Conversation Skills: For The Ultimate Professional by Dan Blaze - HTML preview

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We often take conversation skills for granted. We fail to put forward the conscious focus and care in our words, sentences, phrases, and overall communication… Why?  My guess would be this happens because we assume that a conversation is a conversation, and since we have been conversing all of our lives, we must, by now, be masters at the subtle art.  Unfortunately, we are wrong!

The intrigue and complexity that occurs within every conversation, whether it be of one minute or one hour, is incredibly fascinating, once you allow yourself to begin understanding. Our unconscious mind processes over 10,000 threads every second, or so scientists believe. That’s over 400 billion bits of information.  We pick up on all of the subtle things that are accepted through our five senses; things you and I probably never even notice we’re doing.  The brain deciphers all of these subtle cues, decides what is important and what is not, and spits an idea into our consciousness allowing us to derive meaning from these events… And it does so without asking us first!

With this in mind, don’t you think it you ought to be a little more careful as to how you allow others to perceive you?  Don’t you think you should take a little more control of the bits of information that you send out?  And don’t you think you could learn to understand others just a little more precisely?

By telling the conscious mind what to look for, and what is important, you allow that message to transcend into the unconsciousness. The next time your unconscious picks up on these subtle things, it will communicate back to the consciousness, and voila!  You will be aware of it.  You can, one step at a time, become the perfect communicator… Aware of every action they make, and every action you do.

I recommend, in addition to this book, you pick up a book on non-verbal communication (body language), as well as a book on persuasion.  The unity of these three subjects can have an instrumental effects on your abilities to communicate perfectly.


# NOTE: Throughout this book, I use a book and pen, like the one to the left.   This is my attempt at jumping outside of the script and speaking to you directly.  Take special notes here, and enjoy!