Inside Out: NLP and Hypnosis for Weight Loss by Arfat220 - HTML preview

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How Inside-Out Weight Loss Works

To begin with it’s useful to understand why what you have done in the past to lose weight didn’t work, or didn’t work for long.

The universally accepted formula for losing weight is:

Energy in (i.e. calories from food and drink) < Energy out.

I am sure that if you have tried to lose weight before or have any idea about how your body works then you will agree with that formula. This is absolutely correct - I agree with it too! However, that would be the answer if we were working with laboratory rats, but if you are reading this I am quite sure that you are most likely human. Diets, meal plans and meal replacements follow this formula but also give rise to another (completely unscientific) equation of my own:

Purposely restricting energy in = irritability, misery, hunger and obsession with food.

Have you ever wondered why some humans struggle to control their weight yet you never see a wild animal that is overweight? The only animals that you will see that are overweight are the ones that have been over fed by the humans that feed them. The reason is that animals eat for one reason only - to live. They take in enough energy to balance with the energy they need to live. This is also true for human babies - you won’t remember consciously but when you were a baby you demanded food when you were hungry and stopped when your hunger was satisfied.

The problems start when we humans start to develop a ‘relationship’ with food. Food is no longer just about our instinct to survive, it starts to hold so many more meanings and purposes for us. In terms of what food means - it can be highly symbolic, for example in some cultures, being used as offerings to gods, in religious festivals, celebrations, to show wealth or generosity, to show love, friendship or compassion. Withholding food can be used to demonstrate power, to punish or show displeasure. It therefore follows that how we receive food will also carry meaning - what, how, when and how much we eat can be taken to show respect/disrespect, trust, love, conformity and obedience.

This ‘relationship’ starts to sound very complex and tricky to manage, but when you add in the psychological attachment and habitual dependence on food as well it seems like a nightmare!

Just like all the things you do often enough, your eating habits become ingrained in your unconscious mind. And like other unconscious behaviours they are very difficult to change consciously - just try to consciously ‘unlearn’ to ride a bike or tie your shoe laces!

Your complex behaviours around food need to be tackled at an unconscious level to have any lasting impact on your relationship with it.

So why would the diet industry treat us like animals and ignore our complex relationship with food as the most significant reason people become overweight?

Well, firstly, because the diet industry makes millions of pounds and dollars from people who are compulsive dieters who fail and come back time and time again to buy their products, and secondly because they don’t understand how our conscious and unconscious minds work together to form our eating behaviours.

Luckily, I do understand that what lies in your unconscious mind forms the basis of an unhelpful relationship with food. By tackling the issues at an unconscious level to complement what you do consciously, losing weight will become a natural, easy and rewarding process of change.

So you can stop wasting your time and money on diets that make you feel miserable, remove any enjoyment from food and leave you feeling hungry. You can embark on a process of almost effortless change that will mean you rapidly reach your ideal weight and start living a healthy lifestyle.

Inside-Out Weight Loss works by firstly giving you the tools that allow you to become aware of your eating habits. You will be able to identify compulsive eating patterns and habitual behaviour and become more in control of why you eat. You will distinguish between emotional and physical hunger and break the unconscious connection that drives you to over-eat. You will further change your relationship with food by ‘re-programming’ your eating habits and reaching a comfortable level of control. This level    of awareness and control is achieved through a combination of conscious and unconscious change. Consciously you will use some simple techniques and tools to learn new ways of relating to food. By listening to the recordings regularly you will make significant changes at an unconscious level - without even realising it.

I am guessing that the way you currently relate to food and the part it plays in your life is something quite central to you and your lifestyle. Most overweight people have an overwhelming connection to food that features prominently in their waking hours. Changing that will obviously mean changes to lifestyle, thoughts, feelings, relationships with others and daily routines. It is therefore really important that how you approach your weight loss transformation complements and supports your future outcomes. To ‘make it last’ you will gain techniques to create the lifestyle you want and deal with the challenges on the way.

Each part of the book gives you ‘Actions’ to complete, there are 16 in total. Read the Actions through first a couple of times as some of them require you to have your eyes closed so it’s best to be clear on what you are doing first. Carrying out all of the Actions will result in you changing your relationship with food forever and reaching your ideal weight, so be sure to do them all and listen to the recordings when you are directed to do so.

It’s great that you have decided that now is the time to finally lose the weight you want to and gain the healthy, slim enjoyable lifestyle you always thought out of your reach. By adopting the Inside-Out Weight Loss approach you WILL succeed. You can take as much time as you need to go through the exercises and listen to the recordings. Some people complete the book and actions in just a few weeks, and you will start noticing changes from week one.

Case Study

Farquhar, a project manager in the construction industry struggled with his weight for many years and despite joining weight loss clubs and dieting still couldn’t lose the weight that was beginning to seriously affect his health. This is what he says: “The Inside-Out Weight Loss program has changed my whole outlook on and attitude towards food. I no longer feel the need to eat to a schedule or eat all the food on my plate. I am quite happy eating smaller portions and eating only when I am hungry. The program has given me a more positive mental attitude and I feel a lot more confident about myself, my body and the way I look.

I find that listening to the audio recordings last thing at night is extremely relaxing and helps me get a full nights restful sleep, but listening to the recording in the morning, before I go to work, I feel invigorated and confident for the rest of the day.

Over a four week period, which covered 2 weeks family holiday, summer barbecues and a week of extended working hours I was able to lose 8lbs with very little effort on my behalf.

The program is simple to follow and the techniques are easy to apply during your day. I felt the benefits within the first few days and am now showing the benefits after just a few weeks.

For me the program works not only for weight loss but for an overall improvement of personal attitude and confidence”.