Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Seven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 60-Room of Doors.


In the dream state, Sionn asked me, once again, to go on a little-mission. I know what you students are thinking. Do I get any time off. As you know, time on the Astral Plane is non-existent, so we can spend a few hours which, can seem like a few years, and vise-versa. Sionn has, also, asked me to ask you, to upload your thoughts on this job. It will be unusual, in that, we will be alone. I say alone because I won’t have Reeas and Deria to help me, but you, my student friends, can access these recorded messages from central database. I am sure your thoughts are of help to me as I can access the database also. We are part of the whole, and as such, we are unlimited. I am now in the Room-of-Doors once again. I know now that this place is going to be a big part of my life as a Guardian, so I am going to treat it as an everyday thing. I am standing as usual in front of the first door, or number one, of 360. They are, as you know, my past-lives, or some of my past lives. They are also access points to any past life time on Earth, and past-lives on other planets; the 360 past lives span more than ten thousand years. I access a door at random and I will find another 360 doors behind it; that is another ten thousand years, and so forth, obviously the second set of doors will be spread out more, around the first set, that means, there will be a space between them, these spaces are also access points, to sub planes. You can see their will be a lot of doors to access, and a lot of sub planes, going back more than 350,000 years or more, and that is only human life times, before that animals; they alone, will add up to millions of lives. But, I know I have to find one in particular. Sionn is now standing next to me.

‘You know, you have to find, one door,’ he said.’

‘Yes, I said, I sort of, knew it.’

‘Good, he said, you know also, you can now alter your consciousness,’


Just ‘Be aware.’

‘Can this be, how Kallo fell from grace?’ I said.

‘Yes, in a sort of way, it is, but don’t worry, you have a very long way to go to catch up with Kallo, and I don’t mean that, in a bad way. Kallo was assessed, after he went bad, and it was found, he was corrupted long before he fell from grace.’

‘Yes, but he is still way ahead of me.’ I said.

‘This is only a training exercise for you.’ he replied.  ‘Just try to be aware, as I said. Now, the question you must contemplate on is ... well, you already know, yes?’

I am now alone in the room. I already know, he said! All I know is, I am confused. I sat down in the lotus position, and rested. I suppose, you students, are confuse, also. This is training exercise, and I have to find one life time out of millions! After some time, exactly how much, I don’t know, I stand up. Sionn said, I could alter my consciousness, OK, then, I will try. After another spell of time, I realize I am now becoming more centered, or whole. Just being in the Room-of-Doors seems to uplift me. I can now see the door in my mind; it is different from the rest, I stand in front of the first door, close my eyes, and contemplated for a few seconds, then I turn around. The door that I can see in my mind, appears in front of me. Now, the question is, my student friends, where does it lead? Please upload your thoughts again to Central Database.

I walk through the door, but it isn’t a door in the Room-of-Doors, but, the door into the Guardian sub base! Sionn said, ‘When did you realize that you didn’t need to access any door!’

I said, ‘I just felt it was the time to come straight back.’

‘Yes, he said, but, you also altered your consciousness.’

‘Yes,’ but I didn’t realize it at the time.’

‘Good, Dan, you did well.’ I think, praise indeed!

For you students: Don’t forget, the mind can trick you, it can tell you to do, or go somewhere when your inner self is saying no, just simply sit down and contemplate, before deciding on a course of action. Reeas and Deria are now with me, I don’t need to ask Reeas, if she passed the same test, I know she did.

‘Don’t worry, Dan, I wouldn’t have let you get lost in there.’ No, it isn’t Reeas speaking, but Debra, I totally forgot about her, for the whole time I was in the room of doors! How can this be, I thought? ‘Your consciousness was changing at the time,’ said Sionn. ‘Really, I said?’

‘Yes, now you will have some rest from your alter-ego’ he said.

‘Yes, but I will still be there’ said Debra!