Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 9-I meet my dead family


OK, time for another lesson: As students you know you can travel anywhere in time and space. Soul is unlimited in dreams and in meditation, so just relax and enjoy. Please upload your thoughts again as they are very important to the Guardian database, in fact they are the database! Oh, and if you manage to come across the Fetid-black-creeping-plant-lizard please let us know where it is as someone has managed to let it escape from the third lower sub level. We get this all the time. People think it is funny to acquire these exotic creatures then transport them to other levels but it is no joke. OK, back to reality. I know exactly where to go. Being dead is just like lucid dreaming, just think about a place and you’re there, but the feeling of total excitement is nearly too much to handle. I Know I can’t tell them anything of what I am about to do at Far-Station. The street where they live is just an old row of terraced houses in an ordinary town in the Northwest of England. I look around. Everything is the same, even the neighbors are the same, how can this be? I realize I had a lot to learn about the dream worlds. My heart missed a beat as poppy our old dog came bounding over and jumped into my arms; she had been dead twenty years! I can’t help the tears. I look up and Mum and Dad are standing there! I am overwhelmed for several minutes, but as you know, time isn’t the same as it is on the physical plane. I lost my parents shortly before my wife and son. I don’t want to go into it at the moment, so I will just leave it at that. After the usual hugs and greetings, we settled into a sort of uneasy conversation about the usual things which happen in everyday life on Earth. How would they react if I told them about the things that took place during my time as a Guardian! All I can do is play along and act as though I am still teaching and that everything is alright.

They obviously think I am dreaming and don’t know I have died, but I realize I can`t tell them about it. Of course, they know about my wife and son dying. They said they visit regularly. My parents look thirty years younger. I realized that was what usually happened on the inner worlds, we stay at the age we are comfortable with.

I can’t wait to get to my house which is only within walking distance. I got up to leave as though it is just another short visit, as indeed it is. I have been visiting them regularly in dreams, only now I can remember the whole experience. The feeling of elation and of knowing my parents are actually there is very special. I know that whatever happens at Far-Station things will be alright. I walk as quickly as I can. Why am I walking? I think. I could fly over, yes? 

No, I realize it might cause trouble, as some people here still think they are on the physical planet Earth and not the astral world. I rounded the corner of the Street where my grandparents once lived some forty years before when all at once they appeared at the door! My mum must have informed them I will be walking by, God, why can’t I just live here and forget the mayhem on the physical world, but then I realize that whatever happens on the physical worlds also happens on the inner worlds.  I greeted my Grandparents as usual with hugs and laughter, everything is as I remember, warm and loving. They said things are the same; I thought, that’s nice, things should be like that everywhere but of course they aren’t. Things on the physical plane are always changing; in fact, the only thing on Earth you can rely on is change itself. I said goodbye. The feeling I experience as I walk to my house is mixture of excitement and apprehension, what if I don`t want to leave? What am I saying! I have been visiting this place regularly in my dreams haven’t I? One thing I did know is I had to keep the visit short for now, my mental state isn`t in the best condition, I had to concentrate on the enormous task at Far- Station! I arrive at my house; my wife is already standing at the door, the first thing she said is, ‘I know you have died but they wouldn’t give me any more information. I also know you have to do something of great importance in the physical world before we can properly live here together as a family. What does it all mean, Dan?’

My head is in a mess. I am torn between the elation of meeting my deceased wife, and I am about to be reborn as a war-like alien. I also had the job of saving the Universe!

I said, ‘Please don`t worry, whatever happens we will always be together. Let us just go in and enjoy the day.’ The good thing is that a day on the astral plane could be like a week on the physical world, so we had ample time to enjoy each other as a family. John, my son, is the same as ever, always in some sort of trouble. He said when are you coming back, Dad? I reply ‘I will be back as often as I can; I have some important work to do in another area.

All too soon, I had a nudge from Grenwer to go back to the sub plane base for another briefing.