hitting every target.

Suddenly he said to himself “Amelia”. He starts

running towards their quarters. From afar he could

see the room door is ajar.

“AMELIA!!!” He yells.

As he enters, Thomas has his back to him. Thomas

suddenly falls. Amelia is standing there covered in

blood, holding David’s sword. She then falls and

Guillaume runs to her. He grabs her and hugs her

tight. She is shaking like a leaf. John Lloyd and

Greyson appear at the door.

“Is the Queen fine?” John Lloyd asks.

Guillaume nods.


Greyson enters and walks up to Thomas who is still


“Help me, I am your King.” Thomas gurgles.

Greyson advances towards him.

“God rest your soul, my King.” Greyson says as he

pierces Thomas heart with his own dagger.

Amelia closes her eyes and yelps. Guillaume holds

her closer.

“Amelia, you are cut.” Guillaume discovers. He

picks her up and places her on the bed.

“Let me see, where you are bleeding from.”

Greyson said.

“I see it, just a small nick on my Queen’s shoulder. I

will get the doctor.” John Lloyd replies.

“Amelia, your brother Paul was also killed in the

scuffle, just thought you should be aware.”

Greyson whispers.

She nods and closes her eyes.


Days passed and all in Willshire had become

tranquil once again. It seemed as if life was

returning to normal. After all the wars, the

kingdoms were finally coinciding. But it seemed

too tranquil for most.

Amelia’s long awaited coronation and wedding

was finally upon us. She had waited to be united to

Guillaume so long and the town wanted to make

their Queen legitimate. Amelia sat in her room, in

her beautiful gown, out the window she can see

everyone arriving. She was so excited. She heard a

soft tapping at her door. She turned as the door

opened slowly.

“Remember me? Do not bother to scream, there is

no one alive to help you.” King Erich said as he

stood in the doorway.


To be continued…



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All Joana’s books are available in Paperback and Kindle through Amazon, Barnes & Noble online and your local bookstore.




Available Now!

“To Tom, With Love…” is a book in honor of British Actor Tom Hiddleston by his fans. Joana created this project as a way to help donate to his favorite charity. Many HiddlesFans submitted letters and artwork to show their appreciation for him.

This book is a wonderful keepsake and will help many. Proceeds of this book will be donated to UNICEF United Kingdom.





“My name is Wheatie” written by Alannis A Acevedo is the life story of an abandoned blind puppy. Partial proceeds goes to help the Spay/Neuter Program for Boone County Illinois Animal Services. It’s a sweet, wonderful book and it’s also for a great cause.

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