Chaos, Tales of a King 2 (Excerpt) by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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As Thomas stood over David, his sword’s blade

slightly caressed his neck as his was pointed at

Thomas’ heart.

He knew with one swipe it would be all over but

his heart would not let him do it.

His hands felt weakness and his sword fell aside.

David could have killed Thomas but he lowered his


“What could I have been thinking?” Thomas


“Could becoming King have taken over every

aspect of my being, so much that I would go this

far?” He added.

A feeling of shame filled him.


Thoughts of what he did to his Father overcame


“David is my brother, his same blood flowed

through my veins.

At no time, he coward to me, he was ready to die,

if death came his way, through my sword or any.”

Thomas pondered.

David may have thought the next event spared his

life but truly Thomas did not have the courage to

kill his brother. He was all he had at this point.

And even after this fierce vicious fight with him, he

knew he would proudly stand by him and protect

him against anyone, if need it be.

Suddenly a loud sound like a crash and rolling

thunder startled us.

As David and Thomas looked, Amelia's horse Toby

came rushing out of the brush towards them.


There was no remedy but to move out of his way.


Something had spooked him.

But that was not what concerned them.

How did Toby get all the way to Willshire without

a rider, without Amelia?

Thomas quickly yelled at him to stop, Toby slowed

down and slowly galloped back towards them.

David looked at Thomas and said “What is

Amelia's horse doing here?”

Thomas grabbed its bridle and answered “Amelia

must have followed me here but where is she?”

This was so unusual, Amelia cared for her horse

like it was her child, she would never leave him

unattended or stranded.

They began walking towards the direction Toby

came from.

There was nothing, no sign of Amelia.

It was as if Toby just appeared from nowhere.

David walked up behind him and said “What is

going on, Thomas? Where is Amelia?”

Thomas was confused, he had no answers.

“Our childish conflict will have to wait. Something

is very wrong.” David added.

Thomas agreed but he needed to find Amelia

before David did.

Thomas handed David the bridle and stated “You

return Toby back to Landford but ride along the

outskirts to see what you can find. Check if

anything is suspicious. I will head straight to

Landford in the direction Amelia would have


David agreed and said “I will meet you at Landford


Thomas commanded his men to follow David as he

returned home.


Thomas rode fast but vigilant.

They was no sign of anything.


As he passed Schillingburg, all seemed quiet there.

Their soldiers were in their usual positions. He

rode passed a few special places where Amelia

and he would have gone, to see if she was there

but there was no sign of her.

As he arrived at Landford Castle, he yelled for

Amelia as he ran up to their quarters.

As Thomas entered, the room looked in shambles

and Amelia was nowhere in sight.

He called for the night maid who thought Amelia

was with him.

He ran through the castle, looking through every

place he could think she would be and still


He began to panic. He rode throughout the

grounds, the stables, the garden, nothing. Even

the dungeon was empty.


In the distance, he could see David approaching

with his men. He rode towards the stable and

began to put his horse away.

David rode in behind him and asked “Is she here?”

Thomas nodded no.

“Where is she?” He continued.

“I do not know David, I left her here” Thomas


“I have searched the entire castle and its grounds

and there are no signs of her anywhere.” Thomas


David paced back and forth.

“Something is definitely wrong Thomas. Amelia

would not be out after dark unless it was an

emergency.” David continued.

“Did you quarrel with her?” David asked.


Thomas shook his head.

“I always quarrel with her, she has never left the

castle, especially at night.” He answered.

“Maybe she followed you to my home” David said.

“Impossible” Thomas mumbled.

“Why impossible, do you not know Amelia by

now?” David asked.

“She was in a deep sleep” He whispered.

David laughed and added “Come on brother, you

know Amelia. She always fooled Mother and

Father. It looks like she has fooled you too.”

Thomas thought to myself.

“There was no way, I gave her the tea with a

special sleep potion in it and I was assured she was

not going to be able to function after drinking it.”

“Do not concern yourself David, I will search

throughout the castle again, she has to be here

somewhere.” Thomas said.


“I will return in the morning and Amelia better be

here or things between you and I will definitely

take a real turn for the worse.” David threatened.

“What does that mean?” Thomas replied.

David walked towards him and pointed at his chest

and whispered “I will not play fight with you as I

did earlier today, I will kill you, if Amelia is not


Thomas grabbed his cloak and tried to walk away.

“How are you not concerned Thomas, she is your

Queen!” David shouted.

Thomas turned to him and replied “She is my wife,

NOT my Queen, and I am concerned, what do you

expect me to do?”

David suddenly came at him and said “Father

anointed her Queen, Thomas and I know how

much you wanted to be King! If you have you done

something to her, I will kill you”


“Father, FATHER! David please, Father is dead!

Why must in death he still run our lives? I have not

done anything to Amelia. She is the only one I

would not bring harm to. But I would

not think twice before having you imprisoned

again dear brother so be on your merry way while

you still have the strength and will to do so.”

Thomas responded.

“I have warned you brother. I will be back in the

morning.” David repeated.

Thomas walked away in hast.

As he entered the castle his first officer stopped

him. “My Lord, I found Queen Amelia's shawl by

the creek.” He said.

“By the creek?” Thomas thought.

“Find some men and go search there, maybe she is

hurt.” He commanded.

Could she have followed me? He asked himself.


He saw her drink the tea and fall asleep.

So he thought.


He sat at the window looking over Landford,

hoping to see her in the distance.

No matter all that has happened between them he

could not see his life without her.

“What was I to do? I cannot just sit around and do

nothing. I must go out and bring back my Amelia.”

Thomas said to himself.

Meanwhile in Schillingburg…

King Erich was elated with his new capture.

He really did not know what he wanted to do with

her. All he was sure of was that this was the

perfect vengeance against Thomas.

“Maybe we can do an even trade, Amelia for

Landford?” King Erich thought and laughed.

“Charles, CHARLES!” King Erich called.

“Yes my liege?” Charles asked.


“How is our lovely Lady Amelia?” He asked as he

paced back and forth.


“She is as good as she could be considering her

situation, my Lord.” Charles answered.

“Do you know what is the best part of having her

here?” King Erich asked.

Charles nodded.

“Thomas and David do not even know she is gone,

too busy with their own squabbles, pity, pity.” He


He stopped and motioned to his subject to

approach him.

“Assure yourself that Amelia is comfortable. Take

her warm clothes, food and drink. Tend to her

injury and most of all be respectful, she is a Lady.”

King Erich turned towards Charles.

“I have nothing against her, my fight is with

Thomas and she is just a pawn. A wonderful pawn

plus I do not want her to think I am a bad host.” He



Amelia had no idea what was going on. One

minute she was riding to Willshire, next minute

she is in a dungeon cell.

She paced as she waited for someone.

She did not recognize anything or anyone, not

even the view outside the small window of her cell.

She could not remember what got her into this

predicament. She was still a bit groggy from the

tea and injured due to her fall off her horse.

She saw a blurred man in the distance.

“My dear sir, hello, can you say where am I?” She


“You are at Schillingburg Castle, my Lady.” He

whispered. “Schillingburg? How did I get here?”

She continued.

“The Kings Men captured you in the forest near

the boundary of Schillingburg and Willshire. You

were trespassing.” He replied.


The man entered her cell with a first aid basket.

“The King has asked me to come tend to your

injuries, my Lady.” The man said.

Amelia reacted with pain as he wiped her bloody

forehead. She had a large laceration on her head

from her fall.

“Can I speak to your King?” She asked.

The man nodded and answered “I will ask when I

am done treating your wounds, my Lady.”

Amelia was so confused.

She did not understand why she was imprisoned

and did not want to cause a ruckus so she

remained quiet and calm.

“My lady, please lay here and rest, I will mention

your request to the Kings Advisor. If you need

anything please feel free to ask Sir Guillaume, he is

the guard at your door.”


The man said as he left her cell.


Amelia bowed her head in agreement.

Upon reaching the upstairs hallway he came upon


“Sir Charles, I have a request from Lady Amelia.”

The man said.

Charles nodded.

“She wishes to speak to King Erich.” He added.

“I will pass the message to the King, you may go

now.” Charles replied.

Charles slowly walked towards the Kings Quarters,

but half way there he turns around and heads for

the dungeon.

Upon arriving, he stops suddenly and watches

Amelia from a distance.

She was a tiny girl but of strong will, he could tell

by her pacing. He wanted to remained

undiscovered but she sees him and yells “Sir, Sir,

can I please speak with your King?”


Charles walks towards her cell.

“In time, my Lady, The King is indisposed at the

moment.” He replied.

“Do you know why I am here? I am not a prisoner.

I am Amelia, Queen of Landford, there must be an

awful mistake.” She added.

“There is no mistake, my Lady.” He replied as he

walked away.

Amelia was now more confused than ever.

She reached out the cell and touched Sir

Guillaume’s shoulder.

“Yes, my Lady” he responded.

“Sir Guillaume, do you have any knowledge of

what this is all about?” Amelia asked.

She never had bad blood with anyone in

Schillingburg especially their King.

“My lady, you were captured by Schillingburg

border soldiers, you were trespassing.” Sir

Guillaume replied.

“Trespassing? I was on my way to Willshire. I did

not enter Schillingburg.” Amelia added.

“Please rest my Lady, I am sure the King will

explain it all in the morning.” Sir Guillaume


Charles decided to let it rest and give the message

to King Erich in the morning.

Thomas could not rest. His heart was troubled.

Amelia was out there, she could be hurt and it was

completely his fault.

He rode in the direction he thought Amelia would

take to Willshire again and again and still found


Not even hoof prints.

It was as if Toby had floated there.


Near David's home he saw an area where it looked

like there was a struggle but he could not decipher

if it was done during the scuffle with David.

Where can she be?

What has happened to her?

She could not just disappear.

He rode towards the creek and nothing there

either. Amelia was an avid swimmer so drowning

was out of the question.

Could she had taken the opportunity to leave

Landford? He did not think so, Amelia was not that

type of person.

The idea of losing Amelia was driving Thomas

mad. This was not the way things were supposed

to go.

Yes, He wanted to be King but not like this.

As the sun began to come up, he can see much

clearer and the area seemed untouched.

There was no sign of Amelia anywhere.


As he slowly rode back to Landford, David caught

up with him.

“Have you been out all night brother?” David


“Yes, what did you expect?” Thomas answered.

“I found nothing, no scuffle marks, nothing out of

the ordinary. I am totally puzzled.” He added.

“I'll go into Landford then Schillingburg and see if

anyone knows anything, you return to Landford

castle, maybe she has returned by now.” David


As he rode away he yelled “Get some rest also,


Thomas murmured to himself, “thank you.”

He had never said thank you to David for anything.

He did not know what he was experiencing.

Could this be the true feeling of lose? He thought.


As Thomas entered the castle he rushed to his


His chest felt tight and heavy.

He slammed the door behind him and began to


He was destroyed by all this.

This feeling was horrible, nothing he had ever felt


It over took him so much he felt weak and out of


The only way to release it was to scream with all

his might.

Thomas began throwing anything in sight.

He was out of control and this feeling of self-

condemnation was tearing him apart.

He had never felt guilt, not even when he helped

his Father pass.

Amelia had never done anything really wrong to



No matter how terrible Thomas was, she always

supported him but now he has realized how much

he neglected her.

The only person who had ever loved him

unconditionally and he

was responsible for her harm and possible demise.

David wandered Schillingburg, not knowing where

to start. He saw a bunch of men by a pub and

decided to ask for their help.

“Men, I am looking for my sister, she a small girl,

dark hair, about so tall, very pretty she resembles

the Queen of Landford, has anyone seen her?”

David asked.

“Every pretty girl resembles the Queen, Sir” one

man replied.


As they all laughed.

“Yes sir, very true.” David laughed.

“She was riding in from Landford, on her way to

my home in Willshire and never arrived.

I feel she is in harm.

“Did you check with the doctor or the Noblemen?”

asked a man.

David nodded no.

The man pointed in the opposite direction and

replied, “Go there if she is injured, they will know.”

David nodded and said “Thank you my man, I will

go there. If you see or hear anything, contact me I

will be in town for the day.” David added.

As he rode away, another man rode up to him.

“Young lad, I think I have seen your sister but this

young girl was with Soldiers. She did not have a

horse though, she rode with one of the Soldiers. I

saw blood on her face and dress.” He whispered.

“Soldiers? Landford Soldiers?” David asked.

“No, No, these men carried the crest of

Schillingburg.” He replied.

“Ok?” David answered confused.


He handed the man some money and replied

“Thank you my man, if this is her, you have helped

me a great deal.”

David rode toward Schillingburg castle, as he got

closer, soldiers surrounded him.

“Halt, What is needed by you sir?” A soldier asked.

David found it unusual that the soldiers perimeters

where farther out than usual.

“Nothing, nothing sir, I just rode a little too far. I’m

looking for my sister.” David replied.

“Go be on your way. There are no women here, as

you see.” the soldier responded.

David looked up at the castle and back at the

soldier and nodded. He began to ride away when

he decided to ask the soldier again “Sir please, I

am in search of my little sister, could it be possible

you have seen her? I was told she might be in this



The soldier interrupted “No young girls in this

area. Maybe she is in town frolicking.”

David glanced back at the castle and dismissed


As he rode back towards the town he came across


“David, my lord” Greyson said excitedly and he

shook his hand.

“Greyson, how are you?” David asked.

“I am well, what are you doing in Schillingburg?”

Greyson commented.

“It is a long story my friend, but all in all, Amelia

has come up missing. I do not fear her dead. I

believe Thomas when he says he has caused her

no harm.” David commented.

Greyson looked extremely upset.


“I warned Thomas before I left Landford, my Lord”

Greyson said angrily.

“Any harm come to Amelia I would kill him myself.”


Greyson added.

“He has not hurt her, Greyson. I am sure it is a big

misunderstanding. You know Amelia, they might

have quarreled and she left to prove her point or

something. She’s strong headed girl.” David


“Thomas may be guilty of many atrocious acts but

he would never hurt Amelia. I am sure of it” David


“My young Amelia is very stubborn. So what do

you think happened to her that she has not

returned?” Greyson asked.

“I think she is in there” David said as he pointed at

the castle.

“In Schillingburg Castle? Why in Lord’s Heaven

would she be in there?” Greyson responded.

“A traveler advised me of seeing a young girl

accompanied by soldiers. I think while Thomas and

I were straightening out our difference once again,

she must have accidentally rode into Schillingburg

territory and became captured or maybe she is

injured and their Soldiers took her there for care, I

am not sure.” David explained.

“But how could you be so sure it is her? Amelia

knows these boundaries like the back of her hand.”

Greyson asked.

“A gut feeling I suppose plus when have you ever

seen a woman there? I say never. And this one was

injured.” David responded.

“Injured? How?” Greyson asked.

“That I do not know, but the man said the girl had

no horse with her and we found Toby wandering

around.” David added.

“That is a good reason to suspect, my Lord. So

what is your plan?” Greyson asked.


“We need to find out if it is true. I need to get in

there. I could use your help, Greyson.” David


“Come back with me to Landford, I must speak

with Thomas” David commanded.

“King Thomas banished me from Landford. I am

not to return there ever.” Greyson said worried.

“Right now this has nothing to do with Thomas, I

need your help to find Amelia and whether

Thomas likes it or not, you are my only hope.”

David said

Greyson agreed and to Landford they went.

As they arrived at the castle, the first Officer met

them at the door. He bowed at David as he

motioned it was not necessary.

“My Lord, King Thomas is not well, he has locked

himself in his quarters. Wailing and loud crashing

noises have been heard. We have tried to

intervene but he will not come to the door.” He



David rushed passed him and made his way to

Thomas’ room.

He knocked hard.

“Thomas, it is David, open the door.” David


After a few minutes, Thomas opened the door. He

looked disarranged due to his tantrum.

His face was somber due to his tears.

“Thomas, are you well?” David whispered.

“What kind of question is that? No I am not well”

Thomas shouted.

“Collect yourself, it is no time to fall apart” David


“We must prepare to infiltrate Schillingburg.”

David added.

“Invade Schillingburg? Why?” Thomas asked.

“Amelia is there, I am sure of it.” David replied.

“Did you see her there?” He asked excitedly.


As Thomas walked towards the door to exit, he

came across Greyson.

“Why are you here?” Thomas asked as he pointed

at Greyson.

“He is here to help.” David replied.

“If I may speak my King?” Greyson asked.

“Speak!” Thomas replied.

“I know Charles, the King Erich's Advisor, he is dull

in wit. He will tell me if Amelia is there. If my King

allows I will return to Schillingburg and look for

him.” Greyson suggested.

Thomas looked confused.

“Be on your way Greyson. Go find her.” He


Greyson turned to walk away and Thomas stopped

him and said “Thank you Greyson.”


Greyson bowed and replied “I do this for her not

you, my King.”


Thomas understood Greyson’s anger and he

accepted it. He deserved it completely.

David stood looking out the window.

Thomas walked towards him to see what he was

looking at.

David somberly turned towards him.

“I know you love her, Thomas. I know what you are

feeling my brother.” David whispered.

Thomas stood stoic looking out.

David reached for his shoulder and said.

“Brother, I do not wish to take your crown. Royalty

is in my blood but not in my heart. I am happy with

my simple quiet life. I do not miss anything of this

place, just you and Amelia.”

Thomas remained quiet.

“I know you always have felt hate for me but I

have never felt that for you, and never will. You

are my only brother. I know you are protecting

what is yours but I have no ill will for you.” David


“Enough David, our relationship is not of my

concern right now. I need to find Amelia.”

Thomas responded coldly and walked out.

As he walked towards the throne room, David


“EVERYONE OUT!” Thomas yelled as he entered.

He removed his crown and threw it across the


He immediately fell to his knees, the agony he was

feeling in his heart was extreme and present.

“Please protect her wherever she is at” He


Thomas felt the portraits of his parents looking

down at him with disgust and disappointment.

He felt as if he were going mad.


Greyson had reached Schillingburg but Charles

was nowhere to be found. The men he spoke with