Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Seven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 62-Change Over


During the uploading session, I notice that, I am becoming more like Debra; or rather, she is becoming more like me, also, the ship, and everything else, connected with it. I can now, access everything Debra can! I think that, being an android, or Cloft the Tourgen, is something special, but this awesome power, that is Debra, is something to experience, beyond anything, that I have done, so far. I realize that, I am now, in charge of, the most powerful thing, in the Physical Worlds; what about the Inner worlds, I hear you say. Yes, I can also access Debra there, when needed, because, she is part of me and vice versa. Sionn came in, with a smile, which, is something that is not usual.

‘Good news, he said. Debra, has stabilized, that is, as far as, taking in information. She was starting to worry me, as you know, Dan.’

‘Yes, I could tell.’

‘Yes, I know, I’m not the easiest of people, to read, but even I, was worried.’

‘You can trust me,’ I said.

‘Yes, I know, and don’t forget, you can access the Room-of-Doors, when you need some private time.’

‘Yes, I will, and thank you.’

For student purposes: The Room-of Doors is on the Astral Plane and not the higher regions, although, there are Higher Astral regions. Debra, is now stabilized, and under control, but she is part of me, so, she goes where I go.

I know all this information before Sionn actually told me, but it is nice to hear. You students, may or may not, understand my predicament. I suppose, it is something that one can only dream about, and that is the key. Imagine, having the powers of a God! I now, know, my next mission. I am to go to planet called Feriensa, in a galaxy some billions of light-years away from Earth. The only way of getting there is by dream traveling.

The problem is, the highly intelligent people there, have stumbled on one of our underground bases. We knew the people there, were about ready to know about us, but even we, were surprised by the sudden discovery. I am also, told, to be prepared for any trouble, from dark agents. The other job I have to do is make a short detour of sixty-eight million light years, to another planet to question some agents who have been caught trying to destroy the planet with chemical weapons. Obviously, I won’t be able to transport the prisoners with me, so, I will instruct the ruling government, to place them, into long term isolation, and then, we will question them, on the Astral Plane, at our leisure. I wonder if the two incidents are related, but I will find out later. I said my goodbyes to Reeas, Sionn, and the other members of the team. I know, I don’t mention the rest of the team, very often, but you can access them yourself from the ...Yes, I know you know where. I know also, that I don’t need to say goodbye, because I can meet them on the inner planes, but I still say it, habit, I suppose. In sleep mode, I am back at the Room-of-Doors, and yes, Debra isn’t here, as Sionn, has said. OK, I think, I will take a little vacation.

But first, I will ask you students the same question. Where would you go? And what would you do? Please upload your thoughts to base. I start to walk through the doors, one after another. As you know, another set of doors appears behind the first set, that is, if you don’t intend going to a past life, in the first set. I don’t know exactly, where I am going, but I know, I have to concentrate my inner self, on the doors. I seem to be guided by something, apart from myself. Debra, you say, no, I don’t think so, but, maybe it is, as you know, each section of doors, is ten-thousand years. I am now up to ninety-thousand years ago in my past lives. I stop for a while, just to get acclimatized, so to speak. Remember before, when I said there are, also, sub planes which, are also doors, at the side of the original doors, well, these doors are many. I can go through one, and find hundreds more, behind it, these are the different sub levels. Yes, I know it is a bit confusing, but I know, you can, understand it, as you are, Student-Guardians after all.

OK, I am, now, sure, I have to go through this one door; it is a sub plane door. I stop for a moment, just to meditate, for a few minutes. I know someone is behind it, but, I don’t know who. Please, students, again, upload your thoughts. I know, I am asking you to upload a lot, but, it is very important, after all, you are the future. I walked through the door. Imagine my surprise when I find myself back in the sub plane base again. 

Sionn, Reeas, Deria, Grenwer, all the team are there! I am stuck for words. ‘You don’t need to say anything, Dan, said Sionn. We are just glad that you managed to find the right portal, this means, you are now able to access any number of past lives, not just yours, but any being, in the multiverse!’

‘What?’ I said.

‘Just rest and contemplate for a while.’

Reeas said, ‘Can we talk? Dan.’

‘Sure,’ I said, we walk to the restroom.

‘You know we will always be together, don’t you?’

‘Yes,’ I said. I start to feel anxious. ‘And I know, that whatever happens, we will always, love each other,’

‘Yes, but things, are changing.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Debra will be with you, always too.’

‘Yes, but she is… (I have to pick my words very carefully, as I know Debra, is somewhere, very near) My work partner, you are my wife.’

I hold Reeas by the shoulders. ‘Why should I be the one, to have all this power, given to me? I have only been with the Guardians, a relatively short time.’

‘Don’t put yourself down, you are a Higher Being, and someone, who cares about what he does. Why do you think Sionn picked you, in the first place? I’ll tell you why, because you picked him!’

‘Really,’ I said.

‘Yes, I know you are beginning to expand in power, but don’t worry, we will always have each other. I had a talk with Sionn and company, about you needing someone, besides Debra, to keep you company, while on these missions, she is waiting outside. I know it is Deria.

I said, ‘There is no one, besides you, who I want by my side, more than Deria.’

Deria comes into the room, in her human form.

‘Deria said, ‘We will both have access to Debra, but you are the key.’ 

Reeas said, ‘I will now start my training to be part of Deria’s people.’

‘What?’ I said.

‘Yes, I am going to become one of Deria’s, brethren.’

‘You are very fortunate, Reeas.’ said Deria.

‘I know.’ Reeas replied, in an excited voice.

I am stuck for words.

‘Don’t worry, Dan.’ Reeas said, I will still look as I do now, but I will also be able to change into Deria’s usual elfin-type body.’

I look at Deria. She is very beautiful, indeed.

‘I have no complaints.’ I said.

Reeas laughs. Deria said, ‘Dan, Reeas, please let us link hands, I want you to meditate on my people, although Reeas, will be in training for a while, she will be able to reach us, should we need her.’

‘You mean, if anything happens to, Debra?’ I said.

‘Deria said, ‘Debra is now the utmost power, in the multiverse, she is the Guardian-Network, plus much more.’

‘Yes.’ I said, ‘but they had a network similar to Debra before, didn’t they?

‘No.’ said Deria, as you know; Debra is of your making.’

‘Yes, but I thought we had been through all that, and rectified it.’

‘She has made you, her partner. The Guardian’s themselves realize this, and it cannot be altered. Now, every Dark Agent, will know this.’

‘So, I have come, from being a lowly teacher, to the most hated Guardian, in the Multiverse.’

Reeas comes over, and hugs me.

‘You are unreachable, by any agents.’ she said.

‘What about the Room-of-Doors?’ I said. ‘Sionn said, I can get some privacy there.’

‘You can,’ Deria said, ‘but, you will have to be wary, only use it in emergency.’

‘What?’ I said, ‘let me speak to Sionn.’

‘Sionn, has gone into inaccessible mode.’ Reeas said.

‘Fine!’ I said, 'the only person, who, I want to talk to, in the whole Multiverse, and he is away!’

‘Don’t worry, Reeas said, ‘Deria and Debra will be with you.’

‘I’m sorry.’ I said, ‘but I feel a bad experience is about to happen.’

‘It must be the change you’re going through,’ said Reeas. ‘Please rest awhile.’

I went to the restroom. I decide to lie down, and just contemplate. You students will know the difference between meditation and contemplation, so I will leave it at that. I am trying to evaluate the situation.

‘Don’t worry, Dan. I am here.’ I opened my eyes to see my mother from my Dan Sherman lifetime, but I know, this is really Debra, as I am, now, fully aware, of everything, regarding Debra, also, I don’t feel, in any way, threatened by Debra, this time.

‘OK, Debra, you can go back to being yourself, please.’

‘What about, your favorite, apple-pie?’ she said.

‘OK,’ I said, maybe you can stay like you are, for a short while.’ I am starting to like, this, new Debra.

I go to the sleep rooms, to say goodbye, to Reeas; no matter, how far away, we are, from each other, I know, we will always, be together. This is something a lot of people, on Earth, and other planets, sometimes forget,‘ onwards, my Student friends.’