Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Three by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 25-Tourgen Base


Deria has located the Tourgen base. She informed us of the location and that at least one of the containers is there, she also said she is going to check out the Dresden base. I can`t reply as that would have compromised us, so, I just had to trust Deria to know we will infiltrate the Tourgen base and retrieve the container.

We board the ship. I know the coordinates to the Tourgen base just by thought process with the ship, and I also take the time to study the Tourgen people from Debra, the ships computer, although she is much more than that, as you know.

I am amazed at the brutality of The Turgen’s and The Dresden’s. My mind is reeling from the utter barbarity. How can something like the Tourgen’s evolve? The same can be said about the Dresden’s, and then I know! Both races had been manufactured by other beings. Can it possibly be Kallo? The Dresden’s are very similar to the Tourgen in build and strength. Debra said, there is no planet of origin for either the Tourgen’s or the Dresden’s! How can this be? My mind is in turmoil again. Why didn`t Sionn tell me this? There is only one thing to do. I told Reeas.

‘We will have to go in under invisibility mode and take our chances of being discovered. Reeas agrees, as there is no time to spare.

The landscape over which we travel is scorched and dead! Very few buildings are standing, I wonder where people live, then I realize, these really aren`t people, at all, but cloned-beasts, well, the majority will be beasts; the leaders will be cloned from other intelligent life forms. We came to a large building that is protected by a large wall and watch towers, something like the buildings I saw in Roman-Britain many years before, only these are made from concrete and steel. There are guards on the towers and also on the walls.

he only thing we can do is bring the ship in over the wall and simply jump out when near the ground under our cloak of invisibility. The ship will then stay at a short distance until we need to escape.

I accessed Debra for any other info it might have but she didn`t respond, I guess the consciousness of the place is such that she can`t relate to it, like Sionn said, the technology we are using is too great, so with the quest for greater and greater technology we certainly lost something in that respect, one thing I do know is the leaders must have some form technology, but keep it to themselves; they are simply keeping the consciousness of the planet down. We had to destroy the control base as soon as we find the containers. We are in invisibility mode which is powered by a small wrist device that enables the ship to cloak us from a short distance, although, I dearly wish we had our light suits on. Reeas jumped out of the ship as it nears the ground, I follow, we headed for the obvious entrance and waited until a Tourgen guard came out, we then went in. There are no security people on the door and I am surprised to see no one until we came up to the guardroom, fifty yards along the corridor. We encounter two Tourgen guards who have only crude machete type weapons. Their senses seem to know something isn`t right, but without our light suits on, and the invisibility mode in operation.

I am worried that they might be able to smell us and they might be able to hear us. We had to be very still and wait till someone came out of the room. They might not be able to smell us but I can certainly smell them. The feeling is eerie, they can`t see us but we can see them and we can also see ourselves, I feel like a ghost! The door opens and a Tourgen came out. He stands there for a moment while another Tourgen, who obviously is a leader, as he ordered the other one to check the area. Then he shouted to the other two guards to go off duty and send two more guards. They went off to do as ordered leaving the door open, we walk in very quietly, suddenly the guard said, ‘Hello, I’ve been expecting you.’

I went for my blaster but before I could get it out, I am frozen to the spot! Reeas is also in the same position.

‘I assume you are the two agents who have come to locate the containers.’

Obviously, he can see us and disable us. I think back to what happened with Kallo on the ship at Relmar7. It is the same thing happening all over again.

What happened? I thought.

‘You underestimated me, trainees. Don`t you think we can figure out that someone would try to retrieve the containers like this? Who do you think you are dealing with?’

‘Who are we dealing with?’

He didn`t say anything, but just smiled.

‘One thing is for sure, you won`t be seeing your loved ones for a very long time, also, you will not be allowed to sleep or die! You will be chained in the dungeon and kept alive while I decide what to do with you. Oh, and be assured, we will find your ship, it will make a nice little prize for me, thank you.’ With that, the two guards came in and dragged us off. My anger is starting to get the better of me, but I feel totally useless. Reeas can talk to me, and I can talk to her, but that is all. We are chained to a wall in a stinking hole in the basement with no light or any sort of fresh air.

Reeas said, ‘Don`t worry, Sionn will get us out.’

‘What about the plan?’

‘They know they can`t detonate the containers, it would be the end for them also.’

I thought, yes, you’re right, who in the Universe would go through with a plan like that. I asked Reeas who she thinks the Tourgen officer is. She said, she didn`t know, but he had to be someone big, I said, how come Sionn didn`t know about this guy? Surely with all the info we have he must be aware of these things?’

Reeas said, ‘Dan, please relax, we will be OK, he knows he can`t kill us.’

‘No, I thought, but he can torture us and we can`t do a thing about it. I didn`t want Reeas to know this so I keep silent. I may not be able to contact Sionn, but I will try to contact Deria by meditation. I imagine I am back in my home on Earth sitting up in bed with my eyes closed, and my mind focused on the inner screen, or the Third-Eye as it is known in Yoga. Sometime later, I don`t know how long, Deria’s voice came through.

‘Dan, I know what has happened, please be patient and I will try to disable the control panel, do not try to send any message back but just stay as you are, and relax, you are doing well for a human.’

The relief is something I know might be of use to the enemy so I had to use all my will power and just stay calm. I don`t even say anything to Reeas in case we are being monitored. I don`t even risk calling the ship to smash our way out, which is something I can do later if we had to. Several hours went by and then the two same guards came in; one said, ‘You will be stripped and flogged, and then your skin will be sliced off bit by bit. What do you think of that?’

I said, ‘If I had my strength back, I would kill you both.’

That seemed to infuriate them. He said,

‘You’re only a cloned Tourgen, you wouldn`t last two minutes.’

‘Give me a chance then.’

They looked at each other before stroking Reeas on the leg as though they are going to assault her, and then they walk out. Maybe they are trying to get me to divulge my thoughts, I had to keep calm.

Reeas said, ‘Don`t worry, Dan, things will work out, I can take whatever these animals give out’

I thought, no, I won`t let them touch you. Our luck must have been running as half an hour later the two Tourgen guards came back. The biggest one said, ‘OK, Clone, you will be able to move in the next minute. If you can beat me in a fight to the death, which is unlikely, you will then have to fight my partner, and if you beat him, you can both go free, but if we beat you, we will take the female as our prize. Is it a deal?’

‘Yes, I said.’ I feel good, I also felt a strange liking for the way the Tourgen’s do business, they are animalistic, but they are also warriors. Maybe I am wrong; maybe they do come from a planet somewhere. All I really know is I have to kill them. I started to get my feeling back, Reeas also. Within a short time, I am back to my old grumpy self, obviously the leader didn`t know about this contest. I said, ‘what about the officer, won`t you be disciplined for this.’

‘We are our own boss; we can make our own decisions.’

I think, no, he doesn`t know. So be it, I said to myself.

‘Where do we fight?’


‘OK, are there any rules?’

‘Yes, no weapons, we just use pure strength, and our nails and teeth.’

‘Right,’ I said. I know Reeas can take the other one as she had twice his strength, looking at him, he is about the same size as me but I had many times the strength, but I didn`t bargain for the speed at which he came at me. He lunged for my eyes with his claws; I managed to dodge him and punched him in the stomach. He fell back in agony; I feel pity as I know I can kill him. Maybe I didn`t have to kill him? It was the other Tourgen I wanted, the leader.

‘Look.’ I said, ‘you don`t have to die, tell me where the leader is, and I will spare you.’ Reeas knows it won`t make any difference and went for the other guard, she ripped his throat out in one movement. The other guard saw this and went for Reeas; I jumped on his back put my arm around his neck and broke it with one pull.

‘What now?’ Reeas said, ‘we can`t risk going to the guardroom in case the leader is there. We don`t know if he can still disable us. We have to find the source of the power to the control panel.’

I said, ‘We will have to risk bringing the ship close by the underground room and blasting the wall out. The plan is discovered anyway, so we may as well use force. Reeas agreed, but said what if the leader has managed to access the ship? I feel cold just thinking about it, if he has, he is truly Kallo`s equal. I am about to summon the ship when a message from Deria comes through, she said, ‘I have managed to disable the control panel you should be able to get to the power room which is near to the room where you are, destroy it with whatever you can.’

OK, I think, I can send a message to Deria, so I asked her where the leader is, she said he is trying to locate the ship.

Reeas and I focused our minds on the ship, or Debra, as I called it, and within a minute we managed to bring it to the outside of the wall where we are located. Then all we had to do is simply have it push its way through the wall, much easier than blasting through. The hull of the ship is like a knife going through butter, in the meantime, there were Tourgen guards beginning to make their way down the corridor to us.

 The ship is already all the way in the building, so all we had to do is simply push our way in through the ships wall. We can already see the Tourgens trying to do the same thing, only they just slid off the surface, like a ski on ice. We located the power room and blasted it to oblivion; in fact, the whole place is destroyed. I know Sionn is going to be angry, well maybe not angry, Sionn doesn`t get angry but disappointed. The first thing to do is locate the leader which isn`t too hard as Debra found him simply by his DNA, the only problem is, he is dead!

Deria said he had detonated the container! Before he blasted himself!