Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Eleven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 84 -Super Robot threat


‘Dan and Reeas, I want you to listen to, and consider something, that Sionn and I have been working on in secret, for the last few months. We knew someone, or some entity, was secretly planning to bid for power, in the Higher Regions. That someone was the Brain. He is now in isolation, on the Astral lower levels. The trouble is, he has most probably planned for this situation. We believe he will instigate a backup scheme anytime.’

‘You mean, like Kallo did?’ I said.

‘Yes, only more so. We know the Brain, has the network, and the power, to bring devastation to any world, although, he is in isolation, he can still function. In other words, he is the most dangerous entity, we have ever come up against.’

‘Surely, Shobdera can keep him, secure?’ Reeas said.

‘It is not just that; he can control large areas of the Mental Realm, simply by the power of his mind. Sionn, has not just gone into silence. That was for the audience in the other room. This room, has been especially prepared for us to use in absolute secrecy. It has been insolated, with a new material, which is top secret, and has the same, or better qualities, than some inaccessible regions. We can talk freely. What I am trying to say is, the Brain cannot be kept secure. Kallo, has many times less ability, than the Brain, and he managed to escape numerous times.’

‘What is Sionn going to do? I said.

‘He is attempting to access one of the Super-Robots, which we have been working on. We played down the robot threat, in the conference room, because we don’t want to start any sort of panic; but the robots are a threat. In fact, they are such a threat, that we are extremely worried.’

‘I thought the robots were now, fused?’ Reeas said.

‘They are, but they can still be brought back. If the Brain, can, in any way, escape, he will most certainly access his robots. We have reason to believe that, there are many millions of robots, on many thousands of planets! We want you, Dan, to go to Shobdera’s realm, and figure out some way to keep the Brain secure, while we work on accessing the robots.’

Reeas said, ‘What about me, Grenwer?’

‘Yes, Reeas, I want you to lead a team of coworkers, to help us find the many planets, were the robots are secreted. You will know who to choose. I will leave you to consider, what I have said. I will just say one thing, Dan; you may need to access the Room-of-Doors, to retrieve whatever information you need about the Brains past, to secure his isolation. I know you will be under pressure with this, but we believe, you will succeed, Debra is now stable, and you are now, in control of her.’

Grenwer then disappears.

This room, is, as he said, a highly secure place, where we can materialize, as in the other regions. I look at Reeas.

‘It looks like we will be separated, for a while.’ I said.’

Reeas has tears in her eyes. I hold her close. ‘Don’t worry,’ I said. ‘We have been in tighter spots, than this, Reeas.’

‘It’s not that, Dan. I thought we could be together for a while. I am getting fed up, of us being apart.’

‘We can go for a small holiday, before we leave, eh?’

‘Yes, but I know we will eventually have to part.’

‘I know, how about us going, to one of our past lives, to dwell in past happiness?’

Reeas, is now, looking at me with love.

‘We will only have to be a short time, though, Dan’

‘A short time with you, Reeas, is ecstasy.’

We meditate to my Room-of-Doors.

‘Do you remember our lifetime on Bophious, Dan?’

‘How could I forget, Reeas? I was the woman, that time, and as I remember, I was very stupid.’

‘You were a delight, to me. I couldn’t wait to get home to you, after the war on Delvion. I had lost an arm, when someone left a small time-grenade, in the barracks where we were stationed. The planet Delvion, was a highly technological place, but the weapons were highly sophisticated also. We lost a hell of a lot of people.’

‘Reeas, do you really want to go there?’

Message to students:

I just want to let students know, that this lifetime, was on a futuristic planet, before, and not after, our last lifetime on Earth, so you see, we were together many times, on Earth, and other worlds.

‘Yes, Dan, let’s go there, just for the day, I want to experience the love that I had, for you again.’

‘I can feel it, already, Reeas.’

‘I know, but I just want some time to mentally, reacquaint myself with you, as Soul. You were called Maylee and I was Arion, Do you remember, Dan?’

‘Of course, Reeas, OK, let’s go.’

I felt excited, like a child, and for some unknown reason, I can’t relate to the danger, that I am about to put us in.


This message has been added by the Guardian-Database later.

Dan and Reeas have now accessed his Room-of-Doors to a past life, where they were in a lower state of consciousness. Dan and Reeas are now at the home, that they shared in the barracks where Reeas was stationed on Bophious. The story continues:

‘Arion, do you want me to massage your back?’

‘Yes, Maylee, can you also, try to help me get this false arm, to cooperate, it seems to want to strangle me sometimes.’

‘You are so brave, Arion, joking like that. I don’t know how I would have coped, if I had lost you, though?’

Message from the Guardian-Database:

Dan and Reeas are now, in a low state of consciousness. They don’t recognize that the Brain is observing them. They are suddenly transported to a lower Astral Plane.

‘What the hell, happened? Reeas, are you there?’

‘Reeas is trapped, in one of my robots, as are you.’

‘This can’t be happening.’

‘Why? Are you so low in consciousness, that you can’t believe your robot eyes? Perhaps you will believe this.’

I am now, standing before Shobdera! The only difference is I am a robot, as is Reeas, Sionn, Deria and her sister, plus everyone else connected with the Guardian-Network. I am feeling pretty low, as the Brain comes walking into view.

‘Shobdera, I want to secure myself, as Overlord of the Higher-Regions.’

‘You have done well, to get this far, Brain, but I think Mannus, will look on things differently.’

‘I will now be known as the ‘Sovereign.’

‘As long as I don’t have to account for your conduct, whether good or bad, you know, I can’t interfere, but I warn you, if you try to influence me, or my realm, I will destroy you.’

‘I am simply taking my rightful place, which was destined for me eons ago.’

‘Sionn, the Sovereign says that he will now take over the Guardian-Network. I am at a loss. Mannus is obviously aware of the situation, but refuses to act. I cannot interfere, but I can advise. I am sorry that this situation has come about. I know that if it is at all possible, you will prevail, but maybe, it is for the best. You have lately been under pressure; pressure which would have destroyed lesser men. Dan Sherman and Reeas are responsible for this, they let their guards down.’

‘Enough of the sentiments, we will now go to address Mannus. I am sure he will now realize that I am securely placed to take over the Network.’

Dan, Reeas, Sionn, and everyone connected with the Guardian-Network, are now trapped inside Super-Robots. Students will be aware that this is the Astral Plane, but the same thing is happening on the Physical plane. The Brain, or the Sovereign, has managed to gain partial control of the Guardian-Database. We will continue to update the recordings, however as the Sovereign has approved, and authorized them, for future Robot-Students. Students who are wondering where Debra is, can wonder no more, as she is also trapped in a robot. Dan Sherman, is barely able to function, at the moment, as he and Reeas are in low consciousness.

The scene changes to the higher regions, where Mannus is now in attendance. Students who have managed to get here, will be informed that they are in no danger from the Sovereign. He will allow them access. Any students who want to access robots, for the meeting, will also be allowed. The Sovereign has announced that he will be a benevolent lord.

The scene is the usual one, but for one obvious difference. Hundreds of robots ere stood around Mannus, instead of Higher Beings that used to be seated around him.

Mannus opens his eyes, and begins to speak.

‘What is the meaning of this, outrage?’

‘I am now registering myself, as Higher-Overlord, of the Mental Realm.’

‘And who are you?’

‘You know, full well, who I am. I will take control, whether you approve, or not. I know you cannot stop me. The Guardian-Network, couldn’t stop me, so now I am taking full control.’

‘Sionn, approach me.’

Sionn walks over to Mannus.

‘How did it come to this, Sionn? I am starting to become depleted. This false God, has isolated my brethren. Please explain?’

‘Sionn, cannot speak, without my permission, although, I will allow him to relate his thoughts, through the robot.’

‘The Sovereign, will be a caring lord. I know now, what my ultimate mission is, I have been waiting a long time for this opportunity to come. All I want, is to be of service to him.’

‘Sionn, will be my Higher-Robot number 1,’ the Sovereign said.

All the robots heads, are now starting glow.

‘See, how they all want to share in my success, this is a sign, that they want to serve me, as Sionn does.’

‘Dan Sherman, approach me,’ said Mannus.

Dan, is now stood in front of Mannus. His robots face, looking very sad.

‘Explain yourself.’

‘I just wanted Reeas and I to take a small break, with one of our past lives, that’s all.’

‘Can you see what damage, you have done?’

‘I’m sorry, I will do anything, to put things right.’

‘You will be neutralized, by me personally,’ said the Sovereign.

‘Debra, approach me,’ said Mannus.

Debra, is now standing in front of Mannus, looking very confused.

‘What are your thoughts?’

Debra doesn’t react. Mannus looks at the Sovereign.

I will allow her to speak, but she is depleted at the moment, later, I will bring her to full power, she will be my partner, and my wife.’

Dan, is now, starting to get angry, but he can’t react.

‘You now know, that I am the only being, that can keep order, in all the worlds of God. I will place my robots, on every planet of consequence. The network will be trouble free, from now on.’

‘What about, free will?’ Mannus said.

‘All entities, will accept my proposals.’

‘What if, I don’t want to accept your proposal?’

‘What can you do? You are the watcher. I am the power, now.’

Message from the Guardian-Network:

Dan Sherman tries to touch Debra, who stood as his side.

The Sovereign sees what is happening, and tries to stop it.

Dan feels his strength ebbing away. Debra looks on helplessly.

Mannus focuses his gaze, on Dan, and Debra. A small spark, shoots across, from Debra to Dan. Suddenly, they are out of the robots.

Dan, touches Debra, Debra disappears. Dan grabs the Sovereign, who is in his original form, by the right arm, and holds on, as he transforms into Cloft. The Sovereign is now, screaming out in agony, his right hand starts to burn through, two seconds later it falls to the floor.

‘Approach me, Brain.’

People are now out of the robots, which now disappear.

‘You are a dangerous, and a highly powerful entity. I cannot allow you to function, in any way, in the Higher Regions. You will be placed in perpetual sleep mode, while the Silent-Ones arrange your future.’

Message from the Database: the Silent-Ones are the Higher-Lords, who retain the law in the Multiverse.

‘OK, everyone back to base, for debrief,’ said Sionn.

‘Don’t tell me, this was another set-up, right?’

‘I’m afraid so, Dan. Please don’t be angry. You can see now, why we had to do it this way.’

‘Yes, but you can also see why, I am a little miffed.’

‘Yes, I know. If it’s any consolation, Reeas wasn’t informed, either.’

‘I was too taken up with Maylee. In fact, I still am. What do you say, Maylee? Do you want to go back there, to massage my back?’ Reeas is now in the form of Arion. What could I do, but transform myself into Maylee, the silly but very cute wife.

I know now, that Sionn had planned everything from Shobdera’s speech, to the spark from Mannus. I’ll say it, again, I am totally in awe of Sionn. I am with Debra, but I still, cannot fully understand, how Sionn can control his mind, to defeat a being, as powerful as the Brain. All I can think is, he is a Higher-Guardian and has Mannus, as his insurance, so to speak. Would I like to take over his job, you say? No thank you, all I want is to be with my Reeas, or Arion, at the moment. Students will excuse us, as we take a small break, you know where.

Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer? The Dan Sherman adventures will continue.

You can also visit my website to read my book and other stories at


Onwards my Student friends.

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Colin J Platt.

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