Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 31

Monaco, 27th December 2008

The banker Benjamin uggae was in one of his mansions, in Monaco, when he saw on the television the news of the boy who had performed a miracle. He jumped up out of his chair, unable to believe his eyes. Benjamin was quite old now and his heart began to beat quicker and he felt pins and needles in his arm. ‘oh, no! Not a heart attack just now!’ he thought, trying to calm himself down and fumbling in the drawer of his desk for his pills. he took two of them, sat down slowly in the armchair and little by little felt himself getting better. After a few minutes he was back to normal and he picked up the phone and dialed an overseas number.

‘Arnold, are you watching the news?’

‘No, Mr. uggae, I’m out of the house.’

‘The bloody boy’s turned up. he’s there in the states and healing people to get himself noticed.’

‘so it’s true then. The boy is really a clone of Jesus!’

‘Did you doubt it? How else do you think he survived the attacks?’

‘And now, what are we going to do?’



‘Keep on his tail. He’s sure to have bodyguards, as well as Galzu’s soldiers who will be watching from a distance. Be careful.’

‘What city’s he in, sir?’

‘He’s in New York. Go there at once. That damned boy is going to upset all our plans.’

‘Yes, sir, I’ll be in touch the moment I have any news.’

Benjamin uggae was beside himself. If David upset his plans he could be severely punished. After all his father had left him in charge of readying everything for enlil’s return and domination of earth.

There was no doubt David was a powerful weapon that threatened his family’s plans. ‘if that boy’s not stopped he can ruin everything.

But, now I come to think of it, I can use this against Enki, against Jesus. Jesus himself said that many false prophets would arise in his name. All i have to do is to make those stupid humans believe he is a false prophet. i must think of a way to do that… i’ve got it!’

Benjamin picked up the phone and called a number with the Vatican area code.

‘This is Benjamin uggae. I’d like to speak to Cardinal Felix.’

The assistant transferred the call to the cardinal’s office, and he answered on the first ring. Few people had that number, and if someone was calling him it was sure to be a person of importance to the Catholic Church.

‘Hello, Cardinal Felix speaking.’ The cardinal spoke Italian with a German accent.

‘Cardinal, this is Benjamin uggae.’

‘Mr. uggae, to what do I owe the honor of this call?’

‘Have you by any chance seen the news recently?’



‘I do not watch television, but I was informed about what happened. i was expecting you to call.’

‘And you’re not worried?’

‘We have already sent a detective to investigate the girl who was healed. I think we’re dealing with a charlatan, a trick of some sort.’

‘I don’t think so. But I’m calling to ask you to do something about it. My idea is that you should make the Pope go public with a statement that this is a false prophet, like all the other ones. Do everything you can to avoid the Church recognizing this miracle or any others he may perform. Don’t spare any effort to cover up everything the boy does.’

‘Mr. uggae, there is just two of us cardinals, I don’t think we have so much influence over the Pope. We can advise him, but the final decision is his. We will do everything in our power. And behind the scenes we will do what we can to discredit this inferior miracle-worker, that is if he does turn up again.’

‘Cardinal Felix, I don’t think I made myself completely clear. You must achieve the impossible to discredit this boy. Make the Pope support you, or His Holiness will end up like Albino Luciani, who refused to obey the illuminati’s orders. i’ll be watching the Church’s moves closely, and I hope you won’t disappoint me. You know what happens when someone disappoints me, don’t you?’

The cardinal broke out in a cold sweat and began to stammer:

‘Mr. uggae, p-please, understand m-my position. I’m prepared to give my life for the order, but I can’t do what’s beyond my power, at least not officially. I’ll do everything I can. unofficially, of course.’

‘Very good. I have a trip to Japan planned. I leave tomorrow and I’ll be back in two weeks. When I get back I’ll call you again to find 271


out what you’ve done. if necessary we’ll get rid of this Pope and put you in his place.’

‘I understand very well, sir. I’ll start at once. Goodbye.’

Cardinal Felix and Cardinal everaldo were two members of the Illuminati who had been infiltrated into the Catholic Church. In fact the illuminati had its members in nearly all the world’s important institutions. Many of them had been Popes and it would not take much for uggae to eliminate the current head of the Church and have one of the Cardinals of his order replace him. his method was intimidation. To make sure his orders were obeyed, all he had to do was to send a message to the other cardinals, saying that a new Pope should be elected, and then kill a member of each cardinal’s family.

Benjamin uggae was responsible for the death of Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I, who was in power for only one month. Albino refused to take orders from Benjamin uggae, and so it didn’t take long for him to be killed. However the Catholic Church’s influence had been waning as the years went by, and it had been a long time since uggae had asked for anything from the Church, until now.

With the Church’s help in discrediting David’s “miracles”, uggae still had a chance until it was time for enlil’s release. And that time was very near.