Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Four by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 38-Return Home


I must admit, I am excited to be meeting Sionn, again, but on the other hand, I am sad to know I will be leaving Zelda.

‘You can come back in your dreams, you know.’ Zelda said.


‘Yes, you met Mannus, didn’t you?’

‘Yes.’ I now realize I am able to come and go in both the Human and the Non-Human Universes.

‘Hold it,’ I said, ‘what about Reeas?’

‘Yes, also Reeas and Deria.’

‘And me!’ Debra exclaimed.

‘Ah, yes, and you.’ Zelda said smiling.

‘They can’t part the old team, eh?’ I said, Meaning Reeas and Deria, but, Debra said, ‘No, Dan, they can’t.’ I think, I will have to control her more.

‘Yes, Dan, you will, but I will still be here.’

I must admit though the trip home is a cracker! We decided to use the ship to do part of the very long journey just for the excitement of surfing the meridian, yes, my Student friends. It is a phenomenon that happens when two Universe’s collide.

You can imagine the awesome gravity. Like an almighty wave of stars; and we will be riding that wave for some several trillion miles. We are, as you know, (sorry if I keep saying ‘as you know,’ but, you really, do know, don’t you?

On the human side of the meridian, all we need to do is wait till the wave is at its highest, then simply, (sorry if I keep saying simply but it is) ride it back towards home. Debra will calculate the exact time. I can tell you my friends, it is a very special experience. Why? You say, because we ride it in a Santa Clause sled. Yes, that’s right. It must have been Christmas somewhere, so we decided to celebrate. We even dressed up for the occasion.

Of course, I am Santa Clause. You had to be there to appreciate It, but you can easily imagine it. Yes, as students you can actually be there. Yes, I know it is a bit silly, but we feel like being a bit silly for once, and as Zelda said, no-harm-done. God, I will miss her. Yes, I know I can see her in my dreams. I feel a bit melancholy as we flashed through the universe. It would have taken us a hell of a long time to get home as you know, so, we had to simply, (again) put the ship on auto pilot, and let it return to the nearest base with our physical bodies, as we dream our way back to the Earth base.

Debra is OK about it; she will now be part of the ships fleet when we get back to Earth. We were safe enough in our light suits on the sled, when she turns back into a normal lightship we will sleep. I don’t know why I am relating these simple matters to you, as you are Student-Guardians and you know, only too well. OK, just one more song as we power down and take in some awesome starry beauty, a Christmas Carol Just for Sionn, Grenwer and company.

You Students already know you can go anywhere you are allowed to go, and do whatever you are allowed to do. That’s right, my friends, you have to earn your way to heaven, so to speak. The higher you go the more beautiful the experiences.

Well, I am going to see just how far I can go. I have a feeling I am needed on a certain plane. I am pulled upwards, how far? I don’t know, but I know that I haven’t intentionally wanted to go in any one direction. I feel as though I am being taken somewhere.

My senses are telling me that there is no danger ahead, but I am now in unexplored territory. Imagine this, my friends, I see Kallo’s face, yes, his classic villain looks, there, staring at me! Where? You ask. All around the landscape! As I become focused, I am now on a mountain top looking out over a vast range of mountains as far as the eye could see and further. I am looking through my Astral-Body eyes, or rather, the eyes of whatever body I am in, and whatever plane I am on, all I know is Kallo is here, looking at me from all of the mountain tops!

How can this be? I thought.

‘I’ll tell you, ‘Trainee-Dancer!’, he said, not again, I thought.

‘Yes, fool.’

‘What are we going to do with you?’, I said.

‘Nothing, because now, fool, you will be completely unable to do anything. You have been lucky up to now, Trainee. Can’t you see? I am vastly more experienced than you? Look where we are!’

Kallo is now holding out his arms in a gesture of self-assured arrogance.

‘I brought you here, to prove I can reach the Higher Regions; do you think I am limited to the lower planes?’

My head is starting to ache, how can this be? I am in the Astral, Mental, or one of the higher regions and I don’t know which, with the worst villain in the Universe! I have to get myself together, I think, Is Kallo trying to control me or my mind, or my spirit? One thing I know is, I am in a place that disrupts my whole being, and Kallo knows it! All I want to do is have a peaceful time on a higher plane.

‘You are going to be here for a very long time,’ said Kallo.

‘I’m getting really fed up with this, Kallo,’ I said.

Suddenly it gets very dark, and the landscape changes. I am now in a very dark, depressing, and eerie place. OK, I think, can Kallo be trying to bluff me, once again! My conscious mind is telling me that I am somewhere in the higher regions, but my inner self is saying no! One thing is for sure, Kallo is having a serious effect on me.

‘Don’t worry, Dan, I’m here.’

God, I am glad to hear Debra’s voice, I am then aware of Mannus!

The place is filled with the brightest light. Kallo is nowhere to be found. I then realize I am only on the 36th level of the Astral Plane! How can it be? I think. Debra said, Kallo is very good at influencing people. He has had a lot of practice at it.’

‘What is he trying to prove?’, I said.

‘He was hoping you would believe you were on a higher level, then he would try to alter your consciousness.’

‘Is that possible?’, I said.

‘Yes, don’t forget you were in one of his planes, you were also in a state of disbelief. The Mind can believe it is anywhere.’

But I would have eventually found out.’

‘Yes, but that could have taken a very long time. I believe Kallo is trying to get you out of the way for a while. You were on a sort of beautiful dream trip, and unprepared. I suggest, you put into cold storage your beautiful dreams for a while.’

You are right, Debra, ‘I’ve always had a weakness for beautiful places.’

I know, Dan, as I am part of you, I know what you know.’

‘I am eternally grateful to you, Debra, you have certainly proved that you can protect me and anyone else.’

‘I only want to protect you; Dan. Would you like to dance?’

‘Why not? What type of dance?’

‘I know what you like,’ she said. ‘Disco.’