How Jesus Crashed a Christmas Eve Mass by Stefan Emunds - HTML preview

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Stefan loves to write spiritual fiction. He was born in Germany and enjoyed two years backpacking in Australia, New Zealand, and South-East Asia in his early twenties. For almost three decades, Stefan has pursued a spiritual career at B.O.T.A., a modern mystery school covering Tarot, Qabalah, Gematria, esoteric Astrology, and Alchemy. After getting married, Stefan chose a necessity-career in the telecommunication industry. Since then, he has worked as a business development manager in Europe, Middle East, and in Asia. 2012 Stefan kick-started his hobby career as a writer. Around the same time, he stumbled upon the mechanical translation of the Genesis authored by Jeff Benner. He almost couldn’t recognize the Bible. He felt like a literary archeologist when he dived into the Bible's unexpected mysterious realms. This inspired him to author the God Child tetralogy, deliberately written with the purpose of bridging the gap between religion and spirituality.

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