Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Four by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 37-Isolation


Not a nice way to treat a loyal Guardian, I hear you say? All I know is, I am in a sort of small place, in fact, I thought I was in the hologram room. I am still conscious, but I don’t know where. It takes me a while to find out exactly where I am, after all, I am a Guardian, well nearly. I keep saying to myself, I am Dan Sherman. I try to contact Reeas and Zelda, but I can’t get through. I also try to meditate, but no luck. I know something serious has happened, but I don’t know what. Some people in the physical world would say that when anything good or bad happens it is luck. You, as Student Guardians, know it is not.

There is no such thing as luck, we earn our place in this, or any other world. I then think, OK, let me try the Ultimate-Consciousness, yes, you got it, Mannus! It takes a long time; how long, I don’t know, but I’m not going to be imprisoned here. As I become more conscious, I find I am on the familiar hill top looking out over that very comforting view. I think the only real thing you can rely on is God himself, and I have found mine.

Without saying a word, he just looks into my eyes. I am enraptured. I can also see Zelda and Reeas watching us from behind a glass dome? In fact, we are in the dome and they can’t get in. I then notice Debra, who is now sitting next to me? She looks me in the eyes; I feel a love for her that I never thought possible. How can this be?

Mannus said, ‘She is the ship, and she is the power, she is also part of you, and being that, cannot be parted from you. Be at rest with that Thought.’

I can’t wait to dance with her, so we dance in the air, where else? How long, Mannus alone knows. I feel totally rested and stabilized.

In the sub base room, Zelda said, ‘You are the first being to escape from the Isolation-Room.’

I said, ‘What about Kallo?’

‘Yes, but that was in the other Universe. Congratulations, you have taken a step higher in the worlds of God.’

I said, ‘You knew I would escape, didn’t you?’

‘Yes,’ and we knew where you would go,’ said Reeas. How do you feel?’

‘I feel very well.’

‘Good, because I know a certain Guardian who wants to dance with you.’

Reeas is her usual calm self, showing no animosity whatever. ‘I said, I feel so grateful that I have all you beautiful People in my life, three of the most desirable women to ever come into existence. Debra is now fully under control because I am fully under control. I now realize that it is myself who is making Debra do silly things; she can still do silly things but, it will be me who makes her. Confusing, I hear some students say. Zelda said, ‘Dan, how do you think Kallo escaped from isolation?’

‘I have often thought about the same thing, I said, I had to go to the highest source in the Universe, so God alone knows where he managed to get to, or who helped him?’

‘Well, you can find out.’


‘Yes, he’s escaped again!’

‘Do you mean he’s here in this Universe?’

‘No,’ Zelda said. ‘We want you, Reeas and Deria to go back to the Humanoid Universe.’

‘And me’ said Debra!

‘Yes, and you,’ Zelda said.

‘What about my new consciousness? Will it not be too high for this job?’

‘No,’ said, Zelda, you still have a long way to go.’

Thanks a lot. I thought.

You’re welcome.’ Zelda said.

‘Yes, I guess I am still low. Can I ask you something?’ I said, to Zelda.

‘Of course.’

‘How is it that Kallo can escape so easily?’

‘That is what we want you find out?’

Stupid question, I thought.

‘Yes,’ Zelda, said.

It is now starting to sink in. Kallo, on the loose again!

Reeas said, ‘well, Dan, here we go again.’

‘Yes,’ I know.’ Debra then appeared and said, ‘Don’t you two worry, I’ll take care of him.’

I look at Reeas, she smiled. Deria, is now, also, with us, and ready to do battle.