Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 25

Spaceship Atlantis, earth orbit, 6 and 7 BC

Enki, his wife Ninki, Galzu, Gabriel, Michael and Raphael - the last three being leaders of the legions of enki – were gathered in a great white chamber. Galzu had arrived on earth some months earlier, directly from the Confederation, where he represented Nibiru.

It was many years since Enki and Galzu had seen each other. on the last occasion, Galzu had told Enki to save Noah and his family from the rains which flooded the whole world, a disaster caused by the proximity of Nibiru, which made the nucleus of the earth shift and spin around its own axis. The earth’s poles had been inverted, which had caused the melting of the icecaps and consequently the flooding of the world. Galzu had come to Enki to transmit the orders of the Intergalactic Confederation, which were to teach a family of the just to build a huge vessel to save themselves from the flood, together with thousands of species of animals and plants. At that time, Enlil was determined to let mankind perish, however for the first time the Confederation intervened, saving Noah and his family so that they should continue the human race on planet earth. Noah 215


was chosen for being one of the earthborn sons of enki. enlil was enraged when he heard of the Confederation’s plans, since it was his intention to destroy mankind which, in his view, should never have been created.

Enki, who was sitting at the end of a large table made of crystal, spoke calmly and serenely to his people:

‘We are meeting here today at a time that is all important for us: time to put into practice our long-term plans. As you know, I have created a clone of myself, with some alterations and improve-ments, which will enable me to be reborn on earth. I have taken the liberty of inviting Galzu to follow closely what we are doing and to witness our efforts to save mankind from itself and from my brother’s influence. Tonight we shall implant the embryo in the womb of Mary, who is duly prepared to receive it. When the child that is born reaches the age of twelve earth years, we will transfer my consciousness from my body to his. We are gathered her so that each one of you may know what part he has to play in this mission: Galzu and Ninki will be in charge, during my absence. Gabriel, you and your soldiers will go down to earth as men to protect my body from any harm that by chance may come to it. Michael, you and your soldiers will go on watching Enlilś troops, and try to undo any evil they may do’.

‘Lord Enki, on earth I will be always at your side. But I have a question: what if the transfer of consciousness goes wrong? What shall we do?’ asked Gabriel.

‘I have made great progress with the tests, and after a number of adjustments no errors have occurred. There were problems when the DNA of one of the bodies was different from the other’s. In this 216


case the DNA is practically identical. There is a minimal possibility of something going wrong with the transfer. But in any case, if there is a flaw, I will remain in this body and we will instruct the clone on earth to go ahead with the plan. It will be more difficult, as we will have to teach him many things, but I think that one way or another our mission will be a success,’ replied Enki.

‘Enki, as you know, the Confederation supports the plan and I am here at your invitation to help in any way I can,’ said Galzu.

‘Galzu, I thank you for your support and the Confederation’s.’

‘Enki, please be careful when you are on earth. As you well know, some humans are totally opposed to what you are doing, not to mention those humans who are under the influence of your brother’s soldiers. Please, I say again, be very careful with what you are going to do,’ said Ninki anxiously.

‘My lady, be comforted, I will protect our lord Enki, he will not be alone,’ Gabriel assured her.

‘Knowing this, Gabriel, I am more at ease. I am counting on you,’

replied Ninki.

‘Gabriel, go down to earth. Soon it will be dark. Bring Mary to the ship and we will carry out the fertilization process. Be careful not to be seen. It’s better you go now, while Mary’s region is still in sunlight,’ Enki commanded Gabriel.

‘Yes, Lord. I will be back in a few hours.’

Gabriel went out through a very tall, round door at the back of the white chamber. Outside two of his men were waiting. The three of them went to where Gabriel’s ship was waiting, a smaller ship than Enki’s, then took off and went down to earth. When they landed it was still light and so they chose a deserted area near Mary’s house.



They waited in the ship for the sun to set and for all the village to be sleeping. humans often saw Anunnaki ships and whenever this happened they got excited, thinking it meant some divine intervention. For this reason, the gods and their soldiers had been concealing themselves more in recent times. soon the villagers went indoors and the lights in the houses were put out. Gabriel waited a little longer and then took his ship near to the window of Mary’s room. The brightness could be seen through the window. Moments later Mary’s body began to float, passed through the window and into Gabriel’s ship. Hardly had the light gone out when the ship disappeared, leaving a great trail of sand and dry leaves in the air, which slowly drifted back down to the ground. As the ship broke the sound barrier a thunderclap was heard throughout the village and men ran out of their houses with burning torches, just in time to see the trail of sand and leaves left by the ship. ‘An angel has appeared to Mary,’ was their conclusion.

In a few minutes Gabriel’s ship was moored beside the mother ship, which Anu had given to Enki on the latter’s last visit to Nibiru.

Before Mary was transported to the mother ship they made her inhale a gas which put her into a deeper sleep. in this way they would not risk waking her and frightening her with what she would see. Mary was placed in a bed made of shining crystal and taken into Enki’s laboratory, where they all were waiting for her. Enki picked up from the surgical table an instrument with a shining tip of crystal. Ninki and Michael parted Mary’s legs and raised her clothing. Ninki used a rectangular instrument to clean her and to eliminate any bacteria which might contaminate the embryo or Mary’s uterus. After this sterilization, Enki inserted the crystal-218


tipped instrument into Mary’s vaginal channel. on a screen they could see the path the instrument followed to reach Mary’s uterus.

When the procedure was finished Enki withdrew the instrument from the virgin, sterilized the area again and dressed her.

‘Wait several hours and leave her to rest. Then take her back.

Return to earth in a few weeks to test her blood and confirm the pregnancy. once it is confirmed, Gabriel will give Mary the news.

If you need me I shall be in my quarters,’ said Enki, removing the silvered tunic he was wearing and leaving the laboratory.

Several hours passed and Mary was still unconscious. Gabriel had stayed by her side the whole time in case something should happen. He picked up an instrument the size of his palm, which was beside the crystal bed, and passed it over Mary’s belly. At once a three-dimensional colored image appeared above Gabriel’s hand, showing the inside of the woman’s uterus; a magnification of the image showed the embryo in place and intact. it seemed that all was well with Mary. Gabriel called his two soldiers, and they took her back to her house before the sun’s rays began to shine on the village. In a few minutes Gabriel’s ship was hovering over the virgin’s house; and a few seconds later a shaft of light carried Mary’s unconscious body back to her bed. Seeing that all was well with her, Gabriel gave orders for them to leave the place.

Three weeks passed on earth. one rainy early morning, Gabriel returned to Mary’s house. While she was asleep, a light shone through the closed window, in the house made of bricks of clay, passing through the walls and shining on Mary’s body, waking her 219


up. Mary was frightened, thinking she was having some sort of a dream. When she realized it wasn’t a dream she was paralyzed with fear. The light shining on her got weaker and disappeared. Mary got up and went to the door, opened it quickly and rushed out of the house into the torrential rain. looking at the window of her room, she saw a sort of stream of water. It was as if the rain water had made in the air a pathway to the sky. ‘My God, an angel? Thank you, God, for sending a guardian to protect me until my husband returns home,’ thought Mary, watching the trail of water slowly disappear. She went back into the house, dried herself, changed into dry clothes and went back to bed. she couldn’t get to sleep again and tossed and turned in bed until the sun rose. she couldn’t get the incident with an angel of God out of her head.

Back in the mother ship, Gabriel went at once to report to Enki.

he passed through the ship’s corridors like a hurricane until he reached the control room where his master was.

‘Lord Enki, good news. Mary is pregnant and Jesus will be born,’

said Gabriel to Enki as he entered the room.

‘Excellent, Gabriel. Thank you for that wonderful news. When night comes take the news to Mary. Tell her that her son’s name shall be “Savior”, which in her language is Yeshua,’ answered Enki, smiling.

‘So be it, Lord. I will leave shortly,’ said Gabriel.

Gabriel went down to earth once more. He landed in the desert and flew towards Mary’s house, using the equipment attached to his back. ‘The time has come to give her the great news,’ he thought.

The angel landed behind some trees and saw Mary in the distance, heading towards the well with a large wooden bucket on her head.



Gabriel went up to her as she was trying to pull up the bucket, now full of water and heavy.

‘Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with you, blessed are you among women!’ said Gabriel, from behind a large tree.

Mary let the bucket fall as she turned to try and see where the voice was coming from. she was very scared because no one was there, although she had clearly heard the words. Mary began to shiver with fright and set off at a run towards her house. Gabriel, watching her, flew towards her, and landed when he was near the house. He preferred to wait a little until Mary had got over her fright.

Some minutes later he could see her sitting at the door, knitting. He walked up to her and said:

‘Don’t be afraid, Mary. I bring you a message from our Lord.’

Gabriel saw Mary lift her head and look at him. ‘You will conceive and give birth to the son of God.’

The Anunnaki soldier saw the look of perplexity on Mary’s face.

she asked him:

‘Am I to conceive a son of almighty God and give birth, like other women?’

‘It will not be thus, Mary. You will be with child with the son of God without the need to conceive through carnal knowledge of a man. You will remain untouched. The son of God will be born of you and you will call him Jesus, for he shall be the savior of his people.’

‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it unto me according to your word.’

Gabriel rose up to the sky, while Mary slowly lifted her head. He quickly disappeared into the horizon against the setting sun.



once back on the ship, the angel took off his flying suit and gave orders to one of his soldiers.

‘Daniel, stay here on earth, mingle with the earthlings and protect Mary until the day she gives birth. Take your weapon and hide it.

Tell me at once if anything untoward happens. You will be Mary’s guardian and our eyes here on earth.’

Gabriel gave Daniel some men’s clothing.

‘Gabriel, I will protect her with my own life. I will keep you informed about everything. until we meet again,’ said Daniel, as he finished dressing and headed out of the ship.

Seconds later the doorway of the ship closed and it took off. Daniel set off towards Mary’s village. When he got there it was dark and the people were in their houses. What distinguished angels from men was their clothing, the color of their skin and their hair, which was a little lighter in the case of the angels, and their equipment.

Daniel had totally white hair down to his shoulders. He was tall and strong. in spite of his white locks he looked little more than thirty earth years old. He had walked several miles to get to the village, since no one could know that he was a soldier of Enki’s legion or, as the humans called them, “messenger of God” or “angel”. Daniel was thirsty and hungry. he knocked on the door of the house next to Mary’s.

‘Good evening, sir,’ Daniel said to the man who answered the door. ‘I wonder if you could give me a little bread and water? I have come from far, I have no money and I am very hungry.’

‘Get out of here, beggar. I don’t want people dying of hunger in front of my house. Get going before I have you arrested for disturbing the peace.’



‘Forgive me sir, if I pestered you. But anyway I thank you. Be with God,’ replied Daniel, lowering his eyes in front of the angry man, and he went away.

Daniel knocked at the door of five houses, and all of them sent him away. At the sixth house, the most humble of all, a blind woman answered the door.

‘Yes?’ said the woman.

‘My lady, forgive me for bothering you at this hour, but I have made a long journey, I have no money and I am very hungry. If you could give me a little water and a piece of bread, I will pay you back double as soon as i can.’

‘My good man, please, come into my humble abode, it’s a pleasure to have you. You can have some of the best wine and bread that i have, and I don’t want payment in double. I will do for you what you would do for me.’ The woman left Daniel surprised and speechless.

‘Sit down, please, relax and feel at home.’

‘You aren’t afraid of taking a stranger into your house, and a man at that?’

‘Why should I be afraid? If you were going to do me harm you wouldn’t have knocked at the door, you’d have come in without knocking.’

‘A good point.’

‘You have a different accent. What part of the country are you from?’

asked the woman as she was putting out bread and wine for Daniel.

‘I am from very far away, practically from the other side of the world. Tell me, lady, how did you lose your sight?’

‘Roman soldiers put out my eyes with a dagger, as I had no money to pay them their taxes. i have been blind for more than ten years.

They also took my husband’s life, a year after they blinded me.’



‘But that’s terrible! How could they do such an atrocious thing?’

‘My son, man is the cruelest animal of all; his capacity for evil is almost infinite.’

Daniel and the woman went on talking for many hours. In a short time, she told Daniel all about the customs of the village, and about the people he could trust and those he couldn’t. she told him where he could find work to support himself.

‘Lady, I won’t take up any more of your time. I’m going to look for a place to shelter until dawn comes and i can go looking for work to support myself.’

‘My son, you can stay here in my house. It’s small and humble, but there’s always room for one more son of God. I brought up my five children in this house and now I am alone, I can look after one more.’

‘Lady, I am grateful and moved by your offer, but I won’t abuse your kindness. Know that the Lord God has kept a place for you in his kingdom. This world needs more people like you.’

‘Very well, thank you for your words. Remember that the door of my house is always open to you.’

‘Thank you, lady. May I touch you eyes and make a prayer for God to heal you?’

‘Heal me? only if it was a miracle. But go ahead, any prayer is welcome.’

‘Do you believe, do you have faith that the power of God will heal you?’

‘Of course i do.’

‘Lady, know that we all have the power of healing. It is enough to search for that power within ourselves.’ Daniel placed his right hand over the woman’s eyes.



‘Keep your eyes shut and only open them when you hear the door close.’

Then the angel took his hand off the woman’s eyes and went out of the door.

The woman, her eyes still shut, said:

‘Wait, you didn’t tell me your name.’

But she spoke in vain, as the man had already left. The woman’s eyes began to itch and when she opened them, she could see, for the first time in ten years. Her sight was still cloudy but she was no longer blind. She fell on her knees in tears and gave thanks to God.

‘I thank you, God, for the Lord sent an angel to heal me. I will speak of this miracle in your name as long as I live. Thank you, Lord,’ the woman said over and over again through her tears.

Minutes later the woman ran out of her house and began shouting in the middle of the road. People gathered around her while she told what had happened. ‘A miracle!’ they all declared. They all knew that her eyes had been destroyed. Now her eyes were healed and she could see again.

on the following day, Daniel found work near Mary’s house. This way he could keep an eye on her and protect her. his identity was safe, as no one had seen his face and he was on the other side of the village from where the old lady lived. Nevertheless the news that the blind woman had recovered her sight spread all over the region.

Daniel ought not to have performed the cure without first asking permission from his commander Gabriel. on the other hand, he knew he couldn’t have left the woman, who was the only one to help him, in such a state. Even though she was amongst the poorest 225


in the village, she had shared the little she had with him. She was likely to go hungry in the future, but she couldn’t let her guest be without food. she truly deserved to get her sight back.

Many months passed. Mary stayed at her cousin Elizabeth’s house and returned home when Joseph arrived back from his travels. some time later the baby was due to be born. Daniel went with the family to Bethlehem for the census. The angel saw what happened on the way there when Mary felt the first contractions, and at once told Gabriel. Gabriel lost no time in stationing his ship a little distance above the cave where Mary would give birth to Jesus. This time he took no precautions to avoid anyone seeing the lights of the ship; on the contrary he sent out a great ray of light to observe and protect the place. He sent a probe, which shone light in all directions, to the cave. Gabriel had control of the probe and he used it to sterilize the whole area where the baby would be born, as an infection could harm the boy Jesus who was to save the world. When Mary gave birth the probe hovered over her, and the crying of the newly-born baby could be heard. The probe sent out its rays one more time and then went dark, but stayed over the baby’s head. The probe sent information in real time to Gabriel and to Enki, who was watching the birth with his family. The boy Jesus, Enki’s clone, had been born, and soon would receive the consciousness of the Anunnaki god. enki would use this young body to try to save all mankind.

The first step had been taken. Now it was up to Enki’s soldiers to protect the child until it grew up. As for Jesus, he would only fulfill his mission on earth centuries later, at his second coming.