Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Three by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 26-Encounter with a God


 While preparing to make the journey back to Terick 3 I know we have failed, the container is now destroyed and the spores will contaminate the Galaxy, then in time, the Universe! Sionn didn`t seem too bothered, mind you, he isn`t the easiest person to read, and neither is Grenwer. I feel dejected, and they know it. Reeas must have sensed this as she came over and rubbed my arm. Sionn is now on the ships screen looking unruffled.

‘He said, ‘When did you first know the containers weren`t dangerous?’

Reeas said, ‘I had my suspicions at Far-Station, but I wasn`t sure.

I said, ‘what?’

‘Yes, the containers were false, we had to find the agent, that was the first priority and we have. Kallo managed to gather an army of helpers and agents, some of whom are very dangerous. It has taken many years simply to locate the planets where they live, as you know, we can`t access some of the places because of the lower consciousness of the people.’

‘So, this whole plan is a trap to capture Kallo, and his helpers.’

‘Yes,’ ‘but we couldn`t tell you or Reeas, the only being we can divulge our plan to is Deria because she is of a higher race; her thought waves cannot be tracked by any lower life forms, only her kind can do this, and us.

We would like to thank you, Dan, and Reeas, you have proved yourself to be brave and inventive, we want you to now consider whether you want to continue your apprenticeship with us while you rest and dream.

 The battle is still not over, as there are still agents to be found, but we will discuss that later. The goal which we set ourselves has been achieved. The war between the Dresden’s and the Tourgen’s has been stopped and they will be relocated elsewhere. The planet Yalton is now being reborn and Far-Station is no more.’

 I feel elation, stupidity, amazement, and love all at once. All I can say is ‘Thank you.’

Sionn and Grenwer smiled, and for once I did, it must look stupid on this big ugly beast face, but I don`t care.

‘Please reports to Terick 3 for debrief,’ Sionn said.

It will take two days to get back to Terick 3, so, we decide to dream travel while our bodies are asleep on the ship. Reeas said, ‘Where would you like to visit this time?’

I said, I would like to know what happened in my last incarnation before I became Dan Sherman. She said, I won`t like it. I said, well, I still want to know.

 ‘OK,’ she said, ‘you were killed at Normandy in the Second World War.’

‘That explains why I was always interested in things to do with that war.’

‘Please rest, Dan, and dream,’

We wake up in the dream state sitting on a grass bank looking at a raging battle, there is an armada of ships bombarding the shoreline, and the invasion troops are getting ready to land. Now it was all coming back to me!

‘I was in one of those landing craft. ‘That`s enough’ I said. ‘I know the rest.’

Reeas said, ‘do you want to visit your wife, Elaine?’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘More than ever, but first I want to go to the somewhere peaceful and spiritual. I’ve had my share of cruel and ugly.’

Reeas said, ‘I know a place that is just right for you, I was taken there by a spiritual master many years ago in the dream state. It is a planet at the far reaches of the Universe, but is no more than a dream away.’

We sat down to meditate.

After a few minutes I find myself standing in an unbelievable landscape! Reeas is at my side. This planet must be a giant, I think, as the view is limitless no matter how far I looked, there is no end to the horizon!

Reeas said, ‘This is one of the highest regions of the Astral Plane. A planet called Nemura. Only the highest spiritual beings come here.’

‘How come, I’m here then?’ I know I still have a long way to go before I can call myself highly spiritual.

‘You have been granted a visit, Reeas said, come; let us go to the spiritual city in this region.’

We flew over the landscape hand in hand, and I still can`t make out the horizon, it must be an optical illusion, the mountains are spectacular, higher and more beautiful than anything I have ever seen. The emotion I am feeling is of ecstasy, as we sour through the mountains, finally coming to a rest on the side of a giant peak which has a man-made balcony, and French windows! Reeas said, ‘This is usually an inaccessible place.’ I look around; words cannot say how much I want to remain here.

‘The vibrations are starting to affect you, I can tell, don’t be alarmed, you will become accustomed in a while.’ She is right, my senses are reeling.

‘Please come with me,’ she said.

We walk down some stone steps into the heart of the mountain; we come to a large room with a red and gold carpet. Sitting in the lotus position on a large golden cushion is a giant of a man with golden skin, he has no hair at all, and gold bangles on his wrists and ankles and wears a loin cloth. He looks about thirty years old, but I know he is much older than that! He is obviously in meditation as his eyes are closed.

 Reeas motioned for us to sit down; I automatically sat in the lotus position, as I used to practice yoga in my life as a teacher. As soon as I close my eyes, I become ‘Aware,’ in a different state! The man who was sitting on the cushion is now standing on a mountain path, and we are there also.

‘I am Mannus, Lord of this plane.’

I am totally amazed! The love and light coming from this being is indescribable!

‘Come walk with me,’ he said. I automatically thought of the wonderful walks I used to have in the Lake District in my last life on Earth, but this is different, although in many ways it is the same, the scenery is beautiful, but it is the simple truth that we are what we are in our own consciousness! If we are satisfied with our selves mentally and spiritually then we are in heaven, so to speak.

‘You have grasped something eternal.’ Mannus said, ‘Now, look,’ and with a wave of his hand, the landscape changed! There is now a gigantic mountain in front of us many times bigger than the others. This is the mountain of God. The light is staggering to my eyes even though I’m not in the physical body. Every colour in the spectrum is here, many more than in the scientific world of man. I feel I am about to burst with love and light. In fact, Mannus said we had to limit our stay as it is dangerous for us to remain too long in the presence of the light. In the next instant we are back in the room.

 Mannus became aware of us, but he just sits there without moving. I don`t know what to say so I keep quiet. He then said, ‘What have you learned?’ I thought long and hard, I know it is better to say nothing than speak wrongly.

‘I`m learning,’ I said!

He smiled. Reeas said, ‘You are learning, Dan.’ In many ways, I feel like a child, and in fact, I am, compared to Reeas and Sionn, but, Mannus, is something else, he is on a level which I can only dream of.

We wake up back on the ship in time for landing on Terick 3.

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