Chaos, Tales of a King 2 (Excerpt) by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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Amelia had a new agenda. She wanted to avenge

David’s death. But first she needed to prepare for

battle. In the morn, they invade Willshire.

Thomas had returned to Landford as if nothing

had happened. “My Grace, where have you been?

I was becoming concerned.” Charles said.

“I was out sparing a bit with my dear brother.”

Thomas replied.

“I see, are you hurt? Your clothes are covered in

blood.” Charles asked.

“I have a few nicks, here and there, nothing

alarming.” Thomas answered.

“Draw the King a bath!” Charles told a servant.


Charles grabbed the Kings cloak and walked back

with him to his room.

“So you found David?” Charles said.

“Oh I did more than find him, I stabbed him”

Thomas answered.

“Around here” He added as he pointed to his heart


Charles was shocked. “Is he dead?” Charles asked.

“If not yet, he will be, there was a lot of blood.”

Thomas said with no regard.

Charles was horrified by the way Thomas spoke;

he knew the King was a bit crude but this was


“Did anyone see you? Kill him?” Charles


Thomas laughed.

“Would it matter? HE WAS A TRAITOR CHARLES!

And I am not sure if I killed him, I am sure I

wounded him. Death would be a plus.” Thomas


King Paul of Willshire had no concern. He spent his

days, drinking and carousing. Willshire went from

bad to worse. He had no intentions of fixing it

either. He could care less about his townspeople;

as long as he was content he felt everyone was.

Greyson worked out his strategy with Amelia &

Guillaume, while Rodger and John Lloyd prepared

the men for this journey. John Lloyd had gone into

town to access everything.

“Willshire is a mess.” John Lloyd commented.

“Word is King Paul is a drunk and his kingdom is

falling on its own.” He added.

“This should be easy then.” Rodger replied.


“We must still be prepared and strong, just in

case.” Greyson affirmed.


“Our men are up for the challenge; they have

trained countless hours and are ready to go.”

Rodger said.

“What else can you say, John Lloyd?” Greyson


“Well, the northern wall of the castle is not

guarded, so that can be our way in.” John Lloyd


“He has most of his soldiers on the border near

Schillingburg. The south side of the castle as 8, 2

at the front gate, 4 at the doors and 2 by his side.”

John Lloyd added.

“Great job, Sir John Lloyd!” Amelia complimented.

“My Queen” John Lloyd said as he bowed.

“I see why Greyson has so much trust in you, thank

you for your assistance Sir John Lloyd and Sir

Rodger, of course.” Amelia said.

“My Queen, we lament the passing of Lord David,

we vowed to him to protect you, so there is no

need to thank us, it is our duty.” Rodger said.

Amelia smiled and bowed her head.

“So we head out in the morn?” John Lloyd asked.

“Yes, we will split the men so we can surround the

castle.” Greyson explained.

“What can I assist with, Greyson?” Guillaume


“You will stay with Amelia; it is going to be hard to

protect the Queen. As you know Thomas will

return for her and only you have the skill to take

on Thomas.” Greyson responded.

“I can protect myself, Greyson” Amelia added.

“Amelia, I know you can but I also know Thomas,

so please do as I say.” Greyson replied.

Greyson reached out and shook Guillaume’s hand.

“You Sir Guillaume will have the most difficult job.


Keeping Amelia in line. I trust you with Amelia’s life

and that is a lot coming from me.” Greyson said.

“I will guard her with my life, as always.”

Guillaume assured him.

Greyson then turned to Rodger and John Lloyd.

“We will move out in a bit, go eat and rest Sirs. I

need you both fully rested.” Greyson said.

Rodger and John Lloyd dismissed themselves.

Greyson walks over to Amelia.

“My dear Amelia, you have a strong will but I ask,

Please mind your Knight. He will protect you plus

he loves you.” Greyson whispered.

Amelia smiled and replied “I will Greyson,


He winked at her and walked away.


Amelia could not sleep, she knew retaliation was

not the way to go but David’s death haunted her.

She tried to think back to where everything went

wrong. If she could have prevented it from

happening. She even tried to find an excuse for

Thomas’ actions but she found none.

The dawn came in like a flash. The sound of the

soldiers marching was deafening. Amelia and

Guillaume watched as they made their way

towards Willshire.

“This is impressive, so many men representing

you.” Guillaume said.

Amelia stared in silence.

“Is all well?” Guillaume asked.

She shook her head yes. “You seem preoccupied.

Are you sure?” Guillaume whispered.

“I am well, just thinking about David and what I

am going to tell Elizabeth after all this is done.”

Amelia replied. “David protected you with honor,

Elizabeth will be proud.” Guillaume replied.


“It is my entire fault, you know.” Amelia added.

“No it is not; do not do this to yourself Amelia.”


Guillaume stated.

“I have to fix it!” Amelia affirmed.

“Fix what? You cannot change destiny. This was all

meant to happen.” Guillaume said.

“I must avenge David’s death. It must be done.

Thomas has done a lot of awful things and this

time he must be punished for it.” Amelia said.

“His punishment will come with time, my love, do

not worry.” Guillaume replied.

Upon reaching the outskirts of Willshire, John

Lloyd commanded his soldier to stop and remain

quiet as they watched the castle.

“I will go ahead and inspect the area. If all is safe I

will whistle and then you can approach.” John

Lloyd instructed.

Rodger signaled in agreement. John Lloyd ran

through the over growth, quiet and swiftly. Rodger

remain attentive, waiting for that whistle. Faint in

the distance, he began to hear that special whistle.

Rodger signaled with his hand to the men so they

could advance forward. The castle looked

abandoned from this view. The area was

unguarded and dark. As they entered, they could

see the castle guards.

“Now we wait for Greyson’s men to capture them.”

John Lloyd whispered to Rodger.

“ in three… two… one…” Rodger whispered back.

“LET’S GO!!!" Shouted John Lloyd.

Willshire Castle never knew what hit them; at this

point they were being invaded by Queen Amelia’s

army. There were soldiers everywhere. For every

one of their soldiers, we had four. So the battle

was quite unfair, in their eyes. Rodger took his men

towards the left side of the castle as John Lloyd’s

men went right. Greyson’s men went straight for

the throne room.


“In the name of Queen Amelia, we remove you

from this throne.” Greyson said as he grabbed King

Paul by the arm. Logan tried escaping but John

Lloyd grabbed him at the door.

“Where are you taking me, how dare you!” King

Paul shouted.

“To your new accommodations, my Lord, the

dungeon.” Greyson responded.

King Paul tried to wiggle out of Greyson’s grasp.

“Do not make this more difficult for yourself, my

Lord. My orders from Queen Amelia were to kill

you, so relax.” Greyson said.

“Queen Amelia? Who is Queen Amelia? She has no

kingdom! She cannot give any orders!” King Paul


“She is now Queen of Willshire, so I am thinking

she can.” Greyson confirmed.

“This is ridiculous! She cannot take my kingdom.”


King Paul added.

“Well she has. So enough talking and start

walking.” Greyson commanded. King Paul, his

advisor, Logan and 25 top his top men were

imprisoned until further notice from the Queen.

As the battle ended, you could hear the celebration

cheers of the men, “Long Live Our Queen, Long

Live Queen Amelia of Willshire!”

They seized Willshire Castle with no loss of men.