How to Burn Calories and Stay Fit Forever by Richard C. Thompson - HTML preview

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Burning Calories Versus Burning Fat

Getting that perfect shape and losing weight isn"t an easy task. You need to have the balance of good nutrition along with regular exercises. The foremost point that you need to understand in this is that there is a difference in burning fat and burning calories.

Our main point of focus should be on burning body fat, which is not possible by burning calories as most of us believe.

When we are exercising, it is actually the calories that we are burning, which are actually the calories within carbohydrates in our body. In order to burn calories from he fat stored in our body, there is some oxygen that is required by the body.

The method to measure this oxygen amount required by our body can be calculated by noticing the target heart rate of your body during the exercise.

Burning carbohydrates calories would mean losing water weight that decreases your metabolism. Also, carbohydrate calories that are burnt are nothing but energy calories that you are losing. Losing these calories in abundance would reduce your energy count and boost up your metabolism that buns fat indirectly.

So, you should increase your intake of calories when you are following any exercise program so that your lost energy is replaced.

Burning of fat calories at the time of exercising

There are several stages that a body goes through before reaching a point where it is actually burning the fat stored in the boy than the carbohydrates fat. Many of you must have heard people say that during your exercise, you are merely burning fat for the initial 10 minutes; it is only after that when your body asks for oxygen that you start burning the stored fat in your body.

This mark of 10 minutes can even be exceeded if you are not working very hard. Your pace while exercising should be steady, that is to say, not to slow and not to fast so that your stored fat is utilized as the source of energy.

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Even if you have reached a fat burning stage doesn"t mean that you will be able to maintain it as it all depends on your pace which should be right enough for you to stay there. You must be within your targeted heart rate range.

Burning of fat calories when at rest

Anaerobic exercise for weight training helps you to burn fat even after the workout. This is the key for burning fat when your body is at rest. This will help you in burning a lot of calories even more than aerobic exercise. The calories that are burnt during this time are mainly carbohydrates calories, but calories that you burn in your resting position are mostly the fat calories.

Now, because you are burning fat, when at rest id due to the fact that weight training enhances your metabolism that utilizes your stored fat in the form of energy. Last but not least, for maximum benefits, you must do both anaerobic and aerobic exercises.

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Burning Calories: Keep Moving

Are you into the process of weight reduction? Move, Move and Move is the magic mantra for achieving the desired result. The increased movement of your body definitely would lead to the decrease in your weight. Dr. Wharton of Yale University has said that the more vital your exercise schedule, the more advantageous result would be achieved in regard to weight reduction.

The positive recuperating effect of the exercises on your body cannot be disputed. Due significance should be given to the fitness of your body as it solves majority of your health problems also. One has to take refuge in exercises as your companion in reducing weight. Hit the gym and face the grueling sessions of exercises mentioned in the gym for reducing weight.

Set time for each activity and spend a considerable amount of time in each one of them.

For example spend about half an hour on fast walk on a walker, 20 minutes or more on aerobics, 30 minutes on route training, nearly an hour on walking alone, and several other exercises in the gym will help you in your operation of weight loss. Biking is a superb activity wherein you can burn calories to a considerable extent.

Spend some time in this activity and accomplish weight loss.

Exercises probably if done without a companion can become quite mind numbing. An acquaintance here would sort out this problem for you. Book a badminton court for playing and invite your companion to join you in the game.

Advise the companion also on the positive effects of playing the game and burning calories. All of us would want to look attractive and your incentives in this regard would definitely encourage your friend to be regular in joining you in the play.

Dancing is such a movement of the body wherein maximum amount of calories disappear from your body.

Take interest in ballroom dance, learn the dance and occasionally dance to the tunes of ballroom dance. If the right company is available with you, you can carry on the programme of

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weight loss even at night. A dancing session for more than 30 minutes would burn enough calories for the day.

Regular activities at home burns certain amount of calories but you can burn more if you take up activities such as cleaning the entire house, dusting the furniture, painting of the walls. Apart from the consequent weight loss, there is an additional advantage of a clean home that comes with it.

You need not venture outside the house very often for weight reduction. Choose the appropriate activities at home for a certain period of time say 45 minutes or more and that is more than enough to burn those additional calories in your body and to give you a younger and fit appearance.

Choose any one of these activities and do it on a regular basis and then accomplish a healthy and fit body that would enhance your overall personality.

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Burning Calories: Aerobics

In case you are getting tired easily these days, probably you need to concentrate on getting your body in shape, build some strength in your body and count the number of calories you are consuming. Increasing strength refers to increasing the capacity of your body so that you can stand and run for more than your usual capacity, lift weights easily ad perform better in your everyday tasks.

In simple words, this will transform your body to a more enhanced version. You will not only look attractive physically like movie characters, but also able to complete your tasks without getting tired easily. All this can be achieved by aerobics exercises that need not necessarily be done at gym only. You can do them all at your home.