Inside Out: NLP and Hypnosis for Weight Loss by Arfat220 - HTML preview

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Welcome to a transformational approach to weight loss. It’s simple really - the reason you have tried to lose weight before and not been successful is because you have been doing it the wrong way! Losing weight successfully is about changing your relationship with food, learning to appreciate yourself, doing the best for yourself and creating a healthier future.

Eating plans, diets, weight loss clubs, counting calories or points, slimming pills and meal replacements are all things you do from the outside when the issue lies on the inside. I fully advocate healthy eating and exercise but unless you have tackled the reasons why you are overweight in the first place and what is keeping you overweight, then you are wasting your time, effort and probably a lot of money as well on the ‘external’ stuff.

You might have also noticed that engaging in all the ‘external’ stuff you are handing over control to something or someone else - the ‘diets’, the weight loss club leader, the scientists who develop the pills etc. and putting your faith and hope in them. You will most probably have felt let down by them too (or blame them for your failure) but at the same time knowing deep down inside that it’s no- one else’s responsibility but your own. ‘Inside -Out’ puts you back in charge in a way that means you can easily control your relationship with food and the associated behaviours and feelings. That way, you lose weight and keep it off permanently.

So, by engaging in and following the Inside-Out Weight Loss approach you will lose as much weight as you want as a result of taking control, resolving the issues that make you over eat, enjoying the responsibility and freedom in creating the lifestyle you want, and strange as it may seem to you at the moment - you will learn to really love food.

Some of the slimmest, healthiest people I know have a passion for food and enjoy cooking, eating out and socialising around food. So you can let go of that perception right now that to be slim you have to deny yourself tasty food and eat only tiny portions - it’s just not true.

Inside-Out Weight Loss works by changing the way your mind works. That might sound a bit dramatic but if you think about anyone who had turned their life around, perhaps by over coming a disability, conquering a fear or achieving something no-one considered possible, you will come to the conclusion that the biggest change these people made was in their head. How they thought, which changed how they felt, which resulted in their changed behaviour. And ALL changes to long-term behaviour are made unconsciously through ‘re-programming’ your unconscious mind. Deciding consciously to only eat calorie restricted ready meals every night for dinner won’t work for weight loss long term because your relationship with food will not have changed unconsciously. That’s not to say that certain types of behaviour won’t contribute to your weight loss - I’m presuming that you consciously decided to pick up this book and read it and that you will consciously decide to listen to the recordings that accompany it. Some of the ‘actions’ and suggestions in the book require you to consciously monitor what and how you eat or to consciously plan activity into your day. The underlying thoughts and patterns that enable you to sustain this control and patterns of behaviour are however made at an unconscious level. The changes that result in long term behavioural shifts happen unconsciously by ‘re-programming’ the way you think. We are only able to hold 7 (plus or minus 2) items in our minds consciously - everything else is unconscious. Which is probably just as well or else it would take forever to do anything and can you imagine giving everything your full attention all the time? It would be exhausting and confusing! Inside-Out Weight Loss shows you how and guides you towards making changes in your unconscious mind so that your behaviour changes without you even having to think about it consciously.

Incorporating NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Hypnotherapy, Inside-Out Weight Loss is an effective, safe and easy way to lose weight. You can find out more about NLP and Hypnotherapy in the Appendix.


This book takes you through a program of actions to firstly resolve compulsive and habitual dependence on food and other psychological drivers to over eat, and then it focuses on making healthy choices and allowing activity into your lifestyle. Each of the 3 parts is supported by a hypnotic recording on the Inside-Out website and you will be directed on how to access these recordings at the appropriate section in the book.

‘On the Inside’, ‘Taking Control’ and ‘Making it Last’ form part one and this guides you gently through the process of making behavioural changes that will last for a lifetime. We start on the inside resolving issues that you might not even be aware of but that impact on your behaviour and what you choose to eat on a daily basis. When people are happy, contented and in control of their behaviour they don’t over-eat. People that over-eat do so because it fulfils some other purpose than to alleviate physical hunger.

We then move on to what I call getting you ‘comfortably in control’ of your eating habits. Even after resolving issues that made you over- eat in the first place, your body and mind is so used to you eating for other reasons that it needs to be ‘re-programmed’ to what is essentially the normal pattern of behaviour. You will become more tuned into the ‘act of eating’.

We will look at how you are approaching the whole change to your outlook, habits and routines. We are creating a future that includes you at your ideal weight so this stage will ensure that you have the best possible foundations to build on. Making the changes on the inside that allow you to replace unhelpful attitudes and thoughts with positive, powerful ones, makes it possible to succeed in what you never considered to be achievable.

Part 2 supports you in making healthy, balanced food choices for a healthy lifestyle, to complement the changes you have already made. You probably want to imagine that when you are slim you are also healthy and full of energy so you can really enjoy becoming the you that you always dreamed of - therefore what you eat is important. Like I said in the introduction this program is about letting you enjoy the responsibility and control of making the changes and decisions that will result in you losing weight and keeping it off forever. So there are no diets or meal plans, no one to tell you what you ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’ eat. At this point you will already have made huge changes to how you think about food, and the habits you had around food. You will already be finding yourself making healthier choices and loving food for what it is: just that- ‘food’ - not an emotional crutch, friend, diversion or hobby.

Here, we are moving forward to recognising food as a source of nutrition to make you feel and look great. There is no jargon or boring, long winded explanation about the chemical or biological composition of food just a common sense guide to balancing what you eat to gain maximum nutritional value from it. You will also learn how to deal with the cravings we all get from time to time!

The third and final part coaches you to integrate more activity into your life - supporting the healthy lifestyle you are already adopting. Everyone knows that keeping active is vital to good health. There are plenty of thin people out there who aren’t fit and you can usually tell just by looking at them - they don’t look good! The thin people that look good, feel good and have loads of energy are the ones who have exercise as part of their normal routine along with healthy eating habits. Here the program will guide you to keep active and make it a part of your routine, give you the motivation to get on with it and make it something you really enjoy doing.

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