Chaos, Tales of a King 2 (Excerpt) by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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I am Thomas, Prince of Landford and as I see it,

the rightful King.

As Amelia would say I am often misunderstood.

But it is all in the way you think about life.

Life is to be lived, to be cherished, not to sit by and

watch it pass.

My life was meant to be great and I will do

anything and everything so it be.

My wife Amelia became Queen in place of me

while I was at battle.

I say in place because she is not the true heir.

She is not even my father's daughter.

Upon my return, she had fully taken over, upon my

Fathers request.


Amelia had no interest in reigning but assumed

the role to please Father.


Amelia has been the love of my life since the

moment I set eyes on her as a young maiden.

We were automatically drawn to each other.

I was the first to kiss her, the first to bed her.

She was mine and I hers.

We have an undying unconditional love for one


A love deeper than one would think considering all

the changes between us.

I know I have shown mistrust with all my mischief

but as Mother said we have a strong love, one that

cannot be defeated by anything or anyone.

As a young lord, Father seemed to push me

towards my studies and training, while my older

brother David was allowed to do as he pleased.

Father thought David would choose the throne

naturally but it was not in his nature.

Unlike David, I studied and trained for years

because that was what a future king should do.

Many think my ambition to be King is for power

but it is not.

I just want what is due to me after all the


As a young boy, I would sit and watch Father and I

longed to do as he did.

Help the commoners, make Landford a beautiful

place to live.

Father groomed me to be King, I believe he did so

because he knew in his heart David had no


I may have been Fathers second choice but the

best choice overall.

The older we became, Father turned his view back

towards David.

Father was destined to make him King of Landford.

I ceased to exist from this moment on.


Everything was for David.

David, you must study, David, you must train,

because David, you WILL be King.

I was quickly thrown aside.

Being ignored made me work much harder which

made it look like I was sneaky and conniving.

But it was not so.

Mother said I had sibling jealousy but it went far

passed that.

I could never be as good as David in Father's eyes.

No matter what I did, David did it better or even

Amelia was complimented. I seemed to only exist

when Father needed someone to criticize or a


Father always complained about my disobedience

but it was just my way of being in his eyes again.

Mother always stood by me but I longed to be my

father's son.

When David fell madly in love with a peasant girl, I

knew this was his downfall especially in Father's


As a royal, we were not allowed to wed anyone

under our standards. We were arranged for


He spoke about renouncing the crown to marry his


I never discouraged his idea.

In fact, I was elated because I knew this would be

my return to Father.

The only thing was that Father was so absorbed by

the idea of David being King that I was afraid

Father would go against tradition & allow their

union and let him still be King after all.

I was not having that!

Being unsure of what Father might do I had to

make it be.

I had to find a way to have David banished, not

only from Landford but from Fathers eyes & heart


I knew exactly what to do.

Create the ultimate betrayal in Father’s eyes, it

was my only option.

It was fairly easy and convincing the Kingsmen

was easier than I thought.

In no time, Father became very grim and

disillusioned by David.

The belief that David had betrayed him weighed

heavily on him.

Father was very harsh with us when it came to

punishment especially for defying him.

Father felt responsible for David's disloyalty and

needed to make amends for his treason with his


But I would have never thought that one of

Father’s decisions would be to put his own son to


That WAS NOT my plan.


I had no say in Fathers decision and If I intervened

or even tried to convince Father to spare him, I’d

be defying Father also.

In my eyes, Fathers decision to send me to battle

was my own punishment.

My training was great for sparing against my

brother but was it enough to protect myself?

No training or studying can prepare a man for

what I was about to experience.

To my parents I showed pride and bravery but in

my heart there was sheer terror.

I dreaded not returning. I did not want to die.

I saw things a person should never see.

I saw bloodshed everywhere.

Death stared me in the face many times but I

overcame it because I needed to return for Amelia.


The battle was fierce.

When you hear battle stories, the details you

imagine are not the details you see with your own

eyes. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, my

heart became dark, black as the night.

I felt no love anymore, no empathy.

No sympathy for anyone.

I was an empty shell of a being.

I could not understand what we were all dying for.

After seeing so many friends slaughtered, my mind

was baffled.

What were we fighting for?


To this day, this question still remains unanswered

to me.

A battle for something so insignificant.

Something that really did not belong to any of us.

The more I thought about it, the more I withdrew

into myself.

The thought of so many deaths for a piece of land

became incomprehensible.

Of course, when you are the one giving the

commands, everything seems correct but when

you are the one fighting, the reality sets in quickly.

Life had to be more meaningful than this.

That is what I believe.

But my life as I knew it would never be the same.

I went from Prince to Soldier overnight.

A life I could never get accustomed to.

But as a good soldier and future King, I needed to

show pride and valor.

I adapted to my surroundings and in doing so

I became another person.

Killing became a routine for me.

My mind became conditioned to kill for survival

and that was all I did.

It may sound like an excuse but when dropped into

that situation, everything is totally different.


In a moment of total confusion and absent

mindedness, I was captured and became a

prisoner of Schillingburg.

The moment King Erich discovered who I was he

knew using me as one of his soldiers would be a

plus for him.

His ultimatum was kill or be killed.

So I did as I was instructed.

As for killing, I killed many for Landford and


As for King Michael of Willshire, I was only

protecting myself.

I did not know him to be a Royal or even to be

Amelia’s brother.

I fought him as I did any other and he was a

challenge, if I may say.

Either way, a King would have died that night.

Willshire’s Soldiers were upon me in seconds and I

was imprisoned for the murder of their King.

I was sure to be put to death or so I thought.


Imagine the surprise I received when the Queen of

Landford, came to retrieve me from Willshire


To my knowledge here was no Queen in Landford

until Amelia walked through that door.

As I was turned into a Soldier, Amelia was turned

into a Queen.

We were two totally different people.

Two people in two life choices they did not choose.

My world was turned upside down.

This was proof I was totally stripped of my


I felt anger and betrayal

but also a strange feeling of happiness.

I was elated to see my Amelia even though my

actions spoke different.


My life was spared, thanks to her, but what kind of

life was this?

A King with no power.


Since Father handed my Kingdom to Amelia, she

was not willing or trusting to put me in command.

There was no convincing Father either.

To him she would be the better monarch.

I tried to convince Father but it was to no avail.

He had made his decision to completely restrict me

from being King and it was not to be dishonored.

Unfortunately that decision would never get to

Amelia because Father passed on unexpectedly

with assistance.

I did not murder him for his power because at this

point, he had none.

I was playing God, I could not bear to see him in

pain any longer.

If it were possible to go back and change things, I

would but at this point I was in very deep and


Amelia suspected it.

My actions were extreme but they were for the

good of Landford.


Father in his illness had neglected our kingdom

and Amelia as the new monarch really did not

know what to do with it.

I felt like I was the only hope for Landford and I

became obsessed with it.

I had demonstrated I was worthy of the crown to

my subjects but in doing so I ignored who was

most important.


Without her approval, Landford’s Monarchy would

have no value.

I became stern with Amelia, so grim she began to

fear me. And believe me, Amelia feared no person.

As a soldier, I was taught fear is the best tactic,

little did I know that with fear, respect is lost.

I could never subject her to any actual harm


Believe it or not, I love her very much, in my own

way and Amelia knew this but I felt she had

forgotten due to my absence.

Even though she betrayed my trust and helped

David escape his fate, I still felt love for her.

How could I not?

She always stood her ground.

That was one of the reasons I fell in love with her.


Either way, I forgave her for all her past

indiscretions but I also let her know if she ever

thought of deceiving me again, her demise would

be inevitable.

From here on there was no turning back. I became

King. I forcefully took the monarchy away from

Amelia. She did not resist because she knew I was

the rightful heir, now that Father was gone. Plus it

was unheard of to have a Queen reign on her own

especially when there was a true blood King



Landford had been neglected. It was time for

Landford to return to its previous state and

I as King was the only and correct way for it to
