How to Burn Calories and Stay Fit Forever by Richard C. Thompson - HTML preview

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Seated Crunches

This exercise will provide the same basic benefits as standard crunches but with less strain without the discomfort that can come from lying on a hard surface. By using the resistance band it is this rather than gravity that provides the resistance allowing you to exercise the muscles you wish to target.

For this exercise, you need to sit in a straight backed chair. Sit straight with feet flat to the floor about hip-width apart. Contract your stomach muscles, then slowly lean forward to a 45 degree angle. You should feel the resistance from the band as you lean forward against it. Repeat this for a full set. Be sure to keep your feet to the floor, your back as straight as possible.

One-Arm Band Pulls

For this exercise stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Put both hands over your head with the resistance band about 18 inches apart. Then keeping your left hand over your head, move your right hand out to your side so that your elbow is bent and your hand is pointing straight up (elbow is about 90 degrees). Lower your arm until your hand is aligned with your chest then hold this position. Repeat for a full set, then switch hands.

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Twisting Roll-Backs

For this exercise, you should sit on a flat surface, preferably the floor and we recommend using a mat or a thick towel to ease strain on your tail. Sit with legs bent, heels on the floor. Your toes should point up. Make sure that you do not place your feet flat to the floor. Loop the resistance band round your feet with one end of the band in each hand. Place your hands together then in a rolling motion, lower your torso backwards toward the floor to a 45 degree angle. As you do so twist to the right, at the same time spreading your hands to the sides to increase the resistance.

Hold this for a second or two, then raise your torso to the same upright position you started with. Your heels need to stay on the floor during the exercise. Complete a full set to the right before you change to the left then repeat this with a full set to the left.

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Burning Calories: Overview

Gaining weight and losing weight are ironical to each other. One is easy to achieve and the other is quite difficult to accomplish. Increasing your calories per day is not at all a difficult task especially after a certain age.

Once you have attained a certain age, your metabolic activities reduce leading to increased weight. Young adults after a certain age complain of being overweight and desperately try to reduce their weight. This is a common occurrence nowadays and the problem has to be dealt with diligence. The solution lies in increasing your metabolic rate and the amount of calories you burn every day. The more calories you burn everyday the more weight you lose and look fit.

Most of us have the tendency to eat more with no effort on our side to reduce the amount of calories in our body. The body weight is bound to increase. We must stick to a fixed schedule of weight loss and this program should be taken very seriously and should be accorded enough significance as several other activities, which are given prime importance by us. Weight loss can be guaranteed provided our metabolic rate is increased to a certain level. Following are the suggestions for the same.

Movement of your body counts a lot. The more you move the more calories you burn.

Routine activities do involve a lot of movement around the house as well as in the office but the percentage should be increased to a higher level. The old maxim of moving every now and then applies true in your attempt to burn more calories.

Parking your car in the remotest corner can give your legs an exercise to reach your car. Get up in between the office hours, stretch your hands and legs, and always be in a standing position while attending the phone can distract your long period of being seated in one position and gaining weight.

• Stimulate interest in developing muscle. Apart from enhancing your overall personality, it also assists in burning of more calories. You are instructed to deal with weights in building muscle which goes a long way in reducing weight and gives you a fresh vibrant and young look.

Instead of sticking to a fixed schedule of breakfast, lunch and dinner opt for small

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packages of food in between. This can help you in two ways. First it relieves you of tiredness, which comes due to work. Secondly there is always a check on the food consumption you have when it is eaten in small amounts very often. Small and occurring meals in between can help in increasing your rate of metabolism.

Browsing through the following points can give a clear idea as to how the weight loss program should be undertaken. Eat little amount of food very often instead of maintaining a fixed discipline in regard to food. The amount of calories consumed should be in proportion to the amount of calories burned everyday by the way of exercises.

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