Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Three by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 27-Debrief


We are now on Terick 3, and we are now in the cloned bodies of our former selves. My new Dan Sherman body is thirty years old and has none of my old ailments such as shingles. Sionn said, we can enter into any life form in the physical world. If my Dan Sherman body is killed, then I would incarnate into another one which will be held in storage on any number of higher planets in the physical world. ‘Wow,’ I said, ‘My body is in storage on thousands of planets?’

‘Millions.’ said Sionn, ‘but not fully grown, your DNA is all we need, we can grow a clone in three days, and then you simply shift your consciousness into it.’

‘So, I can live on the physical and the spiritual at the same time.’

‘We do anyway,’ he replied, ‘but people don`t realize it. In dreams, we can travel to the end of time, also to the edge of the Universe. That is what I want to talk to you about.

 We want you to consider going on another mission.’ The hairs stood up on the back of my new neck.

‘I wanted some time to visit my Family.’

‘You will still be able to visit them, as she and your son are about to incarnate into other lives. I advise you to wait awhile, and let them become accustomed to their new identities.’

‘What about the Elaine I know,’ I said.

‘The Elaine that you know is still there, you will still be able to visit her, although the essence of Elaine, as soul, is moving to another body.’ My mind is reeling, and Sionn knows it.

‘Do not worry, this mission, although important, is going to be an experience for you and Reeas. Deria also wishes to go.’

‘What is the mission?’ I asked.

‘We have information that the “10973 Universe” is under threat!’  Sionn just stands there and looks as calm as ever. I am again, lost for words.

‘Do you mean we live in a Multiple Universe?’

‘Yes, and the Guardians over there are in need of help.’

‘OK,’ I said, ‘now is the time to take time out.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I`m only one man, I said, and still learning, I so nearly botched everything up more than once.’

Sionn is unimpressed. ‘You are a Guardian, and as such, you are unlimited, please believe that. We contacted you because you are ready. Once you truly believe that, you will become one.’

 I know he is right. Sionn motioned me to follow him,

‘It’s time to look into to the light book again.’

The book itself is the same but the light is different. It is purple!

‘Yes, you notice the color,’ Sionn said, ‘purple is a spiritual color.’

‘Why is the color different?’

‘You won`t be able to use your light suit while in U10973.’


The physiology of the place won`t allow it. That is why you will be given extra spiritual and mental powers.’

What about protection’

‘That is the thing; you will probably die many times over there, so we want you to be prepared.’

‘What do you mean, I said, what kind of place is it?’

‘The make-up of the place is very different from anything you have ever experienced. Sionn said, but you can take it.’

‘What if I don`t want to, ‘take it’.

‘You are being unusually difficult, today.’ ‘You will still be able to use the ship.’

‘How come, we can use the ship and not the light suit?’

I realize I have, again, made a mistake when he looks at me in a stern way.

‘OK,’ I said, ‘I get it; the suits don’t work because we are made of different stuff.

‘Please look into the book,’ he said.

‘Why have I got these negative feelings?’

‘Dan, look at me. Do you trust me?’

‘Yes, with all my heart.’

‘And do you remember Mannus?’


‘What were your feelings while you were with him?’

They were of joy and love beyond anything I’ve ever encountered.’

‘Well, that is how you will feel after looking into the light book, plus, you will have spiritual protection on any plane of existence. In other words, you will fear nothing while in the physical body; whatever that body may be.’

Now, I feel good, just the talk inspires me, how can I have any doubts.

‘Your human doubt will melt away within the next few hours, but you have to keep your mind in check.  Now look and rest, you will be taken to the border of the 10973 Universe for preparation, God speed!’