Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Seven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 61-Debra and me


I am in the lecture room, listening to a potential student Guardian, giving a talk on why he wants to be a Student-Guardian. He is in the dream state. In fact, we are all on the Astral Plane. As you already know, as Student-Guardians, we can learn and function in the dream worlds, of course, he won’t know about this learning exercise, when he wakes up. So, you say, what is the point then? The point is, it is still important to have these experiences on the inner planes. As I am listening, I notice, I can now receive messages, from some outside source.’ I look at Sionn who is standing nearby. He is looking at me with his usual knowing look. I have been able to receive messages from Sionn, since I started my career as a Guardian, but these messages are different; they are from someone else! I know you students might think it is Mannus, but no. After the lecture, I am sat in the restroom alone, trying to fathom out what the messages are. Sionn, then came into the room. 'What do the messages say?’ He said.

‘They just tell me, to go to some locations.’

‘Good,’ he said. ‘You are starting to access the Guardian-Network; you are also, the only Guardian of your short experience to do so!’

‘What?’ I said!

‘You are in constant contact with Debra, who is now, becoming more powerful by the minute.’

‘How can that be?’ I said, ‘did you know this would happen?’

No, but we soon found that things would alter quite drastically.’

‘So, all this time, you have been monitoring me?’

‘Yes, but we do anyway, the important thing is, this situation could now become a very useful tool for us.’

‘I'm glad, and I understand that you mean, no insult by that.’ I said.

‘Yes, I know I am not the most sensitive soul, when it comes to feelings.’

‘What happens now, then?’

‘Just exactly what do the messages say?’ Sionn asked.

‘Can’t you access these messages, from Debra,’ I said.

‘No.’ Sionn replied.

‘All I get is to go to several places.’

‘I want you, to make a special effort to center your mind, before I tell you the next part of this message’ Sionn said.

‘Now, Dan, Please meditate with me to the Higher Regions, where I will give you extra mental exercises to control your mind.’

‘No!’ Debra shouted!

I am a little shocked, to once again, have Debra standing next to me looking angry! I know, she isn’t to be messed with, like this; I also know, it is myself, who is the key to controlling her. Sionn said, ‘Everything is under control, Debra.’

Debra looks at me. I can now, access her more easily, just by looking into her eyes, if she happens to be in the body form. Don’t forget, we are still on the Astral Plane; we still have a physical looking body, as you know.

Debra said, ‘I won’t allow you, to interfere with my, Dan.’

Sionn said, ‘It’s alright, Debra, we won’t hurt, Dan. You can be assured that he will still be the same.’

‘I don’t care. You are not taking him to any Higher Regions, without me!’

Debra then disappeared.

‘Good, Dan, I can feel, that you now, have control. You will have to be aware that Debra is with you at all times, but for some unknown reason, she has chosen you to be her companion for life. We did all we could to get her to become her usual self after the last adventure, but to no avail. It seemed to start when you referred to her as a person.’

‘I don’t know if Reeas, will approve.’ I said.’

‘Reeas, has accepted it.’ 

‘OK, I said, ‘I can cope as long as I have Reeas, with me.’

‘Yes, you will, but there may be times, when you will not be able to be together.’

‘I hope not.’ I said.

‘You know you might have to go somewhere, or do something, that requires just your expertise, shall we say.’

‘Yes,’ I said.

‘Good, now please concentrate on your inner self.’

I sit down in the lotus position, as usual. I am astounded to see Debra, on the inner screen of my mind, sitting in the same position! She is her usual self, who is very lovely, but every few seconds, she d changes into the body of Mannus, but she still has her own head! After a time, I don’t know how long, I came out of meditation. Sionn asks me what happened. I ask him why he hadn’t been able to be there, he said, he couldn’t access my mind, as Debra wouldn’t let him!

‘Really,’ I said.

‘That is why, you will now, be a useful asset to us. If we can’t access your mind and consciousness then any agents, won’t be able to either; but you, will be able to access their network, we hope, now, please try to access the inner screen while you are standing up.’


‘Yes, you can now access Debra, while you are going about your everyday business.’

‘How do you know?’

‘It stands to reason; Debra is now part of you, so all you have to do is realize.’

‘Yes, but she was part of me before.’

‘Yes, she was, but now she is more in-tune with you!’

Sure enough, when I close my eyes, there is Debra.

‘What does this mean, to you, Dan?’ Sionn said.

‘Well, as long as I can be alone, when I need some, private time.’

‘Yes, you should be able to control her now.’ Sionn knows I am worried.

‘Please relax.’, he said. ‘Mannus, has confirmed to us, that Debra will be under control, as long as you, are in control.’

Wow! That really is something, I think. I now have the most powerful Tool/Asset/weapon/Machine, I won’t say Robot, I thought. ‘No, don’t’ Debra, said.

OK Students: Please feel free to contribute to this ongoing training session. In fact, the whole of my life, has become a training session, I suppose, I really don’t mind, as long as it helps the Guardians to do their job. Sionn is now looking at me with his all-knowing stare. I know he had something important to say.

‘What is it?’ I said.

Sionn said, ‘You know, that you are now invulnerable, Dan, will you please wait in the other room.’

A few minutes later Reeas, came in, followed by Sionn.

‘I know I have to keep control, at all times.’ I said.

‘Dan, all I can say is, Debra has now gained power more than she was ever expected to. We can’t understand the reason why, she has suddenly boosted her knowledge. It is, as though, she has found a way to access the light book, which, we know is impossible!

‘Can it be, that this is something to do with the agents of Kallo?’ I said.

‘All our information says, no. But anything is possible.’

Now, I am more worried. Reeas is now looking at me with a concerned expression.

‘What is it?’ I said.’ Sionn said, ‘We want you to go on a special mission.’

‘Does that include you, Reeas.’ I said. ‘I mean, do you want me to go alone?’

She looks at Sionn. ‘You don’t need anyone to help you now, Dan.’

‘What do you mean?’ I said.

‘Debra, will be able to do everything.’

‘Never mind, Debra,’ I said, ‘I want to know, if Reeas wants me to go alone.’

‘Of course, not!’ she said.

‘Then why, have I got to go alone?’

‘You will not be alone, said Sionn. Debra will be there.’ I started to get angry. Suddenly Debra is there!

‘Don’t worry, Dan,’ she said, ‘I will take care of you.’ I at once, know, that I myself, have brought on this last little episode, with Debra, and, of course, Sionn and Reeas know it, also.

‘OK, I get it.’ I said.’

Sionn said, ‘Debra will be you, and any other form, you happen to take on?’

‘Yes, I realize that.’ I said.

‘And you, know also, that you won’t even need a light-suit.’

‘Yes, I know that, also.’

‘Debra will be your defense, and everything else that you require.’

‘Yes, I figured that out, also.’

‘Well, we tried to get Debra to cooperate and let the rest of the Guardians have the same protection, but she adamantly refuses. This means, that you alone, will be unique, in the Guardian-Network.’

‘Maybe I can try and communicate with her in the Higher Regions, again?’

‘No, Dan. We already tried and failed, she is very protective of you, so please, don’t make any waves, at this time, let’s just sail on; just be aware, that you will have to be in control, at all times. Can you please join us, for updates, in the briefing room?’

I am now, starting to worry a little, over Sionn’s talk.

In the briefing room I can now, just rest. I don’t even need to pay attention. I know Debra is taking it all in, I feel a little, surplus-to-requirements.’

‘Don’t worry, Dan, I’m here; I can do everything for you.’ Now, I am worried. I can see Sionn looking at me, every now, and again. I know if Sionn is edgy, then things are not good. At this time, my student friends, you should know, I don’t really understand the significance of the situation. I can see people in the briefing room looking at me, more and more! I don’t realize for a few minutes, that I am changing shape, from myself to Debra, every few seconds! Debra is the most powerful thing in the Multiverse, and I am now starting to worry, big-time. You will have to forgive me, if I seem a bit edgy, but you also know the reason why. I am reminded of a film, I saw as a child, in my last lifetime (Forbidden Planet) about a planet which is destroyed by its highly advanced population, who forget that they have a subconscious mind. This subconscious invisible-monster would in time, kill all the people. Now, I have a monster of my own! Now, students please excuse me, while I upload everything to do with this next mission.