How to Burn Calories and Stay Fit Forever by Richard C. Thompson - HTML preview

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Medical Conditions

Some people will find it more difficult to undertake a stomach-flattening course of exercise.

Pregnant or post-partum women should take things in moderation increasing their intensity only when safe to do so, and it is essential that they do so under medical advice. Other medical conditions (skeletal, muscular and others) will also have an impact and any training plan should match their needs.

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How To Burn Calories And Stay Fit … Forever

So How Can I Achieve A Firmer Stomach?

Well it is beyond question that regardless of what you have highlighted above, a training plan built around stomach firming exercises will get you the required results more quickly. Managed well, these can also counteract the problems of heredity and medical limitations.

As you probably realize there are literally hundreds of different exercises you could use, but not all are suitable for all ages, shapes and fitness levels. The Internet is a handy source of information, as are libraries, book stores and even fitness instructors. But before you start it is good to keep in mind that there are differences between flattening your stomach and building abdominal muscles, even though the methods for each can be similar.

One thing to keep in mind as a person works on stomach flattening exercise is that the routine he or she does should include exercises that are meant to flatten each different area of the stomach, and not just concentrate on one set of muscles. You will therefore need to employ a range of different exercises to be successful in flattening the stomach.

A flatter tummy can lead to more confidence, improved health and better overall strength. It is a reasonable aim to want to have a flatter stomach, but is not out of reach unless a specific medical reason exists. Remember that a flatter stomachs do not appear overnight, it takes time, energy and dedication, but the results are worth it.

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How To Burn Calories And Stay Fit … Forever

The Post-Partum Tummy Routine

The joy of a new baby is a wonderful, beautiful, exciting thing. The after-effects of childbirth however can stay with a woman for a long time, and post-partum blues is often influenced by how you react to that baby belly that you will inevitably be left with.

The most effective way to set about tackling the loss of shape is to focus on a decent diet, decent exercise routine and a balance between the two. With a new baby around it might not be easy to dedicate the time you would like to getting back in shape, and the shock at having to be a stay-at-home mum with the loss of freedom that implies can't always be easy. The positive side is that exercising and eliminating extra stomach fat need not take up as much time as you might think, and it will give you additional energy. Once you get the hang of it you can actually spend quality time with your new bundle of joy.

Here are some simple exercises to help you improve your tummy; Progressive Crunchless Crunches

This simple, low impact exercise works your stomach almost as effectively as a traditional crunch, but without straining yourself. Begin sitting comfortably on a chair. Take a deep breath, and fully expand your abdomen, then exhale in small staggered breaths as you draw your tummy in (imagine your navel being pulled toward your spine). Then contract your muscles 5

times and do a complete set of reps. You can also do this lying flat on your back. I'd suggest you try both ways and see which helps you to feel the contractions better.