Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Seven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 63-Gastreal, Feriensa, and Felthen.


We decide to go to the Planet Gastreal first, to interrogate the dark agents. We are to contact special security staff, who have the agents in custody. I know, now, we don’t need to transfer into cloned bodies; yes, I know, I said before, we would use cloned bodies, but now, with Debra being Debra, we don’t need to. We could materialize in any form we wanted. I decided to be myself, while, Debra, comes as a Tourgen-clone.

‘You don’t need to use that form, Debra.’ I said.

‘I know, but, I think it will encourage them to cooperate.’

We are greeted by security staff, who are more than a little nervous, at meeting Debra, especially when, she transforms into a smaller version of the Tourgen, to fit into the rooms and corridors we are  accessing. I ,myself, turn into the original Debra, a few times, before we arrive at the room where the agents are held. The security staff, are, by now, very confused.

‘Please, leave us alone, with the prisoners, for a time,’ I said.

After looking at each other, several times, the man in charge of security said, ‘You know, these people, will die, before they give out any information?’

‘Yes,’ I said.

And, you know, they have been already been through several interrogations before.’

‘Yes,’ I said, again, ‘we know.’

‘Do you know, also, that they have been especially selected and cloned into their bodies, which feel no pain, or fear, when threatened?’

‘Yes,’ I said.

‘Well, good luck, then; we couldn’t get a thing out of them.’

When the security staff, had gone, Debra turns back into her normal self. We know the agents, are not afraid of pain, and Deria, who is invisible, said, she can’t access anything from the prisoners, either. ‘OK, I said, time for some serious pain, for you.’

‘Who do you think, you are kidding’ the obvious leader said.

yes, he is a Kallo look-alike again.

‘We are the Elite-Selection! Do you think you can intimidate us, by transforming into other, life forms? Ha, Ha. Go back to your leaders, Trainees!’

I look at Debra, she knows just what to do, one look from her and the agents are rolling on the floor in agony. After about a minute, the agents, are, screaming out, to talk, but I notice, that one, is relatively quiet, I tried to access his mind, but I notice he has been, Brain Changed, it is something that is common on numerous planets. After another few minutes of recuperation, they said, ‘It is no good trying to get information from us, about other agents, as  we have been processed to give any number of false answers, in fact, we don’t know any more than you.’ I know he is right, but I still let Debra, put them on the floor again. We are about to leave, when Debra looks at me, I know something is terribly wrong, the agent who said nothing, while being tortured, is now laughing. Debra suddenly, transformed herself into the ship encompassing us all, inside, in the next instance, there is an almighty blast. All I am aware of, is a light, of the most intense kind. I don’t know whether, I am still in the room, on the ship, or back at base. Yes, I am part of Debra, but I am also myself, and that self, is struggling to understand what had happened. It doesn’t take long to find out, that the agent, who was laughing had triggered a massive photon-bomb. How come, we didn’t detect it ,you say, because, it was embedded into his brain. Yes, his new brain! Debra is now, her normal self, and the ship.

‘Are you OK? Dan.’ 

‘Yes, thank you, Debra. What happened?’

‘One of the agents triggered a photon-bomb. Everyone on board is dead, except Deria, and you. I simply, didn’t have the time to contain the suspect.’

‘The security people, will wonder, what happened.’ I said.

‘As far as they are concerned, we simply disappeared; In fact, We travelled at faster than light speed through the planet and out into deep space. I am now starting to get my bearings.

‘You will be alright, in a moment, said Debra, it is the sudden increase in light.’

Debra jettisoned the blast out into space, with the bodies of the prisoners.

‘Do you want me to transfer to the Astral Plane to question the prisoners again, Dan?’

For Student information: We don’t need to go into sleep mode, while we are with Debra, she can transfer us anywhere on any plane.

‘No, thank you, Debra, we won’t get much information from them. On Second thoughts, yes, let us see their faces, when they see we are OK. In the next instance, we transferred to the sub base on

the Astral Plane. The prisoners are standing before a Judge, or Guardian.

‘How do you plead?’ The judge said.

‘We have been programmed to tell lies, so it is useless to ask us.’

‘Take them away,’ the judge said.

‘Please, your honor, can I question then,’ I said.

‘Of course.’

Now, which of you remembers me, and my companion? I said.

All of them, said they did.

‘OK, then, what did you achieve?

‘We managed to blow the hell, out of you.’

‘No, you didn’t, we were able to contain the blast and move it away from the planet.’

‘Never, they said.

‘Is it possible, to let them see the truth, through my friend, Debra here? I said.

‘I’m afraid it won’t make any difference’ the judge said. ‘Their brains have been altered, take them away.’

As they were leaving, the leader shouted, ‘We will get, you yet, Sherman.’

You think you are safe, but there are many agents after you! Kallo maybe in captivity, but his agents are out there!’

Deria is now in the room. ‘Even I couldn’t get through the consciousness of those agents’ she said.

‘What about their Karma? How does it work, with their brains, being altered?’ I said. Deria said. ‘They are still accountable for their actions. They might think, they are getting away with something, but, in reality, soul moves into the original mind, to pay the debt.’

‘Kallo, is racking up, some serious, Karma.’ I said.

Why, did he bother, you ask? We were protected by Debra, Which is as good as a light suit. All I can say is, they will try every means, to destroy me, yes; I am what they are after. Why bother, again, as I can simply go back to base! At this stage, I don’t know, it is too soon, after the blast, to formulate any reasonable answers. Will students, give me a little time to recover my senses. Debra, said,

‘Would you like me to access the leader, Dan, to see if I can make him into a better person?’

‘No,’ Debra, thank you. He will be processed.’

We are now back on the ship, and on course for Feriensa, the highly civilized planet, where they have discovered one of our underground bases. It is time, for the population to know about us, so, I am to go with Deria, and Debra, to introduce ourselves.

This, for once, seems like an enjoyable mission. I just hope, it will turn out to be so. I know from Debra, that three members of the public, from Feriensa are potential Guardians, two of whom, are the finders of the underground base! The news said, that Aliens had founded a base there recently. The news has spread like wildfire, but in reality, the base has been there for thousands of years. All I can say is, they must be pretty smart, to get by the security, in a Guardian-base. Records show, that they bypassed several anti-trespasser alarms, which are supposed to trick them, into believing ,that, nothing is in the base, but empty space, or just, an empty cavern. The trip to Feriensa, will take just five days traveling, at what, is now a record speed for any Guardian craft. Debra has upgraded to many times light speed. Don’t ask me how; I simply, don’t know, yes, I know, I am part of Debra, but I am also Dan Sherman, and, I am starting to realize that, if I try to keep up with Debra, I will be consumed, by her! She also knows, this, and so, we are in a sort of partnership that, lets the other person, be separate, sort of, although, I know I will have to struggle.

The distance to Feriensa, from Gastreal, is 68 million light years, a trip which is next to nothing, for Debra, with help, from various, worm holes. I am, now, starting to feel a lot easier, with my new found job, I ask Deria, if she wants to dance, and she said, yes. As Students, you will already know, that I like to dance, from my adventures when I first became a Guardian. Debra is also waiting to dance with me, as you already know. Can you imagine, dancing with two of the most beautiful women in the Multiverse and not getting tired, in the bargain; correction, three most beautiful women, as Reeas, is now on the ship as a hologram. ‘Are you trying to get some dancing practice in, without me?’

I am, now, feeling pretty good, I can tell you, suddenly, the alarm goes off! Debra said, that a ship had been scanned some hundreds of light years off, our chosen direction.

‘What, more, info, can you get? Debra.’

‘Just that it is a Poliderian Ore-Ship bound for Deriana, one of their sister planets. It has been hijacked, and the crew has been taken away by the Felthen’s.’

‘Why hasn’t it been reported?’

‘The Felthen’s put a cloaking-device around the ship, but I found it anyway.’

‘When, did this happen?’

‘Several days ago, they intend to come back and take the ship to Hullza, one of the planets, they took over, after the war with the Relibarians.’

‘OK, report it to Guardian base, and we will pay the Felthen’s a little visit. They need to learn a little respect.’

‘How far away is the ship that took the hostages?’

‘Within easy catching distance’ Debra said.

‘Good, let us do a little hostage taking, ourselves.’

I am starting to tap into Debra’s, super mind. I know we don’t need to get to Feriensa in any hurry, we have time to spare. The Felthen’s are a dominant race, in the Temerarian-Galaxy, and they have taken over several planets, and subsequent moons.

I am, now, getting information from Debra, about everything to do with them, as she is now accessing their ships database. I know we can catch up with the ship, in less than two hours. I sat down in the restroom, it doesn’t matter, where on board, I am, I can still access Debra. I begin to think of all the adventures I have had, since becoming a Guardian. You Students, will also, be able to access them, for me, they are sometimes like dreams, yet, I can access them from Debra, and they are more than real! My consciousness has risen beyond all expectations, as Sionn, said, but, I can still remember my past lives. I am still, Dan Sherman, in every sense of the word, yet, I am also part of this higher consciousness which is Debra, or God, himself, or itself. I want to stay, as Dan Sherman; after all, it is the culmination of all my past lives, but, I know, I will have to move on, sometime. Don’t forget, students, there is nothing more sure, than change itself.’ OK, we are now, in contact distance, with the Felthen ship, contact, meaning they can, now, message us, if we want them to. We are under cloak, at the moment, and shadowing them. Debra said,

‘Do you want me to neutralize their weapons, Dan?’

‘Not just yet, Debra.’

I am starting to realize that, this little incident, might also be a plot to get me.

‘Can you read anything out of the ordinary about the mental condition of the crew? Deria’

‘I will go over and check, Dan,’

‘Everything checks out here, Dan, said Debra, all they seem to want, is the Ore-Ship.’

‘Thank you, Debra, can you message, Feriensa, tell them who we are, and what has happened, also tell them, we won’t be able to come as scheduled, but, we can arrange to interview the potential Guardians, later; tell them, we know, that Feriensa is ready to receive knowledge about the Guardian-Network, and anything else that is relevant. Oh, and secure the Guardian base from anymore interference.’

‘OK, Dan.’

Reeas, is, again, on view, as a hologram. She said, ‘I am starting to feel something of what you are going through, Dan, in the short time I have been in training, I have gained some of Deria’s powers. The mental side of things has increased in me.’

‘Yes, I said, I feel somewhat hesitant to board their ship. You know, the Felthen’s, are highly advanced in mental control.

‘Yes, that is why I came, to warn you!’

‘Thank you, Reeas.’

As you students know, I have had a few dealings with certain beings, that also have high mental control. Why is it, that some people, who get highly evolved, want to rule the Universe or anywhere else? I suppose, it is, after centuries, of religion and spirituality, they find that they don’t need it; they can produce anything, with their fabrication machines, and go anywhere, with their star ships. I know one thing, we won’t find any potential Guardians on the Felthen’s ship!

After some more time, trying to access Debra, and also, tune myself into the Felthen network, I decide to stop, their ship and just leave them with life support, while we accessed their database in inaccessible mode. We simply, transport ourselves over, as easy as walking from our ship to theirs. I call it Debra-mode; the difference is that, before, I had to use a light suit, which, can still touched by anyone, but now, we are totally protected, invisible, and untouchable! Deria is now back, she said that the Felthen crew checked out, but their seemed to be a presence on board that she could not find!

‘OK, I said, everyone, please be aware, that, there may be a spy on board! I feel a bad vibe coming from the ship.’

Debra said, ‘The ship is, totally safe, Dan.’

‘I know Debra, but I feel a trap is waiting for us.’

‘Dan,’ Debra said, ‘do you know what my name, means?’

‘Please, Debra, not now.’

‘I’m just trying to lighten the tension, as you call it.’

‘Yes, Debra, I know, you are, and yes, I know what your name means, as I am now a part of you.’

‘What does it mean? Dan.’ 

It means ‘the Bee,’ or an ‘Industrious Woman.’ I said.

‘Very good, Dan, you know, I want to be recognized as a separate part of you. I also want to protect you, and I want you to feel that you can rely on me for anything, also, I have given myself an abbreviation. OK team, let’s go.’

‘What, abbreviation?’

‘I thought you would know.’

‘Oh, yes, I am, just now, accessing it. ..Deep. Engineering. Building. Regeneration. Analyst.’

‘Do you like it , Dan?’

‘It is spot on, Debra.’

She is now, dressed in a combat uniform, with all the stuff that goes with it!

‘Debra, there is no need, to wear that gear! They won’t be able to see us, anyway.’

‘I know, she said, but you can see me, and I want to look professional!’

I must try harder to keep myself in check, I think. Once on board their ship, we soon find the hostages, I am appalled to find, they have been tortured, not with the usual physical stuff, but with mental-probes; these are devices that have been banned for millennia in any civilized star system.

‘Can you help them, Debra?’ I said.

‘I’m afraid not, Dan, they are as good as dead.’ I am feeling pretty angry, I can tell you, students! OK, time for action. I notice a sort of misty dark shape, hovering to my left.

‘Do you see it, Debra, Deria?’

‘Yes, Dan.’ said Deria.

‘I can feel it, more than see it.’ said Debra.

‘OK, please form a triangle around it, I said; now, concentrate on it.’ Within a short time, it became visible. I know it to be a Shadow-Person; they are entities which have been seen since time immemorial. Of course, it can’t see us, or hear us, as we are in high-cloaking mode, but it knows, something is wrong.

‘Do the Felthen’s, know about this, Debra?’

‘There is nothing on the databank, but maybe, it was brought on board with no info about it being given to the crew.’

‘That’s exactly right,’ said Deria, this creature, is a clone, of one of the Astral Entities which used to be used to bring victims untold agony. The poor souls, who are lying here, are testament to this; whatever you do, don’t let it touch you.’

‘Why? I thought we were, protected by Debra?

‘We don’t know, for sure, how much mental ability, it has. You could be trapped it a lower region.’

‘Yes, but I have been trapped, before.’

‘Don’t forget, this entity has been manufactured by the Felthen’s, who are highly advanced in mind control, anything could happen. I believe it is waiting for you! In fact, I believe the whole thing is a set-up just to get you, Dan.’

‘Surely not,’ I said.

‘Dan, this creature is a physical manifestation of an Astral Entity of great power; that is why the Felthen’s kept it such a secret! No one, on the ship, knows about it! They don’t even know, these poor people are here!’

‘OK, we will have to put this creature, in isolation. Deria, is there any safe way to get it back to base?’

‘No Dan, we will have to kill it.’

I will notify base that it is on the way, Dan, said Debra, I will also kill it, we don’t want you racking up any more Karma, do we?’ know this last comment isn’t like Debra. I am now getting worried again. Suddenly, Debra’s face changes into a dark ugly shape, then it becomes normal again! I then notice a small dark shape on her leg! I can now, see the dark matter, starting to spread up Debra’s body!

‘What the hell, am I supposed to do?’ I shouted.

Deria pointed her hand at the entity, and a light of the highest intensity came forth. The entity then disappeared, but Debra is still half covered with the dark matter! She is also pointing her arm at me, in the same way, as Deria did. I think, I am going to be absorbed, with her power. Time seems to stand still. I can now see, Deria looking around as though, she has lost something! What the hell, am I doing here? I think. I am the most hated man in the Multiverse thanks to Kallo, who is now in a security cell on the astral sub base, and he has been sent to Mannus, himself, to be treated, and is now, no threat! In fact, we worked together some time back, and he even likes me!

I am, now, pursued all over the Multiverse, by his agents who he himself trained!

Suddenly there is an almighty blast! I am taken aback again, just like when we were on Gastreal. All I can do is sit down in the lotus position, as Sionn comes into view!

‘What happened?’ I said.

‘Sorry, Dan, we had to keep things, incognito.’

‘Who is we?’ I said.

‘Deria, Debra and Reeas, he said.’

Reeas? I said.

‘Yes, she kept us informed about the ongoing situation.’

‘What about Debra? I said.’

‘She is OK.'

'But, I saw her change into a dark shape.’

‘Yes, she was doing as ordered.’


‘We needed to get information about agents also we have now many times more info about their network.’

‘Wait a minute.’ I said, can anyone tell me why, I can’t be consulted about these things?’

‘Sorry, Dan. It was the only way to get Debra close to the agents. We know she wouldn’t have harmed you, plus, she has now located twenty five more agents, in the last few seconds!’

‘Yes, I know.’ I said, ‘I am part of her.’

‘Yes, but you are still, Dan Sherman, and as such, you are susceptible.’

I thought, I was untouchable, but all I seem good for is to be kept in the dark!’

‘Dan, listen, I am sorry, I have to keep you in the dark on certain things, but believe me, it is for the best. Debra is now, the most powerful force in the Multiverse. Can you begin to understand that!’

‘Yes.’ I said.

‘Can you understand, also, why we didn’t tell you, about Debra, seemingly being taken over by the agent?’

‘I think so. I said.’

‘Why then?’ Sionn asked?’

‘Because, you wanted the time to locate, and destroy the entity, and locate the Agents.’

No!’ he said. ‘We wanted it to believe that Debra has now been infected by it. The entity has been destroyed, but it has now gone to one of the Astral lower regions where, it is still in existence.’

‘So, you’re saying, the word will get around that, I am destroyed, or the network is affected!’

‘Exactly, agents, will believe that we are vulnerable.’

‘I wanted to tell you, Dan.’ Said, Debra!

‘Thank you, Debra.’

 Reeas said, ‘Don’t be annoyed, Dan, it was for the best.’

‘OK,’ I said, ‘but you can understand why I feel a little aggravated.’

‘Yes,’ Sionn, said, ‘but we are now getting word, that the Shadow-Person is more than an agent, it is a Master in its own right! You did extremely well, in finding it Dan, and Deria.’

‘I could feel it, also.’ said Debra!’

‘Yes, thank you, Debra.’ Sionn said. ‘Now, all that needs to be done, is for your students, to upload a report on the mission, Dan.’

‘Yes, I’m sure they already know that.’ I said.

‘Sorry, students, Sionn does seem to take control when he is in the room, or anywhere else for that matter. Onwards, my friends.’

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Colin. J. Platt.



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