Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Eleven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 80-Dan’s story continued


I am now facing the entity known as the Mind Monster. One of the Brain’s robots, picks it up from the glass jar and puts it on my head. I don’t feel anything at first, but a little silly. I am thinking how I look, with this thing sitting there. I then feel the first pain, as the thing, starts to squeeze. My head is beginning to hurt badly. I think of my son, saying act stupid, dad, they will be expecting you to fight, but you can beat them, with your tactics, just like at Far-station. My son was always mentioning tactics. I know now, the reason why; he spent many past lives as a military commander, I am smiling in loving remembrance, when I lose consciousness. I become aware, in a large room, with a glass screen, separating me from a door; through the door walks Debra. Not the Debra from the ship, but the Debra from my past life. ‘Dan. What are we doing here?’

I know that this is a trick, to get me to open up, to the Brain. I sit down in the lotus position. Debra is now talking about everything we ever did, in our life together, as kids, from her liking of dogs to my loathing of spiders. I didn’t react. I try to meditate, but to no avail. The glass screen separated and Debra is now able to touch me. The Brain is starting to assert himself. He knows Debra, is my weak link; she is now, holding my hand and stroking my hair, of course, this isn’t the real Debra, but a mental image, conjured up by the Brain, to get me to bring back the all-powerful Debra.

Students will probably not be able to access this part of the story, but if you can, and I believe anything is possible in the worlds of God, then please help.

‘Debra, why did you leave me? Why did you have to go off with that guy, and get married? You left me with our baby boy, who was only a year old, how could I take care of him?’

‘Enough, shouted the Brain. You will not be allowed to continue this farce.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘This is an attempt to trick me. Do you think I am naive enough, to accept this rubbish?’

‘Maybe, speaking of you, I have a joke for you. ‘Why didn’t the ghost need a telephone?’

‘What are you trying to do, be funny?’

‘No, that’s not the answer. It is because he had no body to call, just like you, ha. OK, ‘Mr. Brain, I have another one for you.’

‘Silence, I will have your brain removed, without delay.’

‘That would be like the last joke. I would have no body to call, ha, ha. Here’s another one, what weighs seven tons, and wears a dress?’

‘I’m not sure if a Mental-Insertion-Capsule would help me gain access to Debra, but I may try it.’

No, that’s not the answer, its Cinder Elephant. Ha.’

‘This is childish. I thought you, at least, would be above such things.’

‘Speaking of children, why was the baby ant, confused?’

‘I’m not going to stoop to this level.’

‘Wrong again. The answer, is because all his uncles were ants. Ha.’

Debra has now disappeared.

‘I will have this, Debra. Eventually, you will submit to my superiority.’

‘As long as I don’t have to be your tailor, I would hate to fit you up with a suit. Now, here’s one that will crack you up, I hope. What do you get when you cross a T Rex, with a chicken?’

‘I may have to fuse your brain. I don’t want to injure you too much, but I have to get access, you understand.’

‘Wrong again! It is Tyrannosaurus Pecks. Have you even got a sense of humor?’

‘I was a master physicist, when you weren’t even thought of.’

‘What happened? Did you take in one particle too many? One thing’s for sure, your hat fitter would make a fortune.’

Students will understand what I am trying to do. I don’t know whether, you can actually log into this part of my story, as I am in no fit state to even think straight. Forgive me if I am becoming vague and nonsensical. My head still hurts, and I am not even in the physical body. Usually I can override these things, but the Brain has me in his power, for now.

All I can think of, at the moment, is my Reeas. I know she will move Heaven and Earth to find me. Sionn also, will not stop, until he finds, and defeats the Brain. I am now in the other room, with the Mind Monster still on my head. The pain is so bad, that I can no longer function, as myself. God, I wish I could die, and move back to Reeas. Students, forgive me; I am in no fit state to carry on with the recordings.