Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Three by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 28-Preparation for U 10973


The light is all powerful, drawing me in farther and further. The love is something that can be felt, but not in the physical body. I find myself on a hill top, looking over a vast plane of mountains which are too numerous to count. I look around and see an Oriental looking man standing in the doorway of a small hut; I can see straight away he is a Spiritual-Master of the highest order. I feel like dropping at his feet because the urge to be near him is too strong.

‘Welcome,’ he said, I am Xi; I am the gatekeeper of this plane. It is the separation point between the 10973 Universe and the Humanoid Universe!’

I try to speak, but the words won`t come out.

‘I see you are having difficulties, please come into my home, I have a friend of yours here.’

 I know it is Reeas, before I walk through the door. I look at her with seemingly different eyes? I can`t explain it. My whole outlook is different. I feel a confidence I never felt before, also the love I feel is way beyond anything I have ever experienced.

‘I feel different.’

‘That is the light of this plane changing your spiritual and physical being,’ Xi said.

 I look at Reeas and see she has purple eyes!

‘Yes,’ Xi said, ‘I notice you see the predominant color of this plane in your friend’s eyes; you also have them.’

After resting awhile, I start to get used to the overall beauty of this plane. The hut we are in is very Spartan but I can tell Xi doesn`t need many material things.

‘I want you to come with me to the border of Universe 10973; I know you will need information which is only acquired there, also you will need to acclimatise yourself to the vibrations of the atoms.’ I asked Reeas if she is OK, she said she had been aware of this place before and is already used to it, in part. We walk out of the hut into a different world; everything is hazy, and the colors are brighter.

‘Don`t worry,’ Xi said, ‘you will acclimatize in a short while. Prepare yourself for a whole different way of life.’

‘How do you mean?’

‘I mean, life on U.10973, isn`t all humanoid!’

‘What do you mean? I said, again.’

‘Life consists of all types of physical forms, which can be intelligent or not, now, stand at my side, Reeas, stand on my other side.’ Xi then put his hands on the back our necks. It is as though the light of the Sun had entered me. I don`t know where I am, and I don`t care, all I want to do is stay here forever.

I become aware; I am back in the debrief room. Sionn is there looking at me with a different look! I then realized it is me who is different!

‘Now, you know something of what I am responsible for,’ he said.

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘and I know you can handle it. I also realize I can now handle a great deal more, also.’

‘Good,’ he said. ‘Reeas is also Ready-for-Anything.’

You now have the ability to function on U10973, also, the relevant data of most of the life forms which are seen throughout the planets there. The predominant life form which is now a danger is called the Llantrea, a half plant half human type creature. It has got out of control on numerous planets, if it is not checked, it will become uncontrollable in a fairly short time. We want you to be eaten by one, so we can determine how to combat it.’

‘What,’ I said.

‘We need to find the precise way it feeds and grows. You know, you won`t feel anything because you are now beyond the fear of death and pain.’ Sionn knows I and now understand the theory of it all, but it is still a shock to hear it!

‘When you go back to the debrief room at wherever you will be stationed in U10973, they will be able to analyse the data from your consciousness.’

‘Why can`t they use the data from many of the other life from who have been eaten, throughout the years on numerous other planets where the Llantrea are I said.’

‘As you already know, you will be the first Guardian who has the correct consciousness to access the realm of the Llantrea, in other words, we have been waiting a long time for you to arrive!’ I feel privileged and scared at the same time.

‘We don`t just want you to let yourself be taken without a fight; you understand. You can do whatever it takes to kill them but you will eventually die, also I won`t be there to help you said Sionn.’ I am stunned!

‘I must stay here on this side of the Universe. Your contact will be Zelda3, a master of the highest order.’

‘Yes, but I will still be able to see you in dreams, won`t I?’

‘Unfortunately, no, but I can be contacted by Zelda 3 if need be.’

 I feel sadness as never before and Sionn knows it.

‘You will still have Reeas,’ he said.

‘Yes, I will,’ I said, as I look at her. Reeas seems different, and indeed she is, just as I am different. Why can`t things stay the same, I think.

Sionn said, ‘There is nothing surer than change in all the worlds of God.’

U10973 is so far away that it won’t be possible to travel there by lightship.’ I already know this. We will have to dream travel to U10973 and transfer into cloned bodies. I know, also, we will be in the Tourgen bodies we had before, only this time they will be stronger, if that’s possible, and harder to kill.’

‘Yes,’ Sionn said ‘They will be.’

Your Tourgen bodies have already been cloned on a planet called Halffa which has numerous life forms including Tourgen’s, some of which will help you fight the Llantrea. As you now know, the Llantrea are not just powerful in body, but have telepathic ability to contact each other. You as a Guardian also have this ability and so, will be able to know their plans.’