Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Eleven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 81-Reeas’s story


We are about to move into the 29th level of the Mental Plane. Students will be asking why we don’t go to the 31st level. The reason is, we don’t want to make it obvious to whoever has taken Dan, that we are searching for him. The powerful entity that is keeping Dan prisoner, will probably know every being, on the 31st level. If indeed, he is there. Sionn is now asking me to hold hands and stay calm. He will guide us to the Hidden Portal; we arrived there in a few seconds.

I can already see the gatekeeper. He or she, is an angel of extreme beauty, tall, fair, and with multi colored robes, and with wings that shimmer in the light. He knows that someone is entering the portal, but Sionn said that he doesn’t know any more information about us, just that we are higher entities. He bowed low as we came through. Sionn and I, do the same. Darian is waiting for us, a short distance away. He messaged Sionn in high security mode that there is a person on the 31st level that is giving out information which is relevant to our quest. Darian also said it is fortunate that we had come to this level first.

Sionn, said, ‘Reeas, you will have to remain here for the time being. Darian and I will travel to the 31st level, and bring back this person, stay calm, and receptive.’ Sionn and Darian then disappear. I sit down to meditate, but without trying to force it.

I can see the gatekeeper looking calm and serene. I wander if he was a he or whether he was a she? How would he cope with the passage of time? Maybe he is in perpetual ecstasy. I know I would be bored, but who am I, to criticize. I am thinking of my Dan again, when he came through the portal. I jump up and run for him. I can’t help myself; I grab him, and just hold on. I can now see that Dan is staring at me with a faraway look in his eyes.

The scenery changes to a different shade of orange! I know we have moved to another plane. I also know that I am a prisoner, and that this person with me isn’t my Dan. How could I have been so stupid?

‘I know you have access to Debra,’ said the voice. But all I can see is a large brain in a glass jar!

‘Who are you?’ I said.

‘My name is unimportant. All you have to think about, is whether you want to see Dan Sherman, again. His mind is beginning to break up. I can help him back to normality, or I can destroy him. You can help me to gain access to Debra, through him. He is the one who will ultimately bring her back. You only have partial access to her. I can see it in your mind. Someone else has assisted you to find me, but no matter. You have been subjected to a mind blocking process to hide information from me. This will not help you. I will eventually break through your awareness. You will now be taken to the scanner room to access your mind.

This message has been added later:

Students will know that Sionn has protected me, from this entity, by shielding my mind; only Sionn can do this. I don’t know how it works, or how he managed to hide things from this entity. All I know is, I am grateful to Sionn.

I am taken to the scanner room. Students will know that, this is the Mental Plane; where we are exposed to thoughts from any number of entities; also, we are in the mental body. It is the same as the astral body with a higher light content; it has no substance, like the physical body. It can be confusing sometimes, but if students can get this high, then it will be no problem to you. Dan told me, that he often tried to explain things to students in a simple way; he also said he couldn’t understand why he had been chosen to be a Guardian, I told him more than once, that, he has earned the right to be one, funny how we can’t see the truth sometimes, especially when we are caught up in materialism.

The Brain is trapped, in this very same thing. He wants to rule the Higher Regions with his robots. He is isolated from human emotions. He has also had untold past lives dominating others. That can be very hard to break free from. I feel pity and sadness, for this creature called the Brain. Students will know that this recording has been added later, that is how I know the entities name. Please be aware, that I cannot relate these messages as they occur. It is another thing that is confusing, but that is how the Guardian-Network functions.

At this time, I feel it would be right, to talk a little about the Super-Robots. You may think it a little silly, that robots can exist in the mental region. Dan has no doubt talked about this same thing before. I can tell you, that whatever exists in the physical plane exists in the inner regions. You should be familiar with this. Let me say that these robots don’t have any faces, just a head, which was a sort of glass, smooth, with no features. They all look alike. Their bodies are all the same. They are made of some shiny metal alloy’ which I believe, can grow or shrink, depending on the circumstances. I will endeavor to find out more, when I can, but for now, I will carry on with the story. I am now strapped in a chair, facing another chair. Seven robots are evenly spaced throughout the room.

The Brain is in his tank on a balcony above, and to the right of me. Two robots are guarding him. Students will wonder how the Brain can speak. I can tell you, that on the Mental Plane it is by thought, but on the Physical Plane it will be through his robots. I am now looking on in awe, as Dan himself, comes through the door. I know this is my Dan, simply by the look in his eye. I can also tell, that he wants me to play along with whatever, it is that he is contemplating. I won’t say thinking. I don’t want the Brain to break into my thoughts. Dan is strapped into the chair facing me.

Robots then, bring two small tanks into the room, with what looks like lumps of meat in them. I realize at once, what is about to happen. The meat is placed on our heads simultaneously. Dan starts to chant…Om-Mani-Padme-Hum. I joined in. I can feel the pressure starting to build up. My head is starting to hurt. Dan, also looked as though, he is suffering. We keep on chanting, as the Brain begins to talk.

‘You will not be allowed to continue this fiasco. You will be destroyed, if you keep up this silly game. The Mind-Monsters, will eventually break your will to fight.’

My head is throbbing, but I am starting to feel better! I can see Dan is also looking calm and collected. Then I notice that the robots heads are starting to glow! The most amazing thing then happens. The Mind-Monsters, on our heads, start to glow, also; within a few minutes, they are transformed into halos! The Brain is now, starting to get excited! He instructs his robots to stop us chanting, but they don’t react. I notice that his tank is starting to glow. He shouts, ‘Stop this, you are hurting me!’ We didn’t stop. After a few minutes, a man suddenly appears! he is tall, hairless and wears a long grey robe.

He walks over to Dan and said, ‘I had such plans, I was going to be the most benevolent lord below the First Grand Division. You could have shared in that. You could have been a Higher-Overlord! But I see now, that you are nothing but a simple fool. I have to destroy you myself. Debra at least, will be nothing without you, and so the Guardian-Network will suffer; it is some consolation, but someday, I will gain control of her, from some other entity.’

I obviously know that this man, is the Brain in human form. I want to break free, and splatter him all over the scanner room, but I am helpless, he is about to touch Dan behind the neck, when Sionn appears behind him, and touched him behind the neck. The Brain looks up with a helpless gaze. Two seconds later, he fades away. Sionn looks at us, as if to say, what are you waiting for? He knows we can simply release ourselves, from the bonds. He said, ‘Oh, and well done, team, back to base for debrief.’

I run for Dan. We hold each other, for the longest time.