Facebook for Dollar a Day by Dennis - HTML preview

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Boosting memes

Memes, one of the 6 forms of visual content (Infographics, Instant Articles, Memes, One-minute videos, Lead Ads, and Video Conversion ads) on Facebook, are among the most effective forms of content to boost. They’re easy to produce and yield massive engagement at low cost.

Choose quotes that align with your message to attract quality fans who resonate, resulting in consistent post engagement and loyal followers.

“Alone we are smart. Together we are brilliant”

-Steven Anderson

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest”

-Benjamin Franklin


Breaking down designs allows you to determine what style and quote combinations resonate better with your audience. Using Facebook’s Ad system lets you see, in real time, what works best. We use CPE as a determinate.

Testing different designs with the audiences you’ve created allows you to understand what design/quote combinations resonate with your audience. There is no “best” vertical for memes. You can use them for any sort of business.

Amplifying Authority


  1. Notification of positive mention. (social listening, Email, in Person)
  2. Ask for lightweight permission to quote them. (while adding to content library)
  3. Add endorsement to company materials. (landing pages, brochures, articles)
  4. Client love. (say thank you in one of many ways)
  5. Create follow-on content. (quote card or queue up for listicle quoting them)
  6. Amplify endorsement. (dollar a day)