Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Ten by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 75-Shobdera, Dark Queen, of the lower regions.


Automatic message to students from the Guardian Network:

This message was inserted into the recordings later. As you can appreciate, the events of the latest time span, have caused uproar in the network, and so, the recordings that usually occur have not been available. Grenwer is busy organizing a team of people to scan the inner worlds for Dan Sherman. A Guardian or student, will be appointed to supervise the recordings sometime in the near future. Please upload your thoughts to central database to be assessed for this job.

Kallo has been summoned by Shobdera, Dark Queen of the Lower Regions. She is Mannus’s equal. to account for his actions over a considerable time period. We will take up his story now:


‘Sionn, I feel more confident now, than at any time before. I may try to put myself forward for the position of Overlord.’

‘An Overlord has to have a compassionate mental ability, Kallo.’

‘Correction, firstly, an Overlord has to be non-caring, before the compassionate part of his character is brought into play.’

‘What is it that you want, Kallo? Do you really want to destroy everything?’

‘You know, what I want, Sionn. You also want it.’

‘All I want, is to bring balance, to all the worlds of God.’

‘I understand, that you are jealous, Sionn. Why else, would you come into my realm, and try to make a pact with me? You know that, you failed miserably, and so now, you are trying to get me to help you bring balance, into the picture.’

‘Balance is everything in the inner, and outer worlds, Kallo, you should know that.’

‘All I know is, you are an outcast, like me. How does it feel, Sionn? Will you ever be able to meet your precious Mannus, again?’

‘I swear by all that’s holy, Kallo, that if you don’t do as you agreed, in this partnership, I will see that you are destroyed, as Soul.’

‘Ha, you are the same as me, Sionn; you only want to destroy things. When I come back, I will personally see to it, that Earth is blown apart, and its souls scattered like dust, throughout the lower regions. Now, if you will excuse me, I have been summoned by Shobdera. Do you think I have been earmarked for the overlord job? Never mind, Sionn, I may use you, in some small capacity, sometime in the distant future, Ha.’

Automatic message from the Guardian network:

Kallo arrives at the entrance of Shobdera, he approaches her throne.

‘Stand fast, Kallo. I never said you could approach me.’

‘I assumed you…’

‘You assume too much. Who do you think you are, Kallo?’

‘I am your servant, my lady.’

‘My servants, do as they are bid, you, on the other hand, take it upon yourself, to wreak havoc, in all the worlds of God.’

‘I bring souls to their appointed place.’

‘You condescending little toad; you have brought the wrath of Mannus, down on us. I have been brought out of silence, to account for numerous worlds, that you are destroying, through your agent clones, and the Super-Robots, that you, and others, brought into being. Explain yourself!’

‘I thought I was in line for the Overlord job? I am ruthless enough, am I not?’

‘You are the most pathetic creature, that ever came into being; do you not recognize that balance is everything down here, as well as the Higher Regions?’

‘Sionn said that, but I am not convinced, surely, we have to try harder to secure our side of things. They, on the higher planes, are always building more and more, so we have to destroy more to keep in balance.’

‘Kallo, I tell you this, and listen to me with eagerness; Mannus says he will exert his power down here; if that happens, me and my domain, will be tainted by the light. Billions of souls, will be lifted up. I cannot allow that to happen. You will release Dan Sherman, and unite him with Debra. He is the only one, who can stop the Super Robots. You will, also release, Deria and her sister, plus Reeas. Fail me in this, and I will bring down my hand, and crush you like a fly. Now go.’

Automatic message: Kallo arrives back in his domain.

‘Hello, Sionn, old chap, how are things?’

‘You are talking different now, Kallo, what happened?’

‘Nothing, Shobdera said, she is considering me for the overlord job, but she wants me to supervise the destruction of one of the Astral sub plane regions. She said, the war with the Super Robots has to stop, for the moment. We also have to release Dan Sherman, and his associates.’

‘I knew it, Kallo, you have been ordered by Shobdera, to come to terms.’

‘Not in the least. It is only a ploy, to decimate the Astral World.’

‘Did she say, you are pathetic, Kallo? Because in my eyes, you are’

‘Don’t provoke me, Sionn; I am deciding whether to keep Dan Sherman and Debra apart for the moment, just till he begs me for mercy.’

‘From now on, Kallo, you are my enemy, again. If you do anything to hinder the process of stopping this war, I will personally find you and bring you before Shobdera.’