Decisions - Destiny by Elissa Scott - HTML preview

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“Lucy, do you ever take the time to look at the stars and wonder what’s out there? Trillions of stars burning brightly in the quiet night sky. Do you watch how they sparkle and glisten? If you look hard enough they can even fall before your eyes, playing little tricks with your mind. See that star cluster over there? Those are your stars, Lucy. That’s your birth star. August 13 is your birthday. You’re a Leo—a lion.”

“What are you, Mum?”
“April is Aries—the ram.”
“See up there?”here?”
Our heads turned in unison.
“In those stars over there is a horn shape. That’s my star.” “So I’m a lion and you’re a sheep?”
“Yes,” Mum answered, laughing.

“Cool, I get it. I can see that shape so clearly now that you point it out. Shit! What was that? Did you see that, Mum?”


“Yeah. I think I did.”


“Did you see the explosion at the top of the ram’s horn? Mum?

What’s happening? Watch out!”
“No, Lucy. Leave me.”
“Why are you burning? I’ll get the hose!”

“No! Leave me. This is a sign from God. He wants me in his promised land. It’s my time.”

“That’s stupid! It’s only your hair that’s burning. Have you gone crazy? Why are my legs growing fur?” Lucy asked after glancing down. “My knee hurts. My bones and muscles! Ouch. What’s the universe doing to us?”

“I don’t know, dear. My head really hurts where the bones are popping out.”


“They’re horns, Mum! Your ears have been burnt off and you’re not crying? Don’t you feel the pain?”

“Lucy, do you believe in God?” God?”
“Mum, this isn’t the time …”

“If you believe in God, you feel no pain at death. You too, my love, have changed. The new hair you have all over you is magnificent—a lovely tinge of orange and yellow covering strong muscles. You’re a real lion now.”

“Lucy, I think we are the chosen ones. We must respect our new roles with pride. Our lives have changed forever. We are dead and no longer exist. The transition phase between life and death is quick.”

“It’s true, everyone sees the light in this phase; so real, yes it’s us, we are the first phase of recreation. We are reincarnated into our birth signs, I’m the Aries ram and you are the Leo lion. How lucky do you feel that we now know the answers to the after death experience?”

“Mum? Where’s everyone else?”


Decisions = Destiny

“It’s those who believe and go to pray that get to cross straight over into their respective birth signs and go on forever. Those who are born in June, for example, become little crabs in the ocean. Those who sort of believe and don’t go to church get stuck in the first phase forever.”

“What’s going to happen to us?”

“We must not be seen by the leftover humans. We must hide. But, Lucy, where can we hide? Soon it will be morning and your father will be looking for us. I feel part of this internal transition is for us to be constantly on the move. We must protect the good people of the planet and wait. We must not be seen. If someone notices us we will be lowered down underneath as experiments. We must keep this after-death experience our secret. We must go now.”

“But, Mum, your whole body hasn’t fully changed.”

“I know; it’s only my head that changed. Aries is ruled by the head. We must try and find others like us. It’s important for our survival to get to the other side. We’ll find more power if we join forces with the other star signs. Our timeframe is thirty days because the sun then moves into the next zodiac sign. We must be ready to be reincarnated into our whole self.”

“Mum, I’m worried. Will I end up South Africa and you be sent to New Zealand? Will being apart offer us fulfillment and happiness?”

“Only our quiet minds will remember each other,” Mum said with a sad smile. “I will miss you, but understand this is our new journey of time.” Mum suddenly looked alarmed. “Duck down. Hurry! Someone’s coming.”

It was our neighbor, Brian. “Hello, Aries and Leo. It’s me, Sagittarius,” he said, waving.

“Look, Lucy. He’s half man, half horse. Brian once told me that he didn’t pray for three days in a row last year, so look what’s happened. He hasn’t made it fully over to the other side. He’s stuck. Brian, have you see anyone else?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Together must continue our search. We need to cover as much ground as we can. We need a lot of power to be completely transformed. The Virgo sign is the Dr Jekyll-Mr Hyde type who will try to pierce our soft skin and sap up our energy. We must stay away from them,” Mum cautioned.

I wondered how she knew so much more than me.

“Virgos must not get on the path,” Mum went on. “Their breeding on Earth isn’t yet complete. We must reject them. All of them. They must stay.”

“Watch out!”

We turned towards a massive fireball tube as it rolled towards us. Its aim was to hit us in order to strike out our tunnel. Somehow I knew that the explosion was meant to help us; it would create a path to let us cross over to the other side. I was excited about seeing old family members; but knew it wouldn’t be long before we would be taken back to Earth as newborns.
