Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 10-Preparing to be cloned


Back at the sub plane base I am feeling less and less confident. How can I handle this? Grenwer knows what I am feeling. He said, ‘You cannot be given too much information otherwise they will know. You will be scanned as you go through the junction any higher readings of consciousness will be found. We can give you such things as language and defense training but not much else.’ I thought, just great! ‘What if I’m killed again?’

‘You would, of course, come back here; we have a contact for you to meet at a place called area 96. She is a special agent who has been working at Junction 43 for some years, she is a Trainee-Guardian called Reeas. She cannot show up on there’re monitoring systems. You will have to be very careful.’

‘What will she look like?’

‘She has the body of a Tourgen like you will have.’

‘Why can’t she do the job then?’

I already know I have said the wrong thing again and he knows it. He also knows I am under a lot of pressure, so he doesn`t react to it.

‘I`m sorry,’ I said.

‘Come, let us go to the cloning room, you have to be cloned before you can look into the light book this time.’

The room is clear apart from a large table and a large glass dome over it I can see the huge body of the alien I am going to inhabit under the glass. I know there is also a physical body of the same alien on the physical world planet which I will transfer into later. I will be able to use this spiritual body to accustom myself before actually waking up in the physical.

For any students who are finding these changes of worlds and changes of consciousness hard to get used to, please ask the inner guide or the spiritual guide for advice.

‘Lie down on the table and relax.’

I simply slid into the Tourgens body. The feeling I have when I became conscious is of raw power. I am wearing a one-piece suit of a material I’m not familiar with. I start to feel angry! I had the urge to smash anything that isn`t agreeable to me. Grenwer said, ‘Don’t fight the aggression; let it come but control it.’ I am able to see what I look like through a large mirror. I am looking at a body of human appearance but with striped skin like a tiger which is red and black. I am 8 feet tall and about 45 stone in weight with teeth that can bite through chain mail and nails that can rip apart any animal on Earth, but of course, I won`t be going to Earth. The feeling of aggression is getting stronger and I am strangely tempted to smash everything in the room to pieces, Grenwer knows this but just stands there like a, Well, like a Guardian. He knows it is better for me to get this aggression out now in the spiritual rather than at Junction 43.

‘You will be known as Cloft, a criminal from Deanna 12; a planet which is a temporary home for the Tourgens, it is not far from Far-Station. It is time to look into the light book, it will give you any info you need such as language and customs.’

‘Wait a minute! Do you mean to tell me I will be a criminal? What about the job of getting into the location to free Sionn, also how will I meet the special agent?’

‘She is called Reeas.’

I feel the anger starting to come out. Grenwer knows this and said ‘Dan, you will not only be given enough data, but you have also been given special powers. The body you are in will be able to withstand more than enough harm; it has triple the strength of a normal Tourgen body, the only life form you will have to avoid trouble with are the security people and a life form known as the Bourin. They are what I can only describe as what were Trolls in the children’s books of old; they are extremely hard to hurt and are about fifteen-feet tall with enormous strength!

‘Is there anything else I should know or should I simply ask to get killed as soon as I step into the entrance!

‘You will feel different later. Please look into the light book.’

The feeling is of calm, then of confidence and then extreme confidence.

Grenwer is right; I did feel different, extremely different. I feel like I can challenge anybody or anything. The feeling of strength is overpowering. I simply had to test myself and Grenwer knows it, which is why he insisted on me transferring into the body on the astral plane first.

‘Come with me.’ He said.

I know I have been given skills such as self-defense and weapon training, not that I needed any weapons.

Grenwer said, ‘Try lifting this weight.’

It is a normal barbell but with about half-a-ton of weights on it, I already know I can lift it, not only that, I could throw it through the wall twenty-feet away.

‘Dan, don’t think you can’t be hurt when you transfer to the physical world, there will be beings there that know you are strong but they could still kill you with a number of things, so we will attempt to heighten your sense of E.S.P (extra-sensory-perception) with a mental probe. Please sit down and be still, try to be calm and receptive.’

All I can think about is my wife and son waiting for me, I wonder what they would think if they could see me now! A metal hat shaped object is lowered on to my head with wires coming out of it.

‘Why couldn`t I just look into the light book to get this ability!

‘It would not increase your higher mental abilities, such as E.S.P’

The feeling is of calm and then of knowing, I know exactly where Grenwer is even though I can`t see him.

‘The senses you have won`t be as great as they are here on the astral world but they will be good enough to know if someone is trying to injure you. You can sleep and transfer to the Terick 3; it is the physical planet that is nearby Far-Station. Be calm and rest. I will be there when you wake up.’

Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to leave me a review.

You can also visit my website to read my books and other stories at  Colin J Platt

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Onwards my Student friends to book 2.


Colin. J. Platt.

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