Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 26

Galzu’s Spaceship, the present

‘David, as you can see, the one that humans know today as Jesus is Enki himself, the son of Anu. You, therefore, are an exact copy of Jesus as well as the new body of Enki,’ Galzu explained to David, switching off the crystal that was projecting images of the time when Enki decided to go down to earth in a new body, of how he came to be born to the woman who carried this new body in her womb, and of the birth itself of the clone called Jesus.

‘Galzu, I’m scared. As far as I understand it, Enki will take my body, or rather, he will transfer his consciousness to my body, and so I will no longer exist,’ answered David, dumbfounded at what Galzu had shown him.

‘No, David, I told you before, Jesus will return to govern the earth together with you. Your mission is to prepare for his return. it won’t be necessary for him to transfer his consciousness to your body, since his body is still very young.

Otherwise the transfer would have been made when you were about twelve.’



‘Now I get it! That makes me more comfortable with all this. But to get back to the point: you mean to say that Jesus in reality is Enki, in other words an alien. It’s very hard to believe that. Added to which the fact that i’m a clone of Jesus … it’s all very surreal.’

‘I appreciate how you feel. You are like most humans, with ancient beliefs rooted in you, which were taught to you as a child, and it’s hard to get past that. Your subconscious accepted these beliefs as absolute truths. What we learn in childhood is very hard to forget.

But little by little your brain will begin to accept new concepts which it is only now constructing.’

‘I know that everything you’re telling me is true, but part of me doesn’t want to believe it. i certainly would find it very hard to believe if you hadn’t shown me those images. And the fact that we traveled in time, and I saw all those things, proves to me that really the concepts and beliefs which exist in our planet today are totally mistaken.’

‘I wouldn’t say mistaken, just archaic. Humans latch on to very ancient concepts and beliefs. The existing records should have been updated. The truth is all there, in the ancient documents, even in the bible. And yet humans insist on a supernatural interpretation of those documents, even though they can easily be explained by modern day science or even by ufological research which many scientists and even governments have carried out. And it’s because of this failure to update the records that more and more people are becoming atheists. It’s hard, with the scientific knowledge that you have, far less advanced though it may be than what other peoples of the universe possess, to believe in the supernatural, things like angels with wings and special powers. The way these beings called 228


angels are represented – as messengers from the gods, with wings

– was invented by the sumerians: they carved them that way in their sculptures because they always saw them flying, and in their heads anything that flew had wings. What we actually had was a propulsion unit strapped to our backs which enabled us to fly. That propulsion unit does in fact have wings, to give it stability in flight, but the wings are of metal not of feathers. Today if humans see someone flying they will notice that there is a machine on their back that allows them to fly. But thousands of years ago, people didn’t have any notion of such technology, and so they interpreted it as supernatural. And as the stories and teachings were passed from father to son over the centuries, even today people still believe what was believed in the days of old. What’s more, the Catholic Church concealed and destroyed many documents which prove that the gods and angels were beings from other planets. it isn’t in the Church’s interests for the truth to come out, otherwise people will start to think for themselves and put aside their faith. if that were to happen the Catholic Church and the new Christian churches would lose many of the faithful; and for them, “faithful” means money. of course there are many entirely serious churches, but this is the problem we have. This is unfortunate, because there are good people in the Catholic Church who truly do want to do good; but its leadership is controlled by the illuminati and therefore by satan. The Catholic Church has been largely responsible for the slow pace of human development, both in subjective terms and technologically. If it wasn’t for its influence, mankind would be much further evolved than it actually is. But it is in its interests for people to continue to be alienated, so that they will go on giving it 229


money. When Jesus said “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” he meant that people should give Caesar money, for after all taxes are necessary, as long as they are used for good; and that to God they should give themselves. God doesn’t need money. of course the churches need contributions to grow and to spread the word of Jesus, but it’s an unfortunate fact that a good part of them are corrupted by money and divert much of what they receive to finance the luxurious life-style of their founders and leaders.’

‘It’s true, the Catholic Church has done many bad things, all you have to do is remember the so-called “Holy” Inquisition, which killed and tortured millions of people. But to get back to powers.

What Daniel did for that blind lady, isn’t that a power? And the scars of the other woman which were healed when she touched Jesus’ body?’

‘That power isn’t supernatural. it is inside each of us. even humans can use it. You’ve seen cases where a person has some very serious illness and has such faith in being cured that they end up really being cured, haven’t you? That is nothing more than the brain making the body liberate certain chemical neurotransmitters which can help it heal itself. This is in human DNA. It was passed on to men when we created them. In most people this gene is dormant, but with will-power it can be activated. Our bodies are made of pure energy and so we can transfer our energy to other beings. Daniel transferred his energy to that woman – that’s all. his energy made her brain liberate certain neurotransmitters which, in turn, made her cells regenerate themselves. so she was healed almost instantaneously. Jesus cured people the same way, except that he had much 230


more power, for Enki controlled his own DNA almost totally, and he could modify and improve it so that the energy in Jesus’ body was stronger. it’s the same power that you possess and that you will start using shortly.’

‘I understand… that’s good to know. But what I still don’t understand is why i must prepare for Jesus’ return. And why should i need to use these healing powers?’

‘When Jesus was on earth he said that many false prophets would appear before his return. Jesus will arrive in a spaceship, escorted by various other ones, and so people may think that he isn’t Jesus at all, but Satan trying to deceive everyone. What’s more, some countries may try attacking these ships and Jesus may be seen as a false prophet. That’s why you will have to prepare people for his return. You will use your healing powers so that people will believe in you. The same was true for Jesus many centuries ago. if he hadn’t healed anyone, do you think that people would still be following his teachings today?’

‘i guess not.’

‘Well then, the same thing is going to happen today. If you turn up and start saying you’re a clone of Jesus and that your mission is to prepare mankind for his return, everyone’s going to laugh at you and treat you as a lunatic, that’s if they don’t lock you up first.’

‘You’re right, people will only believe in my word if something

“supernatural” happens. But you’ll have to teach me to use these powers.’

‘That won’t be necessary, my dear boy. When the time comes, when you feel that a certain person really deserves healing, you will do it automatically.’



‘But going back to what we were saying before: as far as I could understand what you said about humans, they truly need to believe in some superior being. They need to have something to grasp on to when things are difficult. To ask for help when they need it. I can see it’s difficult for them to take control of their own lives without something to hold on to.’

‘Exactly right, David. Humans are very needy and they have to find a force that’s stronger than themselves to believe in. This need is fed by the stories told to them over the years and, of course, by the brainwashing received at the hands of the Catholic Church for centuries. There are times when this neediness can help slow down their evolution. That’s why you were created: with the purpose of bringing at least part of the truth to men and to make them take another evolutionary step. let’s go back to the bad part of all this. i have more to tell you about Enlil, or should I say Satan, and about when he will return. David, be very careful when you go home. We have some soldiers watching over you from afar, but Satan will do all he can to destroy you. The good news is that you are immortal up to a point. But if your body is destroyed by an explosion or something similar, it will be impossible to reconstruct it. That’s why they tried to kill you in the attacks of 9/11, that disaster that cost the lives of thousands of innocent people, including your adoptive father and the mother who bore you.’

‘What? You’re saying that the 9/11 attacks were because of me?’

‘Not just because of you, but also. The Illuminati, the eyes of Enlil on earth, are the most powerful men on the planet. Two of them are hybrids, that is a cross between an Anunnaki and a human. That means they can live for about five hundred years. These men are the 232


owners of international banks, the arms industry and oil. They are the richest in the world, but their wealth is hidden in fake companies and they don’t figure in the lists of the greatest fortunes. These lists show, for example, that now the richest man on earth is Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. But Bill Gates doesn’t have even a third of the fortune of one of these illuminati. imagine if we added together the wealth of the thirteen leaders of the Illuminati, the eyes of Enlil on earth. The sect controls governments, companies, it makes wars, it kills presidents. It engineered 9/11 because it knew that the uS

would go to war with those probably responsible. The illuminati would sell more weapons and after taking over certain territories, would have much more oil. so they contrived a way for a company with offices in the WTC to hire your parents and to create an area for children so that they would take their son to work. That’s all it took to put you in a situation that could have caused your death.

The first plane should have hit your floor. Luckily the terrorist pilot was inexperienced, or you would have died. Actually you did die, but you came back to life shortly afterwards.’

‘To this day i don’t know how i got out of that building. i have nightmares about it and I just remember my mother, all covered in blood.’

‘We know that a friend of your mother’s, who was escaping, saw you on the ground. she picked you up and started down the stairs with you. Just then two of our soldiers were going up to try to save you, and they ran into the friend. They took you, locked themselves in an office on one of the floors and tele-transported you to the road behind the buildings, because it was near where one of our ships was, otherwise the tele-transportation would not have been 233


possible. Tragically your mother’s friend also died in the attack, so if my soldiers hadn’t been going up to find you, and met her, you too would be dead.’

‘My God, I just don’t believe those people could do such a thing.

How did they have the courage, Galzu?’

‘Calm down, David. You don’t yet know the half of what they have done. Who do you think engineered the two great World Wars? Who do you think Hitler was? There are still many, many things which i will gradually reveal to you. One thing you have to know is this: Satan will return to this world precisely on the 21st of December 2012. We still don’t know how it will happen. The last person who tried to find out, a president of the united States, was killed when he attempted to get access to the information.’

‘The government is involved in this?’

‘Yes. In fact there is a government within the government, controlled by the illuminati. They are the only ones who know how Satan will come back. We’ve tried to infiltrate agents into this inside government, but we never had any luck. But we know that Enlil’s return is inevitable. if it isn’t in 2012 it will be some other time. i think it could actually be a good thing for him to come back, that way we can finish this thing once and for all.’

‘A war against Satan?’

‘Yes. The war that men call Armageddon. And it can’t be avoided.’

‘Galzu, I hardly know what to say. I hope this era of instability ends one day. Wait a minute: that date, 21st December 2012, isn’t it the last day of the Mayan calendar?’

‘Yes, and it’s no coincidence. In fact the date was established by the olmecs, the first Mesoamerican civilization which spawned the 234


Mayas, the Aztecs and the Incas. The founder of that civilization was none other than Ningishzidda, son of Enki. It was Ningishzidda who helped discover the calculations that enlilś sons worked out to get him back from exile. As a way of alerting his people about what would happen in the future, since he was returning to Nibiru, he stipulated that the last day of the calendar should be on that date. In fact, Ningishzidda explained to the olmecs that, starting on that date, the world would go through a major transformation, which is true. There will be a long period of tribulation and wars and, once that is over, the humans who lived a good life will be taken to Nibiru. The earth will suffer catastrophic damage due to the approximation of Nibiru to the planet, but that will only happen later. After the catastrophes are over, the humans who have been saved will be brought back to earth and you, at the side of Jesus, will lead the human race and bring it to a new stage of evolution.

Now i must take you to your planet. i will be in touch again shortly.

Go to the united States and begin your mission from there. Wear this ring on your finger: when you sense that you are in danger, press the green stone on the ring. It will also serve as your identification by people belonging to our order, to assure them you are not an impostor. We have also put a tracker in you, so we can locate you in any corner of the Milky Way. Goodbye, my dear David, good luck and may the force be with you.’

Galzu gave David a gold ring with a disk inscribed in the middle of it, and wings on the disk. In the centre was a design of a sort of tree with two serpents entwined in it, reminiscent of the DNA double helix. At the top of the tree was a small green stone.

‘Thank you, Galzu,’ said David, embracing the Anunnaki tightly.



Galzu’s ship began to move and in a few seconds he and David were at the farm. A violet light shone out of the ship to the earth and David slowly descended from the ship to the ground. When he felt his feet touch the grass he looked up, and the ship had already vanished. David sat on the ground, put his head on his knees, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he lifted his head and opened his eyes it was nighttime, and he began to think: ‘My God, how I wish it was just a dream!’ Now he carried a great responsibility. The weight on his shoulders was immense. The burden was heavy. ‘I just hope I can do it!’