Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Ten by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 74-Tourgen Nightmare.


Sionn is now looking at me with contempt. I am trying to come to terms with this, when he walks over to me, grabs me by the arm, and lifts me to my feet.

For students: please be aware, that we are still on the Astral Plane. The room changes into a place, similar to the sub plane base rooms. Sionn guides me to a seat, where I sit facing a machine, which I know to be a Brain-Scanner, and Mind-Transfer device.

‘Dan, I know what you are thinking, but this is, believe me, the best way to end this infernal war between the Guardian-Network and the Dark-Forces. I will ensure, that Kallo, is under control, and I will be responsible for order in all of the regions, below the First Grand Division of God.’

‘What about Mannus?’ I said.

‘I’ve told you before, Mannus is the watcher; he is not concerned, with things, in the lower worlds, he is the power.’

‘What happens to me, then?’

‘Please, Sionn let me tell him,’ Kallo said.

‘You, my fine friend, will be cloned into a Tourgen beast; and before you ask, whether you will be able to do all the amazing things, that you were once capable of, the answer is no!’

‘Please, Kallo.’ Sionn said, ‘Let me deal with this. Don’t worry, Dan, you won’t have any memory of this, and it is for the overall good.’

‘What about, my good?’

‘You will eventually rise up in consciousness, and move on.’

‘But that might take ages.’

‘Yes,’ laughed Kallo. That is the beauty of it, it will, and you won’t be a problem to me anymore.’

Sionn said, ‘Dan, believe me, if there was another way out of all this, I would take it, but we can’t have you reuniting, with Debra again. This cloning, will be permanent, in that you will actually believe, that you are the Tourgen life form. When you were cloned into the Tourgen before, you knew that you could change or transfer out of the body, well, this time, you won’t be able to. I’m sorry, but I am trying to justify my actions. You won’t be able to remember, but I will, and believe me, you are the lucky one.’

‘I am the lucky one? Just let me say, this, if I can, in any way, get out of the Tourgen body, I will, and I will come for you, Sionn, and Kallo also.’

Kallo said, ‘let’s get it over with, Sionn, I am starting to get very bored, with this; but just let me say this: ‘You, Trainee, will no longer be a Guardian.’

I am now fitted up with the head gear that is linked into the machine. For you students: I can’t do anything about my situation, as my ability to transfer my way out of the body, is gone. I can’t even meditate myself out, as Sionn and Kallo have obviously got control over this region. You will also want to know, how I can message you, while in this trouble. I don’t know, but I presume it will be added to the database later. Don’t forget, Debra is no longer with me, so I am vulnerable. Sionn and Kallo are Masters, when it comes to anything to do with the Higher or Lower regions, and so, I am, at this time, not able to message any longer. Students, please help, if you can.


This message is from Reeas: students, please note, Dan has been taken prisoner. Deria and I are back at the sub base. We know now, that Kallo has escaped once again, and that it was probably Kallo himself, who masterminded the taking of Dan. Sionn is probably linked into this also, but God help us, if he is. Deria used her powers and got us out of danger, but Dan, was already trapped. I feel sick, with worry, but I know Dan, will try everything in his power, to escape. Grenwer is now in the room. Grenwer, as you students know, is a Higher-Guardian and also the Higher-Coordinator while Sionn is away.

Grenwer said, ‘Deria and Reeas, you will not now have to go to Axvious. The Super-Robots are being dealt with by local forces, and Guardian ships. I want you to seek out Dan. Sionn is probably in league with Kallo. We feel that Dan is in serious trouble, more trouble than he has ever been in up to now.’

‘How do you know, that?’

‘Don’t ask me how, Reeas, just trust me. Deria, get together with your sister and your brethren, try to locate the region where Dan has been taken.

For students: Deria’s sister is her twin and is called Deria 2. They are so close that they haven’t been out of communication for even one minute in their whole lives, and their lives are very long, my student friends. You can now access Dan’s part of the story, as it was put on the database later. Sorry if it is too late for you to help in the dream state in this part of the story.

For students: This part of the story will be related to you by Reeas. Deria is the higher being but she will keep herself in silence for the time being.

Deria and I are going to meditate to the inaccessible region, for a special conference called the Meeting-of-the-Masters. All we have to do, is lie down, or sit in the lotus position. We soon become aware, in a beautiful setting, which is overlooking a mountain range. The distance is too far to evaluate. But for any students who have managed to access this place, you will know what I mean, when I say it is beyond any words to describe.

Mannus, who is the lord of this region, is sitting in his usual place, which is in the center of the group but higher up. He is seated on a golden cushion; he is a giant of a man, with golden skin and wearing golden bands on his arms and ankles, his only clothing is a loin cloth, and he has no hair on his body. Of course, he isn’t a man at all, but the image, of what we ,in the Physical World can relate to.

I know this place as Sanctuary, a special place where spiritual people gather to find a master. Some people manage it, but some don’t, Dan found the Master in one past life, but died a few days later, now, that master is here! plus many more, also, numerous students, maybe you are here also my student friends? Don’t scoff, it is totally possible. Grenwer is here, plus Deria 2, I also see, Deria’s brethren, and all manner of higher life forms, plus Thalo and his people, they were liberated when Dan and I infiltrated the Tourgen base, also Fagil from Far Station, which is now the planet Yalton. They helped to bring me back to life, when I got killed by the Burin.

These masters, plus many students, are now seated in meditative positions. Deria is now out of silence, and ready to address the conference; she has now earned the right to be an Elfin Princess and she is also a Master Guardian; Mannus himself appointed her, she appears in her human form, which is breathtaking in its beauty. I sit down at the outer edge of the conference, while Deria walks to the center, and stands at the right-hand side of Mannus. After a few minutes of prayer and meditation, she starts to speak thus:

Conference: We are gathered here for an emergency Meeting-of-the-Masters. I have to report that Sionn, our Higher-Coordinator has now become an outcast. Dan Sherman has been taken prisoner and Debra, who is the power of the Guardian-Network, has disappeared.

Message from Reeas: I am feeling pretty depressed, at this moment, I can tell you. As most of you know, Dan has been in some pretty tough places, and has been taken prisoner many times. He has managed to escape by his own resourcefulness, with help from the Guardian-Network. Students have also helped in the past, by working in the dream state and sending their thoughts to central-database.

Students will know that, we, as soul, cannot be killed, but we can be captured by various means, and kept prisoner. Kallo himself is a master, when it comes to escaping from any inner world prison. I just hope Dan, can do the same. I feel somehow different, this time, though. It is as though, Dan, is somewhere that we cannot get to; Far-Station was such a place; also Dark-Space was a very scary place; Dan managed to enter these places, plus many more and help many beings to freedom. Sorry, if I am digressing from the moment, but you will understand why. Dan is my life, and he is also my lifetime partner, and past lifetime partner.

From Deria: Reeas and I are going to keep searching for Dan. We are here to seek help. Three students have managed to locate a temporary rift, in the time continuum. This is very commendable. The rift has now disappeared, but we know the exact location of the space. Reeas and I, plus one student who managed to find the rift, will travel there in high cloaking mode. I have to tell you that, two of our brethren here at this conference, have now been found to be Dark-Agents; security is already moving in to apprehend the culprits. Please try to stay in higher consciousness as we meditate to the nearest inner region, to locate the rift and to gain any sort of information which will be of use. Dan Sherman, is a well-loved, and loyal Guardian; we will do all in our power, to bring him home. Will everyone please pray?

Message from Reeas: the atmosphere is now something to behold. The light and sound of this inner region, is now making me feel dizzy. The next thing I know is Deria holding my hand and saying that we are already at the designated spot. I look around me, to find a young girl of about seventeen years old; I know her to be the student who has managed to locate the time rift, she is looking at me and Deria, with a puzzled expression.

‘Where am I,’ she said.

For students: beings who manage to locate certain places on the inner planes, are sometimes in awe, when they actually become aware; usually they are in the dream state, and protected.

‘What’s your name?’ I said.

‘I am Unysal,’ she said.

Deria said, ‘How did you manage to locate the time rift?’

She said, ‘I was with some other students when we found a code book, in one of the galleries in the Halls-of-Learning.

For Students: the Halls-of-Learning are places that anyone with a higher or high enough consciousness can access; they can be located on many spiritual planets, on the inner planes.

‘Where are the other students, now?’ Deria enquired.

‘I don’t know. They disappeared.’

‘What did the code book tell you?’

‘It said that if we were to be at the precise spot, at the right time, we would be able to move into another world, which would fulfill our wildest dreams.’

‘Why didn’t you go through with it, then?’

‘The other students said they were scared.’

Deria is now looking at me, with a serious stare.

‘What’s wrong?’ I said.

‘I feel a dreadful emotion, coming over me. Reeas, step back. Unysal, I’m sorry.’

Deria touched her behind the neck, and Unysal disappeared.

For students: she was sent back to the sub base, and then back to her bed, on whatever planet she comes from.

‘Why did you do that, Deria?’ I said.

‘There are two entities who are watching us from close by. I know these to be the students who were with Unysal while accessing the code book; they have now disappeared, but I know them to be Dark-Agents.’

‘Why did they come here?’ I said.

‘It was a trap, Reeas. They were about to touch us, when I disabled Unysal; they are not just agents but masters, and if we had been taken, it would have been to a dark inaccessible region were we might have been prisoners for years.’

‘How come, they didn’t know this, at the meeting?’

‘I suspect they did, but they knew I would do what was required.’

‘Why then, did we come here?’

‘I am accessing that, right now, Reeas. I feel that this spot, is nothing to do with what happened to Dan, yes, I am now, sure. We have to go to a place which Unysal found, some time back; it is the actual spot, where Dan was, when he was taken, I got this information from her when I touched her behind the neck. Reeas, hold my hand and we will transfer out of here.’

I must admit, holding on to Deria’s hand, I felt like a child would with its mother. Deria is without doubt, the epitome of a spiritual being.

We are now standing in a sort of rocky deserted place, that reminds me of a lifetime, that Dan and I shared while on Earth; we were North American Indians of the Shoshoni Tribe; the year was 1726, Dan was the man, and I was the woman. He wanted to be the hunter, but I wanted to learn about other things. We lived to the west of the Rocky Mountains in Utah, life was very hard, there was a lack of big game; we had to live on rabbits, fish, roots and seeds. I wanted to learn new skills, but I couldn`t with the way of life we had. I then incarnated to a series of planets in the galaxies of Zeta3 where I could finally learn about mathematics and other such things, and then finally to my home planet of Erinon 5, of course, I didn’t realize at the time that I was leaving Dan.

Deria said, ‘This is the place where Dan was taken, before he disappeared, there is a hidden gateway over there, by the rock wall, let us be careful, as we make our way there. We were within a few feet from the door, when suddenly Deria’s sister appeared.

Deria 2 said, ‘Stop right there!’ Deria froze on the spot, as I did. Deria 2 then said, ‘There is a booby trap, just a meter away from you.’ Deria reached out her hand to touch her sister who reached out her other hand to touch me. I was then told to close my eyes. After a few minutes Deria said, ‘Yes, I can see it, now.’ Deria 2 then said, ‘I realized that you we’re going into trouble, when I felt a dread come over me, you, of course, couldn’t feel it, as you are already in a lower region.’ Deria said, ‘let us move back, slowly.’ I can now see the booby trap; it is starting to manifest itself as a classic Demon, complete with horns and cloven feet. It started to speak:

‘You can move away from me, ladies, but it won’t do you any good. My little helpers are all around you, can’t you feel them? Before you ask me how I managed to trap you. I suspect you already know.’

My mind is in a whirl. Deria and her sister, trapped? It could never happen. The Demon continued:

 ‘You are now in my power. The actual spot, where you were stood when your sister arrived, was the place we had chosen for the trap. It is an inaccessible place, and you, my dear friends, are going to rue the day, you stepped into my domain. We now have Deria 2. Not a bad day’s work, do you think? Kallo has advised me to take great care that you don’t escape. I may not be good looking, to you, my fine ladies, but I know some pretty good techniques, for getting information. Deria 1, Deria 2 and Reeas, you know that you can access places which we in the lower regions cannot, yes? Well, this region where you are at this moment, is a region where you cannot escape.’

I am now starting to get very frustrated. This Demon, is everything that I had once believed to be very easy to defeat! Why can’t I simply contact Deria, and her sister, to overcome it! The Demon continued:

‘Kallo himself has supervised the procedure for bringing down your consciousness. So, if you will accompany me to the Mind-Transfer room, we will begin.’

Message from Grenwer: the situation is now critical. We have been informed by Dark-Forces, that Deria and her sister plus Reeas, have been taken prisoner. Sionn has joined forces with Kallo. Dan is missing, and Debra is inaccessible.

Things at the Guardian base, have never been this bad. I am liaising with coworkers, to see if we can gain any information on the situation. Students, please help. The place where our friends have been taken, is probably an inaccessible region, and will have been secured with many traps; these traps, will be dangerous to any beings, who have not been forewarned. If any students can be of help, or access anything to do with this crisis, please get in touch with the Guardian database.

I am now being informed that Mannus, himself, is calling for a special Meeting-of-the-Masters. I will be relating the on-going story for the time being.

This message has been added later, for security reasons. The region where, I am, to go, is a special inaccessible place, where only Higher Beings are allowed access. I am sad to say, that this is the only time, that I have been to one of these meetings, without Sionn, or Deria, or her sister with me. The beauty of the place, is without doubt, something to behold, but the crisis that is now unfolding, has sullied things, somewhat. I look around the august scene, and feel a deep sense of sadness.

Mannus, is in his usual place, but he is unavailable! How can this be? The meeting is being led by a master from the Delvincium galaxy. She is a Female master, called Amelaria. I will let her take the floor for now, and she will update us on the situation.

Fellow Guardians: The situation that has arisen, is without doubt, one of the most serious crisis, that has transpired, in the history of the Guardian-Network. Dark forces have, over a short time span, captured a number of our colleagues; they also, have been able to incapacitate our network by isolating Debra, who, as you know, was part of our loyal colleague, Dan Sherman’s consciousness.

This separation from Debra, has brought about the most serious condition, that we are now facing. We can’t access the network, as we once did. Our beloved colleagues Deria 1 and 2 are together, with Reeas, stranded somewhere in the lower regions. We cannot access these regions as we once did, simply because, Kallo and his helpers, have created Time-Blockers and Mind- Transfer traps, in many places. I am opening this meeting up to all members who want to ask questions and give opinions. The first question is from Guardian Selkam from Merios, please continue…’

‘I would like to know how this situation has been allowed to come to this stage. Surely, you must have known…’

‘I’m sorry, Selkam; there is not the time to debate this question, at this time, please confine your questions to what we can do, to bring about an end to this crisis.’

‘Next member, Delvar from Yaafen, please continue:’

‘We are told, that Mannus, is unavailable, how can this be?’

Mannus, is, as you know, the Guardian of the Power; he is also the Watcher. It is up to us, to keep order, although he will, exert his power, when needed; the time to exert that power, might be at hand, only he will know, all we can do, is our best. Next question from Callibon from Barion: ‘are there any students, who can help? We need lower conscious people, to access the lower regions, don’t we?’

‘As yet, we don’t know, who is best suited to go into ‘Kallo’s New-Empire.’ This is the name with which it is now being referred to. Kallo has planned this situation, for many years. Don’t ask me how he managed to conceal it from us. He is a Master, when it comes to anything to do with the lower regions, and we simply can’t keep up with him, when he is down there.’

Next question from Fihlem from Asgest:

‘Can you tell me, if there is any truth in the rumor, that Sionn has reportedly teamed up with Kallo?’ Everyone says it is true, but many people won’t accept it.’

‘Perhaps our esteemed colleague, Grenwer, can answer that question, best.’

I take the podium, with a heavy heart.

‘It is with extreme sadness, that I have to confirm, that Sionn has, indeed, gone into partnership with Kallo.’

‘How can this be? Might it be a ploy, to capture Kallo? Fihlem said.’

‘All out information is negative, to that question. Sionn, has taken it upon himself, to access Debra, without success, or permission, and is now, in league with Kallo. I suspect it will come to an almighty battle of wills. I hope to God, that Sionn wins through. He is my longest and dearest friend. I would like to put a proposal forward, with respect, if I may Amelaria?’

‘Please, Grenwer, go ahead.’

‘I want permission to lead a team of coworkers, to find Dan; he is the only one, who can bring back Debra.’

‘I’m sorry, Grenwer, you are the Higher-Coordinator and you are needed to help supervise the network. I agree that Dan, is the key, and that, it is imperative to find him. I propose that we make up a team, consisting of people who know, Dan, and have worked with him. I am receiving a message from Guardian base. It seems that Darian, who is Deria’s brother, has come out of silence, and is offering to be part of the team. Also, there is a Guardian who is specially trained in concealment. Her name is Tamia; she has worked with Dan, in the past, and has actually touched Kallo. This means, that she will be very useful. Very few people have touched Kallo, in the Physical or other planes, but we know Dan, is one of them. Beings, who don’t want to communicate by touch, or any other means, isolate themselves from their brother beings, and are sometimes lost, for long periods of time. Kallo wants to be elusive. He has also brought into being, many clones, with similar genetic and mental patterns to himself. This is what we are now facing, an army of Kallo lookalikes, who are willing to sacrifice themselves, for his glory. Mannus is now out of silence and will speak to us. Will everyone please hold hands and meditate.

Message from Grenwer: Mannus has spoken to us, but I cannot relate his message to students at this time. You can understand the reason why, I’m sure. The security of the network is all important at this time.