Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Two by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 19-Sub plane Base


I wake up in my bedroom, but I know it is a part of the sub base. I start to do all the usual things that people do, then, I went to the wardrobe and dressed, everything is the same. I know also, that Sionn had something to do with it! There is a knock on the door, I know it was Sionn. ‘Come in,’

‘Dan, will you please join us in the briefing room?’


I think that the greeting was a little cool, then I remember he is a Guardian, and not an ordinary person. I think to myself; I am still Dan Sherman, but I know I’m not. 

I arrive at the briefing room where I meet Sionn, and other members, I assume they are Guardians, or official co-workers. There is also a beautiful young woman there who I know is Reeas! I went over and held her hand. She got up and smiled. She looked perfect! I can`t take my eyes off her.

‘Hello, Dan, we finally get to meet in the human body.’

‘Yes, and I like it!’

Sionn said, ‘As you know, Kallo is back with us and is in interrogation; he won’t reveal were he has put the container or what he is going to use it for, but we know that if he had got to the control panel he would have triggered a device which would have released the spores in the container, we also know it isn`t at Far-Station, or rather Yalton, and we also know it isn`t on any of the other planets within the Yalton system.’

I said, ‘How do you know that?’

‘Because, Dan, he would not destroy his own empire.’

I feel stupid for asking that question. ‘Can I see Kallo,’ I said, ‘I want to ask him some questions?’

‘We already tried that, also he was monitored and scanned, he must have found some way to bypass our system.’

‘Well, it can`t hurt anything then, can it?’

‘Okay, Dan, when you are near to him try to be calm and just open your mind to his thoughts, he will think you are a trainee and won`t be able to get to him mentally, do you understand?’


I walked into the detention room. Kallo looked at me with contempt.

‘Why, if it isn`t the dancing Beast-Man’

He is behind some sort of force-field, it is OK for me to touch, but of course, he can’t.

‘Come closer, are you afraid? Maybe you feel vulnerable without the light suit, or the Tourgen body?’

I stand there looking him over. He is about six foot three with dark hair and a moustache and small beard, the kind of looks that people would sometimes associate with a villain.

‘Well, have you no tongue?’

‘Why are you doing this, Kallo? Do you want to be the Master-of-the-Universe?’


‘Well, you made a mistake at the control centre, didn`t you?’

‘Not at all, I wanted you to find me; I knew exactly what you would do. Do you think I couldn`t hear you and the Yalton making all that noise! I was waiting for you!’

My mind is now in pieces. I had to try and keep it together. ‘Why did you allow yourself to be caught then?’

‘It is all in my plan, I now know the material from the container has been distributed to the systems that I alone picked, I can now inform you that if I am not released in seven days, I will detonate the containers. Now dance back, and tell your masters, Trainee!’

I informed Sionn what I heard, but he already knows, as he had monitored the meeting.

‘Well, we now know what Kallo has planned. He opened up to you pretty well, didn`t he?’

‘Yes, he did, but only because his plan is now ready and he has set the date for the destruction of whatever world, or worlds the containers are on.’

‘Dan, follow me into the other room we are going to try the technique we tried when you were neutralized by Kallo.’

We walk to the other room and I sat down.

‘Just relax and try to stay calm.’

I am looking at a screen on the wall; then I am looking at Kallo! After five minutes I know what the name of his accomplice is, but as I try again, it is, as though, Kallo knows what I am up to, and the screen goes blank.

‘Durian 2,’ I said.

Sionn looked elated.

‘We have been waiting to find out who was supplying information to outside sources, but we could never put a name to him, until now!’

‘Who is Durian 2?

‘He is a Trainee-Guardian. His brother is also a trainee, he is Durian1 they both come from a highly spiritual family on the planet Gyron, in my home Galaxy! We didn`t suspect anything simply because we thought both brothers were beyond suspicion.  We will bring them in for questioning at once.’

‘Can I have some time to relax?’

‘Of course you can, Dan.’

‘I want to ask a special lady to take a trip with me.’