Hades, Kansas, Part I


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Book Description HTML

My name is Rikard Karl Wagner and this is my story. The year is 2017 and the world lies in ruins. North Korea stole bio-terror weapons from a poorly defended Soviet research facility and mixed them before firing them in the United States with intercontinental range ballistic missiles they had developed mostly in secret. These bio-weapons turned humans into bizarre zombie-like beings that didn't eat or sleep often. Their biological functions are reduced to almost nothing which makes them look like they're sleep walking and have cold, gray-waxy skin. The few humans who were not affected by this epidemic still don't know how they survived. The most terrifying thing is the effect it has had on plants. They have simply stopped growing. They're neither dying nor living.

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Pete Anderson

Pete was born in 1966 in New Jersey and currently resides in the Baltimore Metro area. He has been writing professionally since 1992 and has worked in the IT, desktop publishing and automotive manual support fields since 1983. Look for his three books in the Nick Pantera series, and "To Take On Rome", his first Christian-oriented novel set in the time of the Caesars.

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