Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Eleven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 83-The search for Debra.


This is Dan Sherman signing in. I am somewhat worried. Debra has not shown herself, as Sionn said. I expected her soon after we came out of debrief, but she did not appear. Reeas and I went for our special holiday, which was delightful, but now, I am concerned that something bad has happened. Sionn says he is confused, as Debra told him that she was alright and that she would come straight back to me. Reeas is also not aware that Debra has been taken somewhere. Students will know, that Debra is a part of me. She is also a big part of the Guardian-Network. Sionn and Grenwer are also worried that the database will be at risk. I can’t understand how she can simply disappear. Is it me who has changed? Reeas says it is not me that is at fault, I am not so convinced. Maybe, I should contact Mannus? Sionn wants me to meditate to a lower region, to see if she can relate to it. Maybe she was overcome by the higher light content on the mental plane? Whatever it is, I have to find her. I am a Guardian, but without Debra, I am sorely limited. I am now being messaged by Sionn, to come to the briefing room; I arrive to find Grenwer, Reeas, and Deria’s 1 and 2 there.

‘Dan,’ said Sionn, ‘we have a problem. Debra has been located on one of the Astral levels. She has tried to merge with Debra, your ex-girlfriend.’

‘Why didn’t I know that?’

‘You would have, eventually. On the face of it, it is only a small problem, because Debra number one, is not in a state of consciousness to cause problems to the network. The thing is, she may be given access to the light book, through Debra number two.’

‘Surely not,’ I said.

‘Dan, I think Debra number two, has gained knowledge of the actual emotional or Ethereal Light from the higher mental plane. If she has, I dread to think what might happen. I want you and Reeas to go there and find out what you can. You will have to treat this as a delicate emotional problem. I know you will be caring enough to bring Debra back. I, myself, would have big worries with it, so I will leave it to you, and Reeas. Just know that I am here for you. Deria’s 1 and 2 will go under cloaking mode to access things. I have to say one thing, though. (Sionn was now looking at me with a worried look.) It may have been my fault that Debra has come to this stage; I didn’t mean to fragment her so much with myself and Reeas. If things become worse, I will accept responsibility and resign my position as Higher-Coordinator.’

‘Sionn, I don’t blame you, I know you did your best to bring the Brain to submit. Please be assured, that I will bring Debra back, I know in my heart, that things will be OK.’

Sionn is now looking his usual calm self. He even has a smile on his face! Reeas and I went to the restroom to meditate and generally attune ourselves to the emotional level, or light content of the Astral plane.

Students can help at this time. If you are in a loving relationship with someone, and that someone wants help, please do as we do here. Sit down in the cross legged position facing each other, and place your arms on the other’s shoulders. If you are alone just sit in the lotus position and meditate. Imagine someone you love, sitting facing you, and you will contact them. Be assured. Do not think negative about these things, as your thoughts are very important. Now, imagine you are travelling with Reeas and I to the 25th level of the Astral Plane, time doesn’t matter on the inner planes, so you can actually be there, but you will have to reach the database first. Sorry, if I am going on a bit, but I need all the emotional help I can get. Reeas and I are now in meditation.

Reeas suggested we go to my Room-of-Doors. I asked her why. She said she wanted me to go to the actual time when Debra got killed in her boyfriend’s car. I said, ‘Reeas, please, no.’

‘Dan, Debra has got some information from Debra 1 that you are still attached to her; this is why she is trying to merge with her.’

We became aware in my Room-of-Doors. All we have to do, is walk through the second to last door. We emerge into an unfamiliar scene. The city is Chicago and it is obviously the place where Debra had moved to after leaving Iowa. The year is 1940. Debra is sixteen. Her boyfriend is eighteen. I was just fifteen. I can see Debra sitting in the car, it is a 1936 Buick. Her boyfriend said, ‘What’s the paper you’re holding?’

Debra said, ‘Nothing, It’s only a note from a friend.’ I can see it is the little love note, that I posted through Debra’s window, one night just before she left. I had forgotten it until now; how can that happen? I am starting to become confused. Reeas said, ‘Dan, don’t be nervous, it is for your protection. Just try to relax and you will see.’

Her boyfriend said, ‘Let me see it.’ Debra said, ‘No, it is my property.’

Her boyfriend said, ‘It’s from that stupid kid.’

Debra said, ‘Don’t call him; he is a true friend, and someone who wants to marry me, when we are older. I am going to send him a letter, when I get home. I like you, Dave, but you drink too much, and smoke a lot.’

‘What can the kid do? Can he drive his own car? Does he have any money?’

‘He will love me forever, that is all I want.’

‘He will have to catch us first, honey. Now I will show you how to drive a car. You will be my girlfriend, or no ones.’

I said to Reeas, ‘That’s enough.’

We are now going to travel to the 25th level of the Astral Plane to seek out Debra’s 1 and 2; this is the level which Debra 1 has been allocated. We arrive at a house, which although, it is in good condition needed some repairs. It is a suburb of Chicago. We walk in, under cloaking mode. Debra 1 is seated on the couch; Debra 2 is seated next to her holding her hand. This is how the conversation went:

‘Debra,’ said Debra 2. I want you to come with me to the Guardian-Database. I will show you something that will help you to move on from here, it will also let you join me, in gaining access to Dan Sherman. He is what we both want, isn’t he?’

‘I don’t really know, Dan Sherman, I know a John Summers, who wanted to be my boyfriend. But that was a long time ago. He was only fifteen, when we moved away. God, I wish he were back with me. I haven’t really found a true friend, since. I can remember I met Dan Sherman, once, for some reason, but I can’t recall more than that, If this Dan, wants to contact me, then he will. But all I want, is John.’

‘Debra, I don’t want to hurt you, but I must have your cooperation. You are the original, Debra, so I have to merge with you. I will then be part of you, also. Dan says, I am part of him, but I know, I am only a small part. If you become part of me, then Dan will also be more in tune with us.’

I am now becoming concerned. I have to take a chance on revealing myself. For students:

I can’t really relate to this situation. Debra 2 is supposed to be part of me, but she is acting as though she is something, apart from me. Mannus himself said, that we couldn’t be parted. How is it, that my consciousness is threatening someone that I love?

Reeas said she would stay under cloaking mode, unless she is needed. I become visible to both Debra’s. They both look at me with amazement.

‘What are you doing, Debra?’ I said, looking at Debra 2.

‘I am trying to get, this Debra, to understand that I must merge with her.’


‘Because, I want to be more like her, you love Reeas, but you never said, that you love me, in the same way.’

‘Is that why you have away from me?’

‘Yes, I want you to appreciate me, for myself.’

‘Debra, come here. I held her for some minutes. ‘I want you to know, that I more than appreciate you. I love you, because you are part of me. Can you understand that? We cannot be parted. Maybe you got confused when Sionn managed to split you between himself, and Reeas. I don’t know. I only know that, you are loved, very much. You will always be here. I touched my heart.

Debra looks at me with a smile. She then looks at Debra 1 and smiled again.

‘I am sorry, please forgive me. She said.’

She then disappears. I turn to Debra 1. She said, ‘You are John, aren’t you?’

‘Yes, I am.’ Debra starts to cry. I sat down next to her, and put my arm around her shoulder. She said, I remember meeting you before, but I was confused.’

‘It’s alright, Debra, don’t worry, you have managed to overcome your loneliness. I am being told to take you to the next level. You are to move on.’

I transform myself into John Summers. Debra is amazed. She is starting to understand what reincarnation is about. We simply walked through a golden door, which appeared in a suffusion of light. I can see her parents waiting for her. I can’t help the tears. She is now able to relate to circumstances, which she was held back from before. Students will probably think that this simple ceremony is not worth recording, but I have to say, it is one of the most inspiring events to take part in. We all have to move on, and the more we understand about it, the higher we are able to go. I kiss her and tell her that I will keep in touch. I then walk back through the door. Reeas is now visible, and has tears in her eyes. I hold her, as we transfer ourselves back to the sub base.

Reeas said, ‘You are very handsome, John, and the uniform is totally captivating.’ I forgot to tell students that I escorted Debra through the portal dressed in my best U.S. Marines dress suit. Students will know that John Summers died on the beaches of Normandy in the Second World War.

‘Reeas, I am feeling totally reinvigorated. Before I change back to Dan, I want you to dance with me. I want us to do the boogie-woogie. I tried to do it once, but I got in a tangle. But now, I can do it. What do you say? Are you up for the jive?’

‘Just try and stop me, soldier boy.’


I am feeling pretty good, as we bopped around the sub base. Deria and her sister join in plus others. This is one of the best moments of my career as a Guardian. It is a simple thing, I know, but simple things are usually the best. Sionn is now visible in the room. I can see he wants to talk to me ,so we finished dancing and everyone clapped. I am now back to my Dan Sherman self. Sionn raised his arms to hush the crowd.

‘I want to thank Dan, from all of us, for bringing Debra back. The situation with Debra 1, could have been serious. Also the incident with the so called Brain, could have been catastrophic. I accept responsibility for this. I wanted to bring stability to the Guardian-Network, but I nearly brought ruin. I am going into silence, for a time. Grenwer will take over as Higher-Coordinator while I am gone; he is more than capable. Dan, I have to say something to you, I should have trusted you more, you were capable of defeating the Brain, by your chanting, I only had to touch him, to neutralize his power; but you had already done the same thing, Debra was only needed, in a small way, to nullify that power. What I am trying to say is, you are capable of completing any job for the network, with Debra, or without Debra! I proved that she can be split from you, but you still managed to access the power!’

‘But the Brain was about to touch me, when you touched him!’

‘Yes, but that was only a formality, he would have started to burn up, within a short time, his robots are also fused and useless, but they can be brought back if need be. What I am saying is, Debra is now submitting to your will, she is no longer the threat that she was, she would have appeared at once, when I said a short time ago, that you are capable of completing any job with, or without her. You know I am right. Today is the start of a new era for us. I am now formally asking you, to accept the rank of Higher-Guardian.’

‘It is only a short time ago that I became a Guardian.’

‘Time is of no consequence on the inner planes, I believe in you, and everyone here, is of the same mind. Reeas will also be appointed the same rank. I am now going into silence for a time, of course, if the network wants to contact me, I will be available. Farewell.’

Sionn is now gone. I feel terrible, because I didn’t have time to say goodbye!

Grenwer starts to speak…

‘I have to tell you, that Sionn, has been awarded Master-of-the-Multiverse. This appointment, is from Mannus himself.’ Everyone started to cheer. I cheered more than most. Reeas has tears in her eyes, again, which started me off, again. Deria’s 1 and 2 came over to hug us, and let me tell you, that you haven’t been hugged, till you have been hugged, by an Elfin Princess in human form. We are about to go to the restroom, when Grenwer said, ‘Dan and Reeas, will you please join me in the briefing room.’