How to Burn Calories and Stay Fit Forever by Richard C. Thompson - HTML preview

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The Dig and Jump

This involves two movements, one targeted at your lower body and the other at the upper.

Begin by standing in water of a depth above your navel and your chest. Then place your feet at least shoulder width apart and jump so that your knees come to the pool's surface then force them back down again and repeat the moves (picture a frog jumping while you are doing it and you'll get the idea). This is great for exercising the lower body and this includes the abdominal muscles.

The second part is to work the upper body. To start make a separate scoop with each hand.

Place your hands low in the water then bring them to the surface and out to one side. Start by doing one hand first for three minutes then the other. Work alternate sides to maintain a balanced workout. Once you are comfortable with it do both hands at the same time to exercise the entire stomach region at once.

Set realistic targets as you work towards your health and fitness goals. Don't over exert yourself leading to injury. Start slow, know your limitations and build on them incrementally. As you increase endurance and strength you can vary the speed and length of the workout, and even add water gloves to increase resistance. It is important however not to compromise on the style

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of movement in order to increase reps or speed. It's better to do something well rather than quickly.

A few additional tips for exercising your midriff

First, a balanced diet is essential to any fitness regime. It's no use working hard only to undo all of the great work with a poor diet.

Secondly, stay hydrated not only when exercising but in your general daily life. A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight in pounds, divide it by 2 and aim to drink that number of Ounces of water per day. This will maintain a healthy balance.

Third, get enough rest. Get plenty of sleep but also the right kind of sleep. Sleeping on your stomach for example may make it difficult to do certain types of stomach exercise. Try to sleep in a number of positions. Also, it may sound strange to say so but take adequate rest from exercise. Be sure to schedule in rest days to any training schedule. Your body needs to recover so your muscles can rebuild.

By following this you will already be on the way to a toned, flat stomach.

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Why Do People Do Exercises For The Stomach

Stomach exercises are certainly in vogue and most exercise routines place an emphasis on abdominal exercises. Crunches and other abdominal exercises are one of the mainstays of training programs and always have been. But why should that be the case?

There are a number of reasons. The obvious one is because of health concerns. It is a well documented fact that carrying around extra weight around your stomach areas can lead you to face more health problems. They can be at greater risk of certain medical conditions than those who are more toned. This reason alone should be enough to encourage you to exercise your stomach and abdominal muscles. This is certainly a salient reason for doctors recommending stomach exercises.

A second, related reason is that by exercising and maintaining a strong stomach area you affect all areas of your body. The stomach is the centre of your body, and a strong stomach generally means a stronger back and it makes the rest of your body more able to cope with the demands placed upon it. Most people want to feel strong whether it is so they can work better, enjoy their children or just feel better about themselves. A well-managed abdominal routine can help them to maintain this.

But often the most important factor is because of media and peer pressure to look good. A well developed set of abdominal muscles lives up to the media's idea of a good-looking body. They always talk about 'movie-star good looks' and a toned stomach is surely part of that. Not many people want to be seen with a bulging stomach overhanging their waistband. Why do you think it is that when we look at ourselves in the mirror we draw in our stomach to see how we could look? Why is it a natural reaction to suck in our stomachs when we walk past anyone we want to impress?

Recently-pregnant women tend to focus on toning up their stomachs as soon as they can after childbirth. The number of celebrity mums who get back into shape mere weeks after giving birth is part of the reason why women strive to do the same, but there is also a health boon by doing so. Strengthening their stomach muscles helps their whole body to recover from the rigors of childbirth.

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Specific events also provide a driving reason to exercise and achieve a flatter, more flattering stomach. Maybe you need to get into that wedding dress (or if you are the bridesmaid maybe to look better than the bride!), or get out of your old 1-piece swimsuit into a bikini now that summer is approaching. Maybe you have a school reunion coming up and want to show that you still have it! Maybe a doctor has suggested you could do with a tune-up, or maybe its all about improving your self confidence. Whatever the reason they are all legitimate.

So although health and good looks are the two main reasons for the emphasis on stomach workouts these cover a multitude of personal reasons. Whatever the reason, as long as you are motivated to continue your program until you see results then the reason is a good one.

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Different Exercises To Get A Flat Stomach

Flat stomachs do not need to be a pipe dream. Everyone can achieve what they want regardless of their financial situation, location or background. But, it will take motivation, dedication and time.

Exercising your stomach muscles can be achieved in a number of ways, some of them employing expensive equipment, others using what is to hand such as a floor and mat or a medicine ball. Certain stomach muscle groups will be exercised as part of other routines.

Pilates, while providing an all round aid to fitness will have an impact on all areas of your body including the stomach, legs and back. But it tends to be the basic, focused exercises, regardless of how you do them that have the greatest impact.

The Crunch is the basis of a successful stomach routine. Crunches are a better way to exercise the body than routine sit ups as they don't put anywhere near as much strain on the back. A crunch is achieved by compressing your stomach muscles, most often by lying down and raising your upper torso a few inches from the ground. You do not need a long, excessive movement rather a short lift repeatedly used will apply pressure to the stomach muscles just where needed and the results are better.

A variation of this is the side crunch. The same basic principle applies, but the twisting motion as the crunch is completed will work the 'love handles' or obliques as they are more properly known.

The key is to make sure that your stomach muscles, not your legs, or head or arms do the work.

Maintaining a straight back, shoulder and head line is important to ensure it is the stomach that is worked, and there are numerous resources across the internet that can assist you with style and methods.

As well as focusing only on the middle section of the stomach it is important that you include a range of different exercises to work all areas of the abdomen. This should pay attention to the upper and lower, side and central areas of your stomach. It will do a person no good to only focus on one specific muscle group.

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As with exercise in general there are a wealth of resources available in book stores, libraries, on video and on the internet to assist with producing a balanced program. With so many options it is not unusual for people to struggle to identify the quality information from the rest. Putting a balanced stomach exercise program together is important and tailoring this to yourself is key.

What suits one person will not always suit another. A person who exercises a lot will need a more demanding program than a novice, an overweight person a different one to a slim one.

While some exercises will work better for some, no exercise will work if it is not implemented properly, done well and performed frequently. A person should decide which exercise they are capable of as well as determining how long each session of training should be. They need to achieve a balance between different types of exercise. If the exercise is too complicated, takes too much time or needs specialist equipment is less likely to be successful.

Only over an extended period of time can you hope to achieve a flat stomach irrespective of the types of exercise used.

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All About Free Exercises To Flatten The Stomach Fast

It is a common misconception by people seeking to change their physique that a toned, flatter stomach is going to cost them a lot. They may well gave a goal - a very specific aim - but be put off from achieving this because of these concerns. But the path to a more shapely, flatter stomach does not need to be littered with expensive equipment, costly gym memberships and hundreds of hours of dedicated time.

While making use of a gym certainly does help many people it is not the case that there are no other alternatives. Some individuals would prefer to train alone, un watched and unsupervised.

While you need to make sure that what you do is safe and meaningful there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. A gym in fact may hinder your progress if you become self-conscious as a result.

Regardless of the equipment at hand, attending a gym will not guarantee results. For many, the equipment is a distraction. Instead, there are many places where you can find free advice and information on achieving a flatter more attractive stomach without a huge financial outlay.

Among some of the more common sources of information are libraries, book stores and increasingly the internet. You can find numerous free of charge illustrated, step-by-step guides on undertaking health and fitness routines including stomach exercises. There are videos for streaming or purchase from a range of sources for all sorts of different levels. Increasingly libraries have video resources for loan and by piecing the various elements together you can devise a strong, useful program that suits your needs and meets your budget.

Even without doing a lot of research there are some exercises that most people will be aware of.

the most common of these is the crunch. This is a basic exercise designed to work the stomach muscles and flatten and tone the stomach muscles. There are variations in how you might implement these (and a lot of resources to show this also), but it is a simple exercise, requiring no equipment which can be very effective.

So how much money a person spends does not necessarily equate to the level of improvement a person will receive. It is of course possible that if you do invest a lot of money you may find that you are more motivated, but there's no guarantee that this is the case. But even if you do

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not invest a lot on gym memberships or equipment there is no reason to believe that a flat stomach is unachievable.

Exercise is not about the money you spend. So don't believe the hype. You can achieve a honed, toned body without huge financial outlay. You need dedication and a moderate investment of time. Your diet needs to be balanced and healthy. So achieving a flat stomach is within everyone's reach. It's easier than you might think.

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How To Target Your Stomach With Yoga

Yoga is an excellent component of any health and fitness routine. It helps to reduce stress, aid mobility and exercise al parts of the body. And, you can use yoga in such a way as to target certain parts of the body including your stomach.

There are numerous yoga positions which can be used to exercise your stomach muscles.

Called Asanas, these exercises come in varying degrees of difficulty. It is important to assess your skill and fitness levels and chose Asanas which you are comfortable with. Start with one which seems easy and work up to the more complex over a period of time. Do not be led to take on more than you are comfortable with. Be sure to seek medical advice before undertaking any new course of exercise and make sure that you warm up to avoid injury.

Some of the Asanas to improve stomach tone;


First lie on your back ideally on a yoga mat or towel to protect your spine. When first starting yoga, this exercise can be completed one leg at a time. Bend your knees to your chest so your thighs touch your abdomen. Hug your knees, using one hand to hold the other. Lift your head so that your nose touches your knees then take a deep breath and hold this for thirty seconds.

Release your legs and slowly lower to the starting position.