Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Two by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 20-Trapped in Hell


I meet Reeas in the restroom; she is lying on a couch looking peaceful. I said, ‘What are you thinking about?’

‘My home, I haven’t been there in a long time.’

‘Why don`t we go there?’

‘What about the problem?’

‘I asked Sionn if I could take some time out and he said yes, besides, if he wants us all he has to do is simply call us!’

‘I do want to see my parents, OK, let’s go, all I have to do is simply be conscious of my home and you have to be conscious of me, understand?’


‘Ok, sit down here and hold my hand.’

The next thing I remember is being in a dark place with a very bad feeling of dread!

Where am I?

‘You are here,’ said Kallo.

I looked around and see Kallo standing behind a glass wall, but then I realized it isn`t an ordinary wall.

‘How do you like being behind a force-field?’

This can`t be happening, I think.

‘Oh, yes it can, do you think you can get the better of me, trainee!’

All I can think about is Reeas! Where is she? I have got to be calm I think, I am on the Astral Plane, right? Well, then, nothing bad can happen if I don`t want it to.

‘Oh, yes, it can, all I have to do is keep you trapped until the seven days is up. If you are here you won`t be able to interfere with my plans in the physical world, will you? And don`t you worry about Sionn, he has more important things to think about.’

Panic is starting to grip me! How can this be? Kallo was supposed to be monitored with high security technology! Did I get too close to him in the detention room?

‘I`ll make your stay here a little more interesting,’ he said. The place suddenly went very dark, and then I saw the faint outline of what I know is a large spider starting to emerge from the shadows! I don`t know how big the room is, or what sort of space I am in! All I feel is terror as I hate spiders.

Students: Please send your thoughts as soon as possible, as I need all the help I can get.

What would Sionn do?  He would simply say it can`t hurt you as it is on the Astral Plane, and as such, it is without substance.

‘Wrong, my trainee friend, you are also on the Astral Plane, so you are made of the same substance.’

‘OK,’I said, ‘well, if you can conjure up a spider, I can conjure up a blaster!’

I concentrated with all my trainee consciousness and abracadabra; a blaster appeared in my hand! I fired but the spider is still there!

‘You are now in my domain, trainee.’

OK, I thought, if you want something that is animalistic and low in consciousness what about a Tourgen! I know all about being a Tourgen so I will be one again. I concentrated my thoughts on Cloft, in the next few seconds I am him again and willing to fight the whole world, or whatever place I am in. Kallo seemed surprised. ‘Well, what have we here?’  I see the spider coming on. It is bigger now about twelve feet across. Right, let’s deal with you first, I thought. Running at it, I jump and turning in mid-air I landed on its back, I then ripped it open; the gore is just as bad as the physical plane. Before Kallo can send anything else to pester me, I run at the glass screen separating us, now, I know Kallo has his weakness, because although he is able to control most of the lower conscious life forms, he isn`t used to dealing with a higher consciousness in the body of a lower life form. I hit the glass wall with an almighty crash rolled over and got up. Kallo promptly disappeared. I sit down in the lotus position. I must have looked silly when Sionn came into view, seeing a large beast type person in a yoga position!

‘We have Kallo back in check, I`m sorry you had the go through that, Dan, we had to try and weaken his consciousness, and we did!’

‘Do you mean it was all a plan?’

‘Yes, we now have another name of one of he`s accomplices.’

‘Great, but why do I have to take all the rough stuff?’

‘Because you’re good at it, come.’

The side of the wall became the door to the sub plane base again, and I became Dan Sherman again. OK, now for another little student lesson: You all know we can become anything we want on the inner Planes, and you know also we have to be responsible about what we do and to whom we do it; this applies to any of the worlds of God.’ Don’t forget, everything is a learning process and we are the teachers. The aim of the Thought-Transfer system is to supply information to coworkers throughout the inner worlds. Please use it and learn.


Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to leave me a review, you can also visit my website to read my book and other stories at Colin J Platt online.

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Onwards my Student friends to book 3. Thanks, Colin. J. Platt.

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