Decisions - Destiny by Elissa Scott - HTML preview

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It’s dark in here. Lucy’s ride hit the concrete floor. Where are the lights? she wondered.

Her breath filled the dark air. It smelled musky. She put her arms out and did a 180° turn to feel for anything. She couldn’t move; it was pitch black. She felt for the zipper on her bag. If she could get her phone out, it would give some light. She reached in, pulled it out, and pressed the buttons to reactivate it. Nothing. Keith had forgotten to put it on charger the night before, and now it was dead.

What next? I can’t believe this is happening to me. Lucy moved her feet around in a 180° motion; she knew she had room to squat. Well that’s one positive thing, she thought to herself.

Silence was deadly.

She tried to imagine what would be kept in storage under a jewelry shop. Would there be boxes in front or to the side of her? Was it worth the move off the elevator? What if it was summoned back up to the shop floor?

So many decisions—she just didn’t know what to do. Time was passing by; surely someone would come soon.


There was a shuffling sound coming from behind the area to her left. “Hello?” Lucy said. “Is there anybody there?”


Rats? Oh my god! The thought of rats crossing over her feet sent cold shivers down her spine.

She sat and moved forward onto her hands and a knee, thinking this was the best option, a way forward and the least likely way to possibly injure herself.

She put her hand out and nervously put it onto the cold concrete floor. Oh, I hope I don’t put my knee on something furry.

Lucy was making progress—three body movements forward and no accidents so far. The rustle came again. She stopped in her spot. “Hello?” she said again. But this time the rustle had a sniffle attached to it.

“Is anybody here? Hello?” She continued moving left.

Her hand reached out and touched what she believed was a hand. Jumping backwards, her heart racing, she tried to scramble back to the elevator, but it was nowhere to be found.

The rustling was getting closer. Lucy held her breath and her brow began to sweat in anticipation of her future.

“Hello, hello. Is it you? Are you there? Please let me know you are here!” Lucy, over the years, had become accustomed to the man showing up anywhere.

“Is it you? Are you down here with me?”


“Lucy, Lucy, Lucy,” he repeated softly. “You are my obsession, my lovely lady. Possessed by each other, you are finally with me.”

“This time you’re mine and only mine. You weren’t careful enough. You must be careful. I told you, Lucy, to be careful what you wish for.”

Lucy’s heart was racing. Her mind had totally gone blank. “Man, what is it that you want? You can’t only want me!”


Decisions = Destiny

“Over the years, girl, you have run and tried to hide from me. I have watched you over and over again. Now, come closer. I want to run my fingers all over you.”

“If I kiss you will you let me go?”

“No, Lucy. You tried that on me last time and you deceived me. I’m not going to let you do that again!” he screamed, close to her face.

“Now sit. Mmm, my love, you smell nice.”

“Please don’t hurt me. I like the feeling of being beside you. We should stay this way, just for a little while. They are going to get you this time.”

“No, Lucy, they aren’t, and if you are true to yourself, you will also know they won’t. No one believes you, Lucy. You have tried so hard with your mother over the years. She knows who I am.”

“You must go down now, Lucy. Sit still. That’s my girl. I want to enjoy this moment I’ve waited a lifetime for!”

“You’re a sick man.”
“No, Lucy, the truth is you’re my chosen one. Move closer.”

Lucy resisted with all her power not to move closer. The man smelled rancid, the same as he did years ago. The thought of him touching her hair was enough to make her cry.

“Don’t cry, Lucy. It’s alright. I’ve loved you too much. Now you are my only possession.”


He scratched her neck with his broken nails. A trickle of blood ran down Lucy’s neck and she felt it seep into her white blouse. His hands reached into her blouse. She slapped her hands towards that area and turned to cover herself, trembling on the spot.

“What is wrong with you, Lucy?”
“Don’t touch me. You’re revolting!”

“No, Lucy, you mustn’t say that now. You and I are together forever. We will live off each other. When you’re in love, you don’t need food or water. We can survive on love alone.”

Lucy desperately reached into her handbag. She shuffled around, searching for the bottle. She found it. This was her last chance. She twisted off the top and swallowed three tablets. She waited. Her mother was right; it was true for all these years. He was the shadow of her mind.
